# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import time from base64 import b64encode from random import random, randint from urlparse import urljoin, urlparse from module.common.json_layer import json_loads class CaptchaService: __name__ = "CaptchaService" __version__ = "0.21" __description__ = """Base captcha service plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", "admin@pyload.org")] key = None #: last key detected def __init__(self, plugin): self.plugin = plugin def detect_key(self, html=None): raise NotImplementedError def challenge(self, key=None, html=None): raise NotImplementedError def result(self, server, challenge): raise NotImplementedError class ReCaptcha(CaptchaService): __name__ = "ReCaptcha" __version__ = "0.12" __description__ = """ReCaptcha captcha service plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", "admin@pyload.org"), ("Walter Purcaro", "vuolter@gmail.com"), ("zapp-brannigan", "fuerst.reinje@web.de")] KEY_V2_PATTERN = r'(?:data-sitekey=["\']|["\']sitekey["\']:\s*["\'])([\w-]+)' KEY_V1_PATTERN = r'(?:recaptcha(?:/api|\.net)/(?:challenge|noscript)\?k=|Recaptcha\.create\s*\(\s*["\'])([\w-]+)' def detect_key(self, html=None): if not html: if hasattr(self.plugin, "html") and self.plugin.html: html = self.plugin.html else: errmsg = _("ReCaptcha html not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) m = re.search(self.KEY_V2_PATTERN, html) or re.search(self.KEY_V1_PATTERN, html) if m: self.key = m.group(1).strip() self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha key: %s" % self.key) return self.key else: self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha key not found") return None def challenge(self, key=None, html=None, version=None): if not html: if hasattr(self.plugin, "html") and self.plugin.html: html = self.plugin.html else: errmsg = _("ReCaptcha html not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) challenge = "challenge_v%s" % (version if version in (1, 2) else 2 if re.search(self.KEY_V2_PATTERN, html) else 1) return getattr(self, challenge)(key, html) def challenge_v1(self, key=None, html=None): if not key: if self.detect_key(html): key = self.key else: errmsg = _("ReCaptcha key not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) html = self.plugin.req.load("http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/challenge", get={'k': key}) try: challenge = re.search("challenge : '(.+?)',", html).group(1) server = re.search("server : '(.+?)',", html).group(1) except AttributeError: errmsg = _("ReCaptcha challenge pattern not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise AttributeError(errmsg) self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha challenge: %s" % challenge) return self.result(server, challenge), challenge def result(self, server, challenge): result = self.plugin.decryptCaptcha("%simage" % server, get={'c': challenge}, cookies=True, forceUser=True, imgtype="jpg") self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha result: %s" % result) return result def _collectApiInfo(self): html = self.plugin.req.load("http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js") a = re.search(r'po.src = \'(.*?)\';', html).group(1) vers = a.split("/")[5] self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha API version: %s" %vers) language = a.split("__")[1].split(".")[0] self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha API language: %s" % language) html = self.plugin.req.load("https://apis.google.com/js/api.js") b = re.search(r'"h":"(.*?)","', html).group(1) jsh = b.decode('unicode-escape') self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha API jsh-string: %s" % jsh) return vers, language, jsh def _prepareTimeAndRpc(self): self.plugin.req.load("http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo") millis = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha time: %s" % millis) rand = randint(1, 99999999) a = "0.%s" % str(rand * 2147483647) rpc = int(100000000 * float(a)) self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha rpc-token: %s" % rpc) return millis, rpc def challenge_v2(self, key=None, html=None): if not key: if self.detect_key(html): key = self.key else: errmsg = _("ReCaptcha key not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) try: parent = urljoin("http://", urlparse(self.plugin.pyfile.url).netloc) except Exception: parent = "" botguardstring = "!A" vers, language, jsh = self._collectApiInfo() millis, rpc = self._prepareTimeAndRpc() html = self.plugin.req.load("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/anchor", get={'k' : key, 'hl' : language, 'v' : vers, 'usegapi' : "1", 'jsh' : "%s#id=IO_%s" % (jsh, millis), 'parent' : parent, 'pfname' : "", 'rpctoken': rpc}) token1 = re.search(r'id="recaptcha-token" value="(.