# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo class VeohCom(SimpleHoster): __name__ = "VeohCom" __type__ = "hoster" __version__ = "0.25" __status__ = "testing" __pattern__ = r'http://(?:www\.)?veoh\.com/(tv/)?(watch|videos)/(?P<ID>v\w+)' __config__ = [("activated" , "bool", "Activated" , True), ("use_premium" , "bool", "Use premium account if available" , True), ("fallback" , "bool", "Fallback to free download if premium fails" , True), ("chk_filesize", "bool", "Check file size" , True), ("max_wait" , "int" , "Reconnect if waiting time is greater than minutes", 10 )] __description__ = """Veoh.com hoster plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "vuolter@gmail.com")] NAME_PATTERN = r'<meta name="title" content="(?P<N>.*?)"' OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'>Sorry, we couldn\'t find the video you were looking for' URL_REPLACEMENTS = [(__pattern__ + ".*", r'http://www.veoh.com/watch/\g<ID>')] COOKIES = [("veoh.com", "lassieLocale", "en")] def setup(self): self.resume_download = True self.multiDL = True self.chunk_limit = -1 def handle_free(self, pyfile): quality = self.get_config('quality') if quality == "Auto": quality = ("High", "Low") for q in quality: pattern = r'"fullPreviewHash%sPath":"(.+?)"' % q m = re.search(pattern, self.data) if m is not None: pyfile.name += ".mp4" self.link = m.group(1).replace("\\", "") return else: self.log_info(_("No %s quality video found") % q.upper()) else: self.fail(_("No video found!")) getInfo = create_getInfo(VeohCom)