# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time from module.plugins.internal.Addon import Addon, Expose from module.plugins.internal.utils import isiterable class Notifier(Addon): __name__ = "Notifier" __type__ = "hook" __version__ = "0.02" __status__ = "testing" __config__ = [("activated" , "bool", "Activated" , False), ("notifycaptcha" , "bool", "Notify captcha request" , True ), ("notifypackage" , "bool", "Notify package finished" , True ), ("notifyprocessed", "bool", "Notify packages processed" , True ), ("notifyupdate" , "bool", "Notify plugin updates" , True ), ("notifyexit" , "bool", "Notify pyLoad shutdown" , True ), ("sendtimewait" , "int" , "Timewait in seconds between notifications", 5 ), ("sendpermin" , "int" , "Max notifications per minute" , 12 ), ("ignoreclient" , "bool", "Send notifications if client is connected", False)] __description__ = """Base notifier plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "vuolter@gmail.com")] def init(self): self.event_map = {'allDownloadsProcessed': "all_downloads_processed", 'plugin_updated' : "plugin_updated" } self.last_notify = 0 self.notifications = 0 def plugin_updated(self, type_plugins): if not self.get_config('notifyupdate'): return self.notify(_("Plugins updated"), str(type_plugins)) def exit(self): if not self.get_config('notifyexit'): return if self.pyload.do_restart: self.notify(_("Restarting pyLoad")) else: self.notify(_("Exiting pyLoad")) def captcha_task(self, task): if not self.get_config('notifycaptcha'): return self.notify(_("Captcha"), _("New request waiting user input")) def package_finished(self, pypack): if self.get_config('notifypackage'): self.notify(_("Package finished"), pypack.name) def all_downloads_processed(self): if not self.get_config('notifyprocessed'): return if any(True for pdata in self.pyload.api.getQueue() if pdata.linksdone < pdata.linkstotal): self.notify(_("Package failed"), _("One or more packages was not completed successfully")) else: self.notify(_("All packages finished")) def get_key(self): raise NotImplementedError def send(self, event, msg, key): raise NotImplementedError @Expose def notify(self, event, msg="", key=None): key = key or self.get_key() if isiterable(key) and all(key) or not key: return if self.pyload.isClientConnected() and not self.get_config('ignoreclient'): return elapsed_time = time.time() - self.last_notify if elapsed_time < self.get_config("sendtimewait"): return if elapsed_time > 60: self.notifications = 0 elif self.notifications >= self.get_config("sendpermin"): return try: resp = self.send(event, msg, key) except Exception, e: self.log_error(_("Error sending notification"), e) return False else: return True finally: self.last_notify = time.time() self.notifications += 1