# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import inspect import mimetypes import os import re import time import urlparse from module.plugins.internal.Captcha import Captcha from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import (Plugin, Abort, Fail, Reconnect, Retry, Skip, decode, encode, fixurl, parse_html_form, parse_name, replace_patterns) #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 def getInfo(urls): #: result = [ .. (name, size, status, url) .. ] pass #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 def parse_fileInfo(klass, url="", html=""): info = klass.get_info(url, html) return encode(info['name']), info['size'], info['status'], info['url'] #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 def create_getInfo(klass): def get_info(urls): for url in urls: yield parse_fileInfo(klass, url) return get_info class Base(Plugin): __name__ = "Base" __type__ = "base" __version__ = "0.12" __status__ = "testing" __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$' __config__ = [("activated" , "bool", "Activated" , True), ("use_premium", "bool", "Use premium account if available", True)] __description__ = """Base plugin for Hoster and Crypter""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "vuolter@gmail.com")] URL_REPLACEMENTS = [] def __init__(self, pyfile): self._init(pyfile.m.core) #: self.premium = None #: Engage wan reconnection self.wantReconnect = False #@TODO: Change to `want_reconnect` in 0.4.10 #: Enable simultaneous processing of multiple downloads self.multiDL = True #@TODO: Change to `multi_dl` in 0.4.10 #: time.time() + wait in seconds self.wait_until = 0 self.waiting = False #: Account handler instance, see :py:class:`Account` self.account = None self.user = None #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 #: Associated pyfile instance, see `PyFile` self.pyfile = pyfile self.thread = None #: Holds thread in future #: Js engine, see `JsEngine` self.js = self.pyload.js #: Captcha stuff self.captcha = Captcha(self) #: Some plugins store html code here self.html = None #: Dict of the amount of retries already made self.retries = {} self.init_base() self.init() def _log(self, level, plugintype, pluginname, messages): log = getattr(self.pyload.log, level) msg = u" | ".join(decode(a).strip() for a in messages if a) log("%(plugintype)s %(pluginname)s[%(id)s]: %(msg)s" % {'plugintype': plugintype.upper(), 'pluginname': pluginname, 'id' : self.pyfile.id, 'msg' : msg}) @classmethod def get_info(cls, url="", html=""): url = fixurl(url, unquote=True) info = {'name' : parse_name(url), 'pattern': {}, 'size' : 0, 'status' : 3 if url else 8, 'url' : replace_patterns(url, cls.URL_REPLACEMENTS)} try: info['pattern'] = re.match(cls.__pattern__, url).groupdict() except Exception: pass return info def init_base(self): pass def init(self): """ Initialize the plugin (in addition to `__init__`) """ pass def setup_base(self): pass def setup(self): """ Setup for enviroment and other things, called before downloading (possibly more than one time) """ pass def _setup(self): #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 self.html = "" self.pyfile.error = "" self.last_html = None if self.get_config('use_premium', True): self.load_account() #@TODO: Move to PluginThread in 0.4.10 else: self.account = False self.user = None #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 try: self.req.close() except Exception: pass if self.account: self.req = self.pyload.requestFactory.getRequest(self.classname, self.account.user) self.premium = self.account.info['data']['premium'] #@NOTE: Avoid one unnecessary get_info call by `self.account.premium` here else: self.req = self.pyload.requestFactory.getRequest(self.classname) self.premium = False self.grab_info() self.setup_base() self.setup() def load_account(self): if not self.account: self.account = self.pyload.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(self.classname) if not self.account: self.account = False self.user = None #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 else: self.account.choose() self.user = self.account.user #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 if self.account.user is None: self.account = False def _update_name(self): name = self.info.get('name') if name and name is not self.info.get('url'): self.pyfile.name = name else: name = self.pyfile.name self.log_info(_("Link name: ") + name) def _update_size(self): size = self.info.get('size') if size > 0: self.pyfile.size = int(self.info['size']) #@TODO: Fix int conversion in 0.4.10 else: size = self.pyfile.size if size: self.log_info(_("Link size: %s bytes") % size) else: self.log_info(_("Link size: N/D")) def _update_status(self): self.pyfile.status = self.info.get('status', 14) self.pyfile.sync() self.log_info(_("Link status: ") + self.pyfile.getStatusName()) def sync_info(self): self._update_name() self._update_size() self._update_status() def grab_info(self): self.log_info(_("Grabbing link info...")) old_info = dict(self.info) new_info = self.get_info(self.pyfile.url, self.html) self.info.update(new_info) self.log_debug("Link info: %s" % self.info) self.log_debug("Previous link info: %s" % old_info) self.sync_info() def check_status(self): status = self.pyfile.status if status is 1: self.offline() elif status is 4: self.skip(self.pyfile.statusname) elif status is 6: self.temp_offline() elif status is 8: self.fail() elif status is 9 or self.pyfile.abort: self.abort() def _process(self, thread): """ Handles important things to do before starting """ self.log_debug("Plugin version: " + self.