# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from module.plugins.Hook import Hook from module.utils import remove_chars class MultiHoster(Hook): __name__ = "MultiHoster" __type__ = "hook" __version__ = "0.22" __description__ = """Generic MultiHoster plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", "admin@pyload.org")] interval = 12 * 60 * 60 #: reload hosters every 12h HOSTER_REPLACEMENTS = [("1fichier.com" , "onefichier.com"), ("2shared.com" , "twoshared.com" ), ("4shared.com" , "fourshared.com"), ("cloudnator.com" , "shragle.com" ), ("easy-share.com" , "crocko.com" ), ("fileparadox.com", "fileparadox.in"), ("freakshare.net" , "freakshare.com"), ("hellshare.com" , "hellshare.cz" ), ("ifile.it" , "filecloud.io" ), ("nowdownload.ch" , "nowdownload.sx"), ("nowvideo.co" , "nowvideo.sx" ), ("putlocker.com" , "firedrive.com" ), ("share-rapid.cz" , "multishare.cz" ), ("sharerapid.cz" , "multishare.cz" ), ("ul.to" , "uploaded.to" ), ("uploaded.net" , "uploaded.to" )] HOSTER_EXCLUDED = [] def setup(self): self.hosters = [] self.supported = [] self.new_supported = [] def getConfig(self, option, default=''): """getConfig with default value - sublass may not implements all config options""" try: return self.getConf(option) except KeyError: return default def getHosterCached(self): if not self.hosters: try: hosterSet = self.toHosterSet(self.getHoster()) - set(self.HOSTER_EXCLUDED) except Exception, e: self.logError(e) return [] try: configMode = self.getConfig('hosterListMode', 'all') if configMode in ("listed", "unlisted"): configSet = self.toHosterSet(self.getConfig('hosterList', '').replace('|', ',').replace(';', ',').split(',')) if configMode == "listed": hosterSet &= configSet else: hosterSet -= configSet except Exception, e: self.logError(e) self.hosters = list(hosterSet) return self.hosters def toHosterSet(self, hosters): hosters = set((str(x).strip().lower() for x in hosters)) for rep in self.HOSTER_REPLACEMENTS: if rep[0] in hosters: hosters.remove(rep[0]) hosters.add(rep[1]) hosters.discard('') return hosters def getHoster(self): """Load list of supported hoster :return: List of domain names """ raise NotImplementedError def coreReady(self): if self.cb: self.core.scheduler.removeJob(self.cb) self.setConfig("activated", True) #: config not in sync after plugin reload cfg_interval = self.getConfig("interval", None) #: reload interval in hours if cfg_interval is not None: self.interval = cfg_interval * 60 * 60 if self.interval: self._periodical() else: self.periodical() def initPeriodical(self): pass def periodical(self): """reload hoster list periodically""" self.logInfo(_("Reloading supported hoster list")) old_supported = self.supported self.supported = [] self.new_supported = [] self.hosters = [] self.overridePlugins() old_supported = [hoster for hoster in old_supported if hoster not in self.supported] if old_supported: self.logDebug("UNLOAD", ", ".join(old_supported)) for hoster in old_supported: self.unloadHoster(hoster) def overridePlugins(self): pluginMap = dict((name.lower(), name) for name in self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins.iterkeys()) accountList = [name.lower() for name, data in self.core.accountManager.accounts.iteritems() if data] excludedList = [] for hoster in self.getHosterCached(): name = remove_chars(hoster, "-.") if name in accountList: excludedList.append(hoster) else: if name in pluginMap: self.supported.append(pluginMap[name]) else: self.new_supported.append(hoster) if not self.supported and not self.new_supported: self.logError(_("No Hoster loaded")) return module = self.core.pluginManager.getPlugin(self.__name__) klass = getattr(module, self.__name__) # inject plugin plugin self.logDebug("Overwritten Hosters", ", ".join(sorted(self.supported))) for hoster in self.supported: hdict = self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[hoster] hdict['new_module'] = module hdict['new_name'] = self.__name__ if excludedList: self.logInfo(_("The following hosters were not overwritten - account exists"), ", ".join(sorted(excludedList))) if self.new_supported: hosters = sorted(self.new_supported) self.logDebug("New Hosters", ", ".join(hosters)) # create new regexp regexp = r'.*(%s).*' % "|".join([x.replace(".", "\.") for x in hosters]) if hasattr(klass, "__pattern__") and isinstance(klass.__pattern__, basestring) and '://' in klass.__pattern__: regexp = r'%s|%s' % (klass.__pattern__, regexp) self.logDebug("Regexp", regexp) hdict = self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__] hdict['pattern'] = regexp hdict['re'] = re.compile(regexp) def unloadHoster(self, hoster): hdict = self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[hoster] if "module" in hdict: del hdict['module'] if "new_module" in hdict: del hdict['new_module'] del hdict['new_name'] def unload(self): """Remove override for all hosters. Scheduler job is removed by hookmanager""" for hoster in self.supported: self.unloadHoster(hoster) # reset pattern klass = getattr(self.core.pluginManager.getPlugin(self.__name__), self.__name__) hdict = self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__] hdict['pattern'] = getattr(klass, "__pattern__", r'^unmatchable$') hdict['re'] = re.compile(hdict['pattern']) def downloadFailed(self, pyfile): """remove plugin override if download fails but not if file is offline/temp.offline""" if pyfile.hasStatus("failed") and self.getConfig("unloadFailing", True): hdict = self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[pyfile.pluginname] if "new_name" in hdict and hdict['new_name'] == self.__name__: self.logDebug("Unload MultiHoster", pyfile.pluginname, hdict) self.unloadHoster(pyfile.pluginname) pyfile.setStatus("queued")