# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement import mimetypes import os import re from module.network.HTTPRequest import BadHeader from module.plugins.internal.Base import Base, create_getInfo, parse_fileInfo from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import Fail, Retry from module.plugins.internal.utils import encode, exists, fixurl, fs_join, parse_name class Hoster(Base): __name__ = "Hoster" __type__ = "hoster" __version__ = "0.45" __status__ = "stable" __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$' __config__ = [("activated" , "bool", "Activated" , True), ("use_premium" , "bool", "Use premium account if available" , True), ("fallback" , "bool", "Fallback to free download if premium fails", True), ("chk_filesize", "bool", "Check file size" , True)] __description__ = """Base hoster plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "vuolter@gmail.com")] def init_base(self): #: Enable simultaneous processing of multiple downloads self.limitDL = 0 #@TODO: Change to `limit_dl` in 0.4.10 #: self.chunk_limit = None #: self.resume_download = False #: Location where the last call to download was saved self.last_download = None #: Re match of the last call to `checkDownload` self.last_check = None #: Restart flag self.restart_free = False #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10 def setup_base(self): self.last_download = None self.last_check = None self.restart_free = False if self.account: self.chunk_limit = -1 #: -1 for unlimited self.resume_download = True else: self.chunk_limit = 1 self.resume_download = False def load_account(self): if self.restart_free: self.account = False self.user = None #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 else: super(Hoster, self).load_account() # self.restart_free = False def _process(self, thread): self.log_debug("Plugin version: " + self.__version__) self.log_debug("Plugin status: " + self.__status__) if self.__status__ is "broken": self.fail(_("Plugin is temporarily unavailable")) elif self.__status__ is "testing": self.log_warning(_("Plugin may be unstable")) self.thread = thread self._setup() # self.pyload.hookManager.downloadPreparing(self.pyfile) #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10 self.check_status() self.pyfile.setStatus("starting") try: self.process(self.pyfile) self.check_status() self._check_download() except Fail, e: #@TODO: Move to PluginThread in 0.4.10 if self.get_config('fallback', True) and self.premium: self.log_warning(_("Premium download failed"), e) self.restart(premium=False) else: raise Fail(encode(e)) def isdownload(self, url, resume=None, redirect=True): link = False maxredirs = 10 if resume is None: resume = self.resume_download if type(redirect) is int: maxredirs = max(redirect, 1) elif redirect: maxredirs = self.get_config("maxredirs", default=maxredirs, plugin="UserAgentSwitcher") for i in xrange(maxredirs): self.log_debug("Redirect #%d to: %s" % (i, url)) header = self.load(url, just_header=True) if 'content-disposition' in header: link = url elif header.get('location'): location = self.fixurl(header.get('location'), url) code = header.get('code') if code == 302: link = location elif code == 301: url = location if redirect: continue if resume: url = location continue else: mimetype = "" contenttype = header.get('content-type') extension = os.path.splitext(parse_name(url))[-1] if contenttype: mimetype = contenttype.split(';')[0].strip() elif extension: mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(extension, False)[0] or "application/octet-stream" if mimetype and (link or 'html' not in mimetype): link = url else: link = False return link def download(self, url, get={}, post={}, ref=True, cookies=True, disposition=True, resume=None, chunks=None): """ Downloads the content at url to download folder :param url: :param get: :param post: :param ref: :param cookies: :param disposition: if True and server provides content-disposition header\ the filename will be changed if needed :return: The location where the file was saved """ self.check_status() if self.pyload.debug: self.log_debug("DOWNLOAD URL " + url, *["%s=%s" % (key, val) for key, val in locals().items() if key not in ("self", "url", "_[1]")]) dl_url = self.fixurl(url) dl_basename = parse_name(self.pyfile.name) self.pyfile.name = dl_basename self.captcha.correct() if self.pyload.config.get("download", "skip_existing"): self.check_filedupe() self.pyfile.setStatus("downloading") dl_folder = self.pyload.config.get("general", "download_folder") dl_dirname = os.path.join(dl_folder, self.pyfile.package().folder) dl_filename = os.path.join(dl_dirname, dl_basename) dl_dir = encode(dl_dirname) dl_file = encode(dl_filename) #@TODO: Move safe-filename check to HTTPDownload in 0.4.10 if not exists(dl_dir): try: os.makedirs(dl_dir) except Exception, e: self.fail(e) self.set_permissions(dl_dir) self.pyload.hookManager.dispatchEvent("download_start", self.pyfile, dl_url, dl_filename) self.check_status() dl_chunks = self.pyload.config.get("download", "chunks") chunk_limit = chunks or self.chunk_limit or -1 if dl_chunks is -1 or chunk_limit is -1: chunks = max(dl_chunks, chunk_limit) else: chunks = min(dl_chunks, chunk_limit) resume = self.resume_download if resume is None else bool(resume) try: newname = self.req.httpDownload(dl_url, dl_file, get=get, post=post, ref=ref, cookies=cookies, chunks=chunks, resume=resume, progressNotify=self.pyfile.setProgress, disposition=disposition) except BadHeader, e: self.req.code = e.code raise BadHeader(e) finally: self.pyfile.size = self.req.size if self.req.code in (404, 410): bad_file = fs_join(dl_dirname, newname) try: os.remove(bad_file) except OSError, e: self.log_debug(_("Error removing `%s`") % bad_file, e) else: return "" #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10 if disposition and newname: safename = parse_name(newname.split(' filename*=')[0]) if safename != newname: try: old_file = fs_join(dl_dirname, newname) new_file = fs_join(dl_dirname, safename) os.rename(old_file, new_file) except OSError, e: self.log_warning(_("Error renaming `%s` to `%s`") % (newname, safename), e) safename = newname self.log_info(_("`%s` saved as `%s`") % (self.pyfile.name, safename)) self.pyfile.name = safename dl_filename = os.path.join(dl_dirname, safename) dl_file = encode(dl_filename) self.set_permissions(dl_file) self.last_download = dl_filename return dl_filename def check_filesize(self, file_size, size_tolerance=1024): """ Checks the file size of the last downloaded file :param file_size: expected file size :param size_tolerance: size check tolerance """ if not self.last_download: return dl_location = encode(self.last_download) dl_size = os.stat(dl_location).st_size if dl_size < 1: self.fail(_("Empty file")) elif file_size > 0: diff = abs(file_size - dl_size) if diff > size_tolerance: self.fail(_("File size mismatch | Expected file size: %s | Downloaded file size: %s") % (file_size, dl_size)) elif diff != 0: self.log_warning(_("File size is not equal to expected size")) def check_file(self, rules, delete=False, read_size=1048576, file_size=0, size_tolerance=1024): """ Checks the content of the last downloaded file, re match is saved to `last_check` :param rules: dict with names and rules to match (compiled regexp or strings) :param delete: delete if matched :param file_size: expected file size :param size_tolerance: size check tolerance :param read_size: amount of bytes to read from files :return: dictionary key of the first rule that matched """ do_delete = False last_download = encode(self.last_download) #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10 if not self.last_download or not exists(last_download): self.fail(self.pyfile.error or _("No file downloaded")) try: self.check_filesize(file_size, size_tolerance) with open(last_download, "rb") as f: content = f.read(read_size) #: Produces encoding errors, better log to other file in the future? # self.log_debug("Content: %s" % content) for name, rule in rules.items(): if isinstance(rule, basestring): if rule in content: do_delete = True return name elif hasattr(rule, "search"): m = rule.search(content) if m is not None: do_delete = True self.last_check = m return name finally: if delete and do_delete: try: os.remove(last_download) except OSError, e: self.log_warning(_("Error removing `%s`") % last_download, e) else: self.log_info(_("File deleted: ") + self.last_download) self.last_download = "" #: Recheck in 0.4.10 def _check_download(self): self.log_info(_("Checking downloaded file...")) if self.captcha.task and not self.last_download: self.retry_captcha() elif self.check_file({'Empty file': re.compile(r'\A((.|)(\2|\s)*)\Z')}, delete=True): self.error(_("Empty file")) elif self.get_config('chk_filesize', False) and self.info.get('size'): # 10485760 is 10MB, tolerance is used when comparing displayed size on the hoster website to real size # For example displayed size can be 1.46GB for example, but real size can be 1.4649853GB self.check_filesize(self.info['size'], size_tolerance=10485760) else: self.log_info(_("File is OK")) def check_traffic(self): if not self.account: return True traffic = self.account.get_data('trafficleft') if traffic is None: return False elif traffic is -1: return True else: #@TODO: Rewrite in 0.4.10 size = self.pyfile.size / 1024 self.log_info(_("Filesize: %s KiB") % size, _("Traffic left for user `%s`: %d KiB") % (self.account.user, traffic)) return size <= traffic def check_filedupe(self): """ Checks if same file was/is downloaded within same package :param starting: indicates that the current download is going to start :raises Skip: """ pack = self.pyfile.package() for pyfile in self.pyload.files.cache.values(): if pyfile is self.pyfile: continue if pyfile.name != self.pyfile.name or pyfile.package().folder != pack.folder: continue if pyfile.status in (0, 5, 7, 12): #: (finished, waiting, starting, downloading) self.skip(pyfile.pluginname) dl_folder = self.pyload.config.get("general", "download_folder") package_folder = pack.folder if self.pyload.config.get("general", "folder_per_package") else "" dl_location = fs_join(dl_folder, package_folder, self.pyfile.name) if not exists(dl_location): return pyfile = self.pyload.db.findDuplicates(self.pyfile.id, package_folder, self.pyfile.name) if pyfile: self.skip(pyfile[0]) size = os.stat(dl_location).st_size if size >= self.pyfile.size: self.skip(_("File exists")) #: Deprecated method, use `check_filedupe` instead (Remove in 0.4.10) def checkForSameFiles(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.pyload.config.get("download", "skip_existing"): return self.check_filedupe()