*?)">', html) self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha token #1: %s" % token1.group(1)) html = self.plugin.req.load("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/frame", get={'c' : token1.group(1), 'hl' : language, 'v' : vers, 'bg' : botguardstring, 'k' : key, 'usegapi': "1", 'jsh' : jsh}).decode('unicode-escape') token2 = re.search(r'"finput","(.*?)",', html) self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha token #2: %s" % token2.group(1)) token3 = re.search(r'."asconf".\s,".*?".\s,"(.*?)".', html) self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha token #3: %s" % token3.group(1)) html = self.plugin.req.load("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/reload", post={'k' : key, 'c' : token2.group(1), 'reason': "fi", 'fbg' : token3.group(1)}) token4 = re.search(r'"rresp","(.*?)",', html) self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha token #4: %s" % token4.group(1)) millis_captcha_loading = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) captcha_response = self.plugin.decryptCaptcha("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/payload", get={'c':token4.group(1), 'k':key}, forceUser=True) response = b64encode('{"response":"%s"}' % captcha_response) self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha result: %s" % response) timeToSolve = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - millis_captcha_loading timeToSolveMore = timeToSolve + int(float("0." + str(randint(1, 99999999))) * 500) html = self.plugin.req.load("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/userverify", post={'k' : key, 'c' : token4.group(1), 'response': response, 't' : timeToSolve, 'ct' : timeToSolveMore, 'bg' : botguardstring}) token5 = re.search(r'"uvresp","(.*?)",', html) self.plugin.logDebug("ReCaptcha token #5: %s" % token5.group(1)) return token5.group(1), None class AdsCaptcha(CaptchaService): __name__ = "AdsCaptcha" __version__ = "0.07" __description__ = """AdsCaptcha captcha service plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", "admin@pyload.org")] CAPTCHAID_PATTERN = r'api\.adscaptcha\.com/Get\.aspx\?[^"\']*CaptchaId=(\d+)' PUBLICKEY_PATTERN = r'api\.adscaptcha\.com/Get\.aspx\?[^"\']*PublicKey=([\w-]+)' def detect_key(self, html=None): if not html: if hasattr(self.plugin, "html") and self.plugin.html: html = self.plugin.html else: errmsg = _("AdsCaptcha html not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) m = re.search(self.PUBLICKEY_PATTERN, html) n = re.search(self.CAPTCHAID_PATTERN, html) if m and n: self.key = (m.group(1).strip(), n.group(1).strip()) #: key is the tuple(PublicKey, CaptchaId) self.plugin.logDebug("AdsCaptcha key|id: %s | %s" % self.key) return self.key else: self.plugin.logDebug("AdsCaptcha key or id not found") return None def challenge(self, key=None, html=None): if not key: if self.detect_key(html): key = self.key else: errmsg = _("AdsCaptcha key not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) PublicKey, CaptchaId = key html = self.plugin.req.load("http://api.adscaptcha.com/Get.aspx", get={'CaptchaId': CaptchaId, 'PublicKey': PublicKey}) try: challenge = re.search("challenge: '(.+?)',", html).group(1) server = re.search("server: '(.+?)',", html).group(1) except AttributeError: errmsg = _("AdsCaptcha challenge pattern not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise AttributeError(errmsg) self.plugin.logDebug("AdsCaptcha challenge: %s" % challenge) return self.result(server, challenge), challenge def result(self, server, challenge): result = self.plugin.decryptCaptcha("%sChallenge.aspx" % server, get={'cid': challenge, 'dummy': random()}, cookies=True, imgtype="jpg") self.plugin.logDebug("AdsCaptcha result: %s" % result) return result class SolveMedia(CaptchaService): __name__ = "SolveMedia" __version__ = "0.08" __description__ = """SolveMedia captcha service plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", "admin@pyload.org")] KEY_PATTERN = r'api\.solvemedia\.com/papi/challenge\.(?:no)?script\?k=(.+?)