# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta from inspect import isclass from os.path import exists from time import time from urllib import unquote from urlparse import urljoin, urlparse from module.PyFile import statusMap as _statusMap from module.network.CookieJar import CookieJar from module.network.HTTPRequest import BadHeader from module.network.RequestFactory import getURL from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster from module.plugins.Plugin import Fail from module.utils import fixup, fs_encode, parseFileSize #@TODO: Adapt and move to PyFile in 0.4.10 statusMap = dict((v, k) for k, v in _statusMap.iteritems()) #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 and redirect to self.error instead def _error(self, reason, type): if not reason and not type: type = "unknown" msg = _("%s error") % type.strip().capitalize() if type else _("Error") msg += ": %s" % reason.strip() if reason else "" msg += _(" | Plugin may be out of date") raise Fail(msg) #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 def _wait(self, seconds, reconnect): if seconds: self.setWait(int(seconds) + 1) if reconnect is not None: self.wantReconnect = reconnect super(SimpleHoster, self).wait() def replace_patterns(string, ruleslist): for r in ruleslist: rf, rt = r string = re.sub(rf, rt, string) return string def set_cookies(cj, cookies): for cookie in cookies: if isinstance(cookie, tuple) and len(cookie) == 3: domain, name, value = cookie cj.setCookie(domain, name, value) def parseHtmlTagAttrValue(attr_name, tag): m = re.search(r"%s\s*=\s*([\"']?)((?<=\")[^\"]+|(?<=')[^']+|[^>\s\"'][^>\s]*)\1" % attr_name, tag, re.I) return m.group(2) if m else None def parseHtmlForm(attr_str, html, input_names={}): for form in re.finditer(r"(?P]*%s[^>]*>)(?P.*?)]*>" % attr_str, html, re.S | re.I): inputs = {} action = parseHtmlTagAttrValue("action", form.group('TAG')) for inputtag in re.finditer(r'(<(input|textarea)[^>]*>)([^<]*(?=file_name) (?Pfile_size) (?Psize_unit)' or NAME_PATTERN: (optional) Name that will be set for the file example: NAME_PATTERN = r'(?Pfile_name)' SIZE_PATTERN: (optional) Size that will be checked for the file example: SIZE_PATTERN = r'(?Pfile_size) (?Psize_unit)' HASHSUM_PATTERN: (optional) Hash code and type of the file example: HASHSUM_PATTERN = r'(?Phash_code) (?PMD5)' OFFLINE_PATTERN: (optional) Check if the page is unreachable example: OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'File (deleted|not found)' TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN: (optional) Check if the page is temporarily unreachable example: TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'Server (maintenance|maintainance)' Error handling patterns are all optional: WAIT_PATTERN: (optional) Detect waiting time example: WAIT_PATTERN = r'' PREMIUM_ONLY_PATTERN: (optional) Check if the file can be downloaded only with a premium account example: PREMIUM_ONLY_PATTERN = r'Premium account required' ERROR_PATTERN: (optional) Detect any error preventing download example: ERROR_PATTERN = r'' Instead overriding handleFree and handlePremium methods you can define the following patterns for direct download: LINK_FREE_PATTERN: (optional) group(1) should be the direct link for free download example: LINK_FREE_PATTERN = r'