# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re from glob import glob from os.path import join from string import digits from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from module.plugins.internal.AbstractExtractor import AbtractExtractor, WrongPassword, ArchiveError, CRCError from module.utils import safe_join, decode class UnRar(AbtractExtractor): __name__ = "UnRar" __version__ = "0.16" __description__ = """Rar extractor plugin""" __author_name__ = "RaNaN" __author_mail__ = "RaNaN@pyload.org" CMD = "unrar" # there are some more uncovered rar formats re_version = re.compile(r"(UNRAR 5[\.\d]+(.*?)freeware)") re_splitfile = re.compile(r"(.*)\.part(\d+)\.rar$", re.I) re_partfiles = re.compile(r".*\.(rar|r[0-9]+)", re.I) re_filelist = re.compile(r"(.+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+") re_filelist5 = re.compile(r"(.+)\s+(\d+)\s+\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+(.+)") re_wrongpwd = re.compile("(Corrupt file or wrong password|password incorrect)", re.I) @staticmethod def checkDeps(): if os.name == "nt": UnRar.CMD = join(pypath, "UnRAR.exe") p = Popen([UnRar.CMD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) p.communicate() else: try: p = Popen([UnRar.CMD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) p.communicate() except OSError: # fallback to rar UnRar.CMD = "rar" p = Popen([UnRar.CMD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) p.communicate() return True @staticmethod def getTargets(files_ids): result = [] for file, id in files_ids: if not file.endswith(".rar"): continue match = UnRar.re_splitfile.findall(file) if match: # only add first parts if int(match[0][1]) == 1: result.append((file, id)) else: result.append((file, id)) return result def init(self): self.passwordProtected = False self.headerProtected = False #: list files will not work without password self.smallestFile = None #: small file to test passwords self.password = "" #: save the correct password def checkArchive(self): p = self.call_unrar("l", "-v", self.file) out, err = p.communicate() if self.re_wrongpwd.search(err): self.passwordProtected = True self.headerProtected = True return True # output only used to check if passworded files are present if self.re_version.search(out): for attr, size, name in self.re_filelist5.findall(out): if attr.startswith("*"): self.passwordProtected = True return True else: for name, size, packed in self.re_filelist.findall(out): if name.startswith("*"): self.passwordProtected = True return True self.listContent() if not self.files: raise ArchiveError("Empty Archive") return False def checkPassword(self, password): # at this point we can only verify header protected files if self.headerProtected: p = self.call_unrar("l", "-v", self.file, password=password) out, err = p.communicate() if self.re_wrongpwd.search(err): return False return True def extract(self, progress, password=None): command = "x" if self.fullpath else "e" p = self.call_unrar(command, self.file, self.out, password=password) renice(p.pid, self.renice) progress(0) progressstring = "" while True: c = p.stdout.read(1) # quit loop on eof if not c: break # reading a percentage sign -> set progress and restart if c == '%': progress(int(progressstring)) progressstring = "" # not reading a digit -> therefore restart elif c not in digits: progressstring = "" # add digit to progressstring else: progressstring = progressstring + c progress(100) # retrieve stderr err = p.stderr.read() if "CRC failed" in err and not password and not self.passwordProtected: raise CRCError elif "CRC failed" in err: raise WrongPassword if err.strip(): #: raise error if anything is on stderr raise ArchiveError(err.strip()) if p.returncode: raise ArchiveError("Process terminated") if not self.files: self.password = password self.listContent() def getDeleteFiles(self): if ".part" in self.file: return glob(re.sub("(?<=\.part)([01]+)", "*", self.file, re.IGNORECASE)) # get files which matches .r* and filter unsuited files out parts = glob(re.sub(r"(?<=\.r)ar$", "*", self.file, re.IGNORECASE)) return filter(lambda x: self.re_partfiles.match(x), parts) def listContent(self): command = "vb" if self.fullpath else "lb" p = self.call_unrar(command, "-v", self.file, password=self.password) out, err = p.communicate() if "Cannot open" in err: raise ArchiveError("Cannot open file") if err.strip(): #: only log error at this point self.m.logError(err.strip()) result = set() for f in decode(out).splitlines(): f = f.strip() result.add(safe_join(self.out, f)) self.files = result def call_unrar(self, command, *xargs, **kwargs): args = [] # overwrite flag args.append("-o+") if self.overwrite else args.append("-o-") if self.excludefiles: for word in self.excludefiles.split(';'): args.append("-x%s" % word) # assume yes on all queries args.append("-y") # set a password if "password" in kwargs and kwargs['password']: args.append("-p%s" % kwargs['password']) else: args.append("-p-") # NOTE: return codes are not reliable, some kind of threading, cleanup whatever issue call = [self.CMD, command] + args + list(xargs) self.m.logDebug(" ".join(call)) p = Popen(call, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) return p def renice(pid, value): if os.name != "nt" and value: try: Popen(["renice", str(value), str(pid)], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=-1) except: print "Renice failed"