["\']' def detect_key(self, html=None): if not html: if hasattr(self.plugin, "html") and self.plugin.html: html = self.plugin.html else: errmsg = _("SolveMedia html not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) m = re.search(self.KEY_PATTERN, html) if m: self.key = m.group(1).strip() self.plugin.logDebug("SolveMedia key: %s" % self.key) return self.key else: self.plugin.logDebug("SolveMedia key not found") return None def challenge(self, key=None, html=None): if not key: if self.detect_key(html): key = self.key else: errmsg = _("SolveMedia key not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) html = self.plugin.req.load("http://api.solvemedia.com/papi/challenge.noscript", get={'k': key}) try: challenge = re.search(r'<input type=hidden name="adcopy_challenge" id="adcopy_challenge" value="([^"]+)">', html).group(1) server = "http://api.solvemedia.com/papi/media" except AttributeError: errmsg = _("SolveMedia challenge pattern not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise AttributeError(errmsg) self.plugin.logDebug("SolveMedia challenge: %s" % challenge) return self.result(server, challenge), challenge def result(self, server, challenge): result = self.plugin.decryptCaptcha(server, get={'c': challenge}, imgtype="gif") self.plugin.logDebug("SolveMedia result: %s" % result) return result class AdYouLike(CaptchaService): __name__ = "AdYouLike" __version__ = "0.04" __description__ = """AdYouLike captcha service plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "vuolter@gmail.com")] AYL_PATTERN = r'Adyoulike\.create\s*\((.+?)\)' CALLBACK_PATTERN = r'(Adyoulike\.g\._jsonp_\d+)' def detect_key(self, html=None): if not html: if hasattr(self.plugin, "html") and self.plugin.html: html = self.plugin.html else: errmsg = _("AdYouLike html not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) m = re.search(self.AYL_PATTERN, html) n = re.search(self.CALLBACK_PATTERN, html) if m and n: self.key = (m.group(1).strip(), n.group(1).strip()) self.plugin.logDebug("AdYouLike ayl|callback: %s | %s" % self.key) return self.key #: key is the tuple(ayl, callback) else: self.plugin.logDebug("AdYouLike ayl or callback not found") return None def challenge(self, key=None, html=None): if not key: if self.detect_key(html): key = self.key else: errmsg = _("AdYouLike key not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise TypeError(errmsg) ayl, callback = key # {"adyoulike":{"key":"P~zQ~O0zV0WTiAzC-iw0navWQpCLoYEP"}, # "all":{"element_id":"ayl_private_cap_92300","lang":"fr","env":"prod"}} ayl = json_loads(ayl) html = self.plugin.req.load("http://api-ayl.appspot.com/challenge", get={'key' : ayl['adyoulike']['key'], 'env' : ayl['all']['env'], 'callback': callback}) try: challenge = json_loads(re.search(callback + r'\s*\((.+?)\)', html).group(1)) except AttributeError: errmsg = _("AdYouLike challenge pattern not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise AttributeError(errmsg) self.plugin.logDebug("AdYouLike challenge: %s" % challenge) return self.result(ayl, challenge), challenge def result(self, server, challenge): # Adyoulike.g._jsonp_5579316662423138 # ({"translations":{"fr":{"instructions_visual":"Recopiez « Soonnight » ci-dessous :"}}, # "site_under":true,"clickable":true,"pixels":{"VIDEO_050":[],"DISPLAY":[],"VIDEO_000":[],"VIDEO_100":[], # "VIDEO_025":[],"VIDEO_075":[]},"medium_type":"image/adyoulike", # "iframes":{"big":"<iframe src=\"http://www.soonnight.com/campagn.html\" scrolling=\"no\" # height=\"250\" width=\"300\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>"},"shares":{},"id":256, # "token":"e6QuI4aRSnbIZJg02IsV6cp4JQ9~MjA1","formats":{"small":{"y":300,"x":0,"w":300,"h":60}, # "big":{"y":0,"x":0,"w":300,"h":250},"hover":{"y":440,"x":0,"w":300,"h":60}}, # "tid":"SqwuAdxT1EZoi4B5q0T63LN2AkiCJBg5"}) if isinstance(server, basestring): server = json_loads(server) if isinstance(challenge, basestring): challenge = json_loads(challenge) try: instructions_visual = challenge['translations'][server['all']['lang']]['instructions_visual'] result = re.search(u'«(.+?)»', instructions_visual).group(1).strip() except AttributeError: errmsg = _("AdYouLike result not found") self.plugin.fail(errmsg) raise AttributeError(errmsg) result = {'_ayl_captcha_engine' : "adyoulike", '_ayl_env' : server['all']['env'], '_ayl_tid' : challenge['tid'], '_ayl_token_challenge': challenge['token'], '_ayl_response' : response} self.plugin.logDebug("AdYouLike result: %s" % result) return result