# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster from module.network.RequestFactory import getURL def getInfo(urls): result = [] for url in urls: html = getURL(url) if "var page = '404';" in html: result.append((url, 0, 1, url)) continue fileInfo = re.search(X7To.FILE_INFO_PATTERN, html) if fileInfo: name = fileInfo.group(1) units = float(fileInfo.group(2).replace(",", ".")) pow = {'KB': 1, 'MB': 2, 'GB': 3}[fileInfo.group(3)] size = int(units * 1024 ** pow) else: # fallback: name could not be extracted.. most likely change on x7.to side ... needs to be checked then name = url size = 0 result.append((name, size, 2, url)) yield result class X7To(Hoster): __name__ = "X7To" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r"http://(?:www.)?x7.to/" __version__ = "0.1" __description__ = """X7.To File Download Hoster""" __author_name__ = ("ernieb") __author_mail__ = ("ernieb") FILE_INFO_PATTERN=r'<meta name="description" content="Download: (.*?) \(([0-9,.]+) (KB|MB|GB)\)' def init(self): if self.premium: self.multiDL = False self.resumeDownload = False self.chunkLimit = 1 else: self.multiDL = False self.file_id = re.search(r"http://x7.to/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", self.pyfile.url).group(1) self.logDebug("file id is %s" % self.file_id) self.pyfile.url = "http://x7.to/" + self.file_id def process(self, pyfile): self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, ref=False, decode=True) if "var page = '404';" in self.html: self.offline() fileInfo = re.search(self.FILE_INFO_PATTERN, self.html, re.IGNORECASE) size = 0 trafficLeft = 100000000000 if fileInfo: self.pyfile.name = fileInfo.group(1) if self.account: trafficLeft = self.account.getAccountInfo(self.user)["trafficleft"] units = float(fileInfo.group(2).replace(".", "").replace(",", ".")) pow = {'KB': 1, 'MB': 2, 'GB': 3}[fileInfo.group(3)] size = int(units * 1024 ** pow) self.logDebug("filesize: %s trafficleft: %s" % (size, trafficLeft)) else: self.logDebug("name and size not found") if self.account and self.premium and trafficLeft > size: self.handlePremium() else: self.handleFree() def handlePremium(self): # check if over limit first overLimit = re.search(r'<a onClick="cUser.buyTraffic\(\)" id="DL">', self.html) if overLimit: self.logDebug("over limit, falling back to free") self.handleFree() else: realurl = re.search(r'<a href="(http://stor.*?)" id="DL">', self.html) if realurl: realurl = realurl.group(1) self.logDebug("premium url found %s" % realurl) else: self.logDebug("premium link not found") self.download(realurl) def handleFree(self): # find file id file_id = re.search(r"var dlID = '(.*?)'", self.html) if not file_id: self.fail("Free download id not found") file_url = "http://x7.to/james/ticket/dl/" + file_id.group(1) self.logDebug("download id %s" % file_id.group(1)) self.html = self.load(file_url, ref=False, decode=True) # deal with errors if "limit-dl" in self.html: self.logDebug("Limit reached ... waiting") self.setWait(900,True) self.wait() self.retry() if "limit-parallel" in self.html: self.fail("Cannot download in parallel") # no waiting required, go to download waitCheck = re.search(r"wait:(\d*),", self.html) if waitCheck: waitCheck = int(waitCheck.group(1)) self.setWait(waitCheck) self.wait() urlCheck = re.search(r"url:'(.*?)'", self.html) url = None if urlCheck: url = urlCheck.group(1) self.logDebug("free url found %s" % url) if url: try: self.download(url) except: self.logDebug("downloading url failed: %s" % url) else: self.fail("Free download url found")