__version__) self.log_debug("Plugin status: " + self.__status__) if self.__status__ is "broken": self.fail(_("Plugin is currently broken")) self.thread = thread self._setup() # self.pyload.hookManager.downloadPreparing(self.pyfile) #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10 self.check_status() self.pyfile.setStatus("starting") self.log_info(_("Processing url: ") + self.pyfile.url) self.process(self.pyfile) self.check_status() #: Deprecated method, use `_process` instead (Remove in 0.4.10) def preprocessing(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._process(*args, **kwargs) def process(self, pyfile): """ The "main" method of every hoster plugin, you **have to** overwrite it """ raise NotImplementedError def set_reconnect(self, reconnect): self.log_debug("RECONNECT %s required" % ("" if reconnect else "not"), "Previous wantReconnect: %s" % self.wantReconnect) self.wantReconnect = bool(reconnect) return True def set_wait(self, seconds, strict=False): """ Set a specific wait time later used with `wait` :param seconds: wait time in seconds :param reconnect: True if a reconnect would avoid wait time """ wait_time = float(seconds) if wait_time < 0: return False old_wait_until = self.pyfile.waitUntil new_wait_until = time.time() + wait_time + float(not strict) self.log_debug("WAIT set to timestamp %f" % new_wait_until, "Previous waitUntil: %f" % old_wait_until) self.pyfile.waitUntil = new_wait_until return True def wait(self, seconds=None, reconnect=None): """ Waits the time previously set """ pyfile = self.pyfile if seconds is not None: self.set_wait(seconds) if reconnect is not None: self.set_reconnect(reconnect) self.waiting = True status = pyfile.status #@NOTE: Recheck in 0.4.10 pyfile.setStatus("waiting") self.log_info(_("Waiting %d seconds...") % (pyfile.waitUntil - time.time())) if self.wantReconnect: self.log_info(_("Requiring reconnection...")) if self.account: self.log_warning("Reconnection ignored due logged account") if not self.wantReconnect or self.account: while pyfile.waitUntil > time.time(): self.check_status() time.sleep(2) else: while pyfile.waitUntil > time.time(): self.check_status() self.thread.m.reconnecting.wait(1) if self.thread.m.reconnecting.isSet(): self.waiting = False self.wantReconnect = False self.req.clearCookies() raise Reconnect time.sleep(2) self.waiting = False pyfile.status = status #@NOTE: Recheck in 0.4.10 def skip(self, msg=""): """ Skip and give msg """ raise Skip(encode(msg or self.pyfile.error or self.pyfile.pluginname)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10 #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 def fail(self, msg=""): """ Fail and give msg """ msg = msg.strip() if msg: self.pyfile.error = msg else: msg = self.pyfile.error or self.info.get('error') or self.pyfile.getStatusName() raise Fail(encode(msg)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10 def error(self, msg="", type=_("Parse")): type = _("%s error") % type.strip().capitalize() if type else _("Unknown") msg = _("%(type)s: %(msg)s | Plugin may be out of date" % {'type': type, 'msg': msg or self.pyfile.error}) self.fail(msg) def abort(self, msg=""): """ Abort and give msg """ if msg: #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 self.pyfile.error = encode(msg) raise Abort #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10 def offline(self, msg=""): """ Fail and indicate file is offline """ self.fail("offline") #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10 def temp_offline(self, msg=""): """ Fail and indicates file ist temporary offline, the core may take consequences """ self.fail("temp. offline") def restart(self, msg="", premium=True): if not msg: msg = _("Restart plugin") if premium else _("Fallback to free processing") if not premium: if self.premium: self.restart_free = True else: self.fail("%s | %s" % (msg, _("Url was already processed as free"))) self.req.clearCookies() raise Retry(encode(msg)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10 def retry(self, attemps=5, wait=1, msg=""): """ Retries and begin again from the beginning :param attemps: number of maximum retries :param wait: time to wait in seconds before retry :param msg: message passed to fail if attemps value was reached """ frame = inspect.currentframe() try: id = frame.f_back.f_lineno finally: del frame if id not in self.retries: self.retries[id] = 0 if 0 < attemps <= self.retries[id]: self.fail(msg or _("Max retries reached")) self.wait(wait, False) self.retries[id] += 1 raise Retry(encode(msg)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10 def retry_captcha(self, attemps=10, wait=1, msg=_("Max captcha retries reached")): self.captcha.invalid() self.retry(attemps, wait, msg) def fixurl(self, url, baseurl=None, unquote=True): url = fixurl(url, unquote=True) baseurl = fixurl(baseurl or self.pyfile.url, unquote=True) if not urlparse.urlparse(url).scheme: url_p = urlparse.urlparse(baseurl) baseurl = "%s://%s" % (url_p.scheme, url_p.netloc) url = urlparse.urljoin(baseurl, url) return fixurl(url, unquote) def load(self, *args, **kwargs): self.check_status() return super(Base, self).load(*args, **kwargs) def parse_html_form(self, attr_str="", input_names={}): return parse_html_form(attr_str, self.html, input_names) def get_password(self): """ Get the password the user provided in the package """ return self.pyfile.package().password or "" def clean(self): """ Clean everything and remove references """ super(Base, self).clean() for attr in ("account", "html", "pyfile", "thread"): if hasattr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, None)