#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: mkaay <mkaay@mkaay.de> """ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import re from time import sleep from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree, move from shutil import Error as FileError import os from os.path import join, abspath, basename, dirname, exists from os import remove, makedirs EXITMAP = { 255: ("USER BREAK User stopped the process"), 9: ("CREATE ERROR", "Create file error"), 8: ("MEMORY ERROR", "Not enough memory for operation"), 7: ("USER ERROR", "Command line option error"), 6: ("OPEN ERROR", "Open file error"), 5: ("WRITE ERROR", "Write to disk error"), 4: ("LOCKED ARCHIVE", "Attempt to modify an archive previously locked by the 'k' command"), 3: ("CRC ERROR", "A CRC error occurred when unpacking"), 2: ("FATAL ERROR", "A fatal error occurred"), 1: ("WARNING", "Non fatal error(s) occurred"), 0: ("SUCCESS", "Successful operation (User exit)"), } class UnknownError(Exception): pass class NoFilesError(Exception): pass class WrongPasswordError(Exception): pass class CommandError(Exception): def __init__(self, ret=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): self.ret = ret self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr def __str__(self): return "%s %s %s" % (EXITMAP[self.ret], self.stdout, self.stderr) def __repr__(self): try: return "<CommandError %s (%s)>" % (EXITMAP[self.ret][0], EXITMAP[self.ret][1]) except: return "<CommandError>" def getExitCode(self): return self.ret def getMappedExitCode(self): return EXITMAP[self.ret] class Unrar(): def __init__(self, archive, tmpdir=None): """ archive should be be first or only part """ self.archive = archive self.pattern = None m = re.match("^(.*).part(\d+).rar$", archive) if m: self.pattern = "%s.part*.rar" % m.group(1) else: #old style self.pattern = "%s.r*" % archive.replace(".rar", "") if os.name == "nt": self.cmd = join(pypath, "UnRAR.exe") else: self.cmd = "unrar" self.encrypted = None self.headerEncrypted = None self.smallestFiles = None self.password = None if not tmpdir: self.tmpdir = mkdtemp() else: self.tmpdir = tmpdir +"_" + basename(archive).replace(".rar", "").replace(".","") def listContent(self, password=None): """ returns a list with all infos to the files in the archive dict keys: name, version, method, crc, attributes, time, date, ratio, size_packed, size @return list(dict, dict, ...) """ f = self.archive if self.pattern: f = self.pattern args = [self.cmd, "v"] if password: args.append("-p%s" % password) else: args.append("-p-") args.append(f) p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=-1) ret = p.wait() if ret == 3: self.headerEncrypted = True raise WrongPasswordError() elif ret in (0,1) and password: self.headerEncrypted = False o = p.stdout.read() inList = False infos = {} nameLine = False name = "" for line in o.splitlines(): if line == "-"*79: inList = not inList continue if inList: nameLine = not nameLine if nameLine: name = line if name[0] == "*": #check for pw indicator name = name[1:] self.encrypted = True name = name.strip() continue s = line.split(" ") s = [e for e in s if e] s.reverse() d = {} for k, v in zip(["version", "method", "crc", "attributes", "time", "date", "ratio", "size_packed", "size"], s[0:9]): d[k] = v #if d["crc"] == "00000000" and len(d["method"]) == 2: if re.search("d", d["attributes"].lower()): #directory continue d["name"] = name d["size_packed"] = int(d["size_packed"]) d["size"] = int(d["size"]) if infos.has_key(name): infos[name]["size_packed"] = infos[name]["size_packed"] + d["size_packed"] infos[name]["crc"].append(d["crc"]) else: infos[name] = d infos[name]["crc"] = [d["crc"]] infos = infos.values() return infos def listSimple(self, password=None): """ return a list with full path to all files @return list """ l = self.listContent(password=password) return [e["name"] for e in l] def getSmallestFile(self, password=None): """ return the file info for the smallest file @return dict """ files = self.listContent(password=password) smallest = (-1, -1) for i, f in enumerate(files): if f["size"] < smallest[1] or smallest[1] == -1: smallest = (i, f["size"]) if smallest[0] == -1: raise UnknownError() self.smallestFiles = files[smallest[0]] return files[smallest[0]] def needPassword(self): """ do we need a password? @return bool """ if not self.smallestFiles: try: self.getSmallestFile() except WrongPasswordError: return True return self.headerEncrypted or self.encrypted def checkPassword(self, password, statusFunction=None): """ check if password is okay @return bool """ if not self.needPassword(): return True f = self.archive if self.pattern: f = self.pattern args = [self.cmd, "t", "-p%s" % password, f] try: args.append(self.getSmallestFile(password)["name"]) except WrongPasswordError: return False p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=-1) (ret, out) = self.processOutput(p, statusFunction) if ret == 3: raise False elif ret in (0,1): return True else: raise UnknownError() def extract(self, password=None, fullPath=True, files=[], exclude=[], destination=None, overwrite=False, statusFunction=None): """ extract the archive @return bool: extract okay? raises WrongPasswordError or CommandError """ f = self.archive if self.pattern: f = self.pattern args = [self.cmd] if fullPath: args.append("x") else: args.append("e") if not password: password = "-" if overwrite: args.append("-o+") else: args.append("-o-") args.append("-p%s" % password) args.append(f) if files: args.extend([e for e in files]) if exclude: args.extend(["-x%s" % e for e in exclude]) if destination: args.append(destination) p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=-1) (ret, out) = self.processOutput(p, statusFunction) if ret == 3: raise WrongPasswordError() elif ret in (0,1): return True else: raise CommandError(ret=ret, stdout=out, stderr=p.stderr.read()) def crackPassword(self, passwords=[], fullPath=True, destination=None, overwrite=False, statusFunction=None, exclude=[]): """ check password list until the right one is found and extract the archive @return bool: password found? """ correctPassword = None if self.needPassword(): for password in passwords: sf = [] try: sf.append(self.getSmallestFile(password)["name"]) except WrongPasswordError: continue tdir = self.tmpdir if not exists(tdir): makedirs(tdir) try: self.extract(password=password, fullPath=fullPath, destination=tdir, overwrite=overwrite, statusFunction=statusFunction, files=sf) except WrongPasswordError: continue else: if not destination: destination = "." if overwrite: try: remove(abspath(join(destination, sf[0]))) except OSError, e: if not e.errno == 2: raise e f = sf[0] d = destination if fullPath: try: makedirs(dirname(join(abspath(destination), sf[0]))) except OSError, e: if not e.errno == 17: raise e d = join(destination, dirname(f)) else: f = basename(f) try: move(join(tdir, f), abspath(d)) except FileError: pass exclude.append(sf[0]) correctPassword = password break finally: rmtree(tdir) try: self.extract(password=correctPassword, fullPath=fullPath, destination=destination, overwrite=overwrite, statusFunction=statusFunction, exclude=exclude) self.password = correctPassword return True except WrongPasswordError: return False def processOutput(self, p, statusFunction=None): """ internal method parse the progress output of the rar/unrar command @return int: exitcode string: command output """ ret = None out = "" tmp = None count = 0 perc = 0 tperc = "0" last = None digits = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0".split(" ") if not statusFunction: statusFunction = lambda p: None statusFunction(0) while ret is None or tmp: tmp = p.stdout.read(1) if tmp: out += tmp if tmp == chr(8): if last == tmp: count += 1 tperc = "0" else: count = 0 if perc < int(tperc): perc = int(tperc) statusFunction(perc) elif count >= 3: if tmp in ("\r","\n","\r\n"): count = 0 elif tmp in digits: tperc += tmp last = tmp else: sleep(0.01) ret = p.poll() statusFunction(100) return ret, out def getPassword(self): """ return the correct password works only in conjunction with 'crackPassword' @return string: password """ return self.password if __name__ == "__main__": from pprint import pprint u = Unrar("archive.part1.rar", multi=True) u = Unrar("parchive.part1.rar", multi=True) pprint(u.listContent()) u = Unrar("pharchive.part1.rar", multi=True) pprint(u.listContent(password="test")) u = Unrar("bigarchive.rar") pprint(u.listContent()) print u.getSmallestFile() try: def s(p): print p print u.crackPassword(passwords=["test1", "ggfd", "423r", "test"], destination=".", statusFunction=s, overwrite=True) except CommandError, e: print e