# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from urlparse import urlparse from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter from module.plugins.Plugin import Fail from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import _error, _wait, parseFileInfo, replace_patterns, set_cookies from module.utils import fixup, html_unescape class SimpleCrypter(Crypter): __name__ = "SimpleCrypter" __type__ = "crypter" __version__ = "0.29" __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$' __config__ = [("use_subfolder", "bool", "Save package to subfolder", True), #: Overrides core.config['general']['folder_per_package'] ("subfolder_per_package", "bool", "Create a subfolder for each package", True)] __description__ = """Simple decrypter plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("stickell", "l.stickell@yahoo.it"), ("zoidberg", "zoidberg@mujmail.cz"), ("Walter Purcaro", "vuolter@gmail.com")] """ Following patterns should be defined by each crypter: LINK_PATTERN: group(1) must be a download link or a regex to catch more links example: LINK_PATTERN = r'<div class="link"><a href="(.+?)"' NAME_PATTERN: (optional) folder name or webpage title example: NAME_PATTERN = r'<title>Files of: (?P<N>[^<]+) folder</title>' OFFLINE_PATTERN: (optional) Checks if the file is yet available online example: OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'File (deleted|not found)' TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN: (optional) Checks if the file is temporarily offline example: TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'Server maintainance' You can override the getLinks method if you need a more sophisticated way to extract the links. If the links are splitted on multiple pages you can define the PAGES_PATTERN regex: PAGES_PATTERN: (optional) group(1) should be the number of overall pages containing the links example: PAGES_PATTERN = r'Pages: (\d+)' and its loadPage method: def loadPage(self, page_n): return the html of the page number page_n """ LINK_PATTERN = None NAME_REPLACEMENTS = [("&#?\w+;", fixup)] URL_REPLACEMENTS = [] TEXT_ENCODING = False #: Set to True or encoding name if encoding in http header is not correct COOKIES = True #: or False or list of tuples [(domain, name, value)] LOGIN_ACCOUNT = False LOGIN_PREMIUM = False #@TODO: remove in 0.4.10 def init(self): self.info = {} account_name = (self.__name__ + ".py").replace("Folder.py", "").replace(".py", "") account = self.core.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(account_name) if account and account.canUse(): self.user, data = account.selectAccount() self.req = account.getAccountRequest(self.user) self.premium = account.isPremium(self.user) self.account = account def prepare(self): if self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT and not self.account: self.fail(_("Required account not found")) if self.LOGIN_PREMIUM and not self.premium: self.fail(_("Required premium account not found")) if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list): set_cookies(self.req.cj, self.COOKIES) self.pyfile.url = replace_patterns(self.pyfile.url, self.URL_REPLACEMENTS) self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, decode=not self.TEXT_ENCODING, cookies=bool(self.COOKIES)) if isinstance(self.TEXT_ENCODING, basestring): self.html = unicode(self.html, self.TEXT_ENCODING) def decrypt(self, pyfile): self.prepare() if self.html is None: self.fail(_("No html retrieved")) if not self.info: self.getFileInfo() self.links = self.getLinks() if hasattr(self, 'PAGES_PATTERN') and hasattr(self, 'loadPage'): self.handleMultiPages() self.logDebug("Package has %d links" % len(self.links)) if self.links: self.packages = [(self.info['name'], self.links, self.info['folder'])] def getFileInfo(self): name, size, status, url = parseFileInfo(self) if name and name != url: self.pyfile.name = name else: self.pyfile.name = self.info['name'] = urlparse(html_unescape(name)).path.split("/")[-1] if status is 1: self.offline() elif status is 6: self.tempOffline() self.info['folder'] = self.pyfile.name self.logDebug("FILE NAME: %s" % self.pyfile.name) return self.info def getLinks(self): """ Returns the links extracted from self.html You should override this only if it's impossible to extract links using only the LINK_PATTERN. """ return re.findall(self.LINK_PATTERN, self.html) def handleMultiPages(self): try: m = re.search(self.PAGES_PATTERN, self.html) pages = int(m.group(1)) except: pages = 1 for p in xrange(2, pages + 1): self.html = self.loadPage(p) self.links += self.getLinks() #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 def wait(self, seconds=0, reconnect=None): return _wait(self, seconds, reconnect) def error(self, reason="", type="parse"): return _error(self, reason, type)