# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pycurl import re from module.common.json_layer import json_loads from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import encode, timestamp from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo class UploadingCom(SimpleHoster): __name__ = "UploadingCom" __type__ = "hoster" __version__ = "0.44" __status__ = "testing" __pattern__ = r'http://(?:www\.)?uploading\.com/files/(?:get/)?(?P<ID>\w+)' __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", True)] __description__ = """Uploading.com hoster plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("jeix", "jeix@hasnomail.de"), ("mkaay", "mkaay@mkaay.de"), ("zoidberg", "zoidberg@mujmail.cz")] NAME_PATTERN = r'id="file_title">(?P<N>.+?)</' SIZE_PATTERN = r'size tip_container">(?P<S>[\d.,]+) (?P<U>[\w^_]+)<' OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'(Page|file) not found' COOKIES = [("uploading.com", "lang", "1"), (".uploading.com", "language", "1"), (".uploading.com", "setlang", "en"), (".uploading.com", "_lang", "en")] def process(self, pyfile): if not "/get/" in pyfile.url: pyfile.url = pyfile.url.replace("/files", "/files/get") self.html = self.load(pyfile.url) self.get_fileInfo() if self.premium: self.handle_premium(pyfile) else: self.handle_free(pyfile) def handle_premium(self, pyfile): postData = {'action': 'get_link', 'code' : self.info['pattern']['ID'], 'pass' : 'undefined'} self.html = self.load('http://uploading.com/files/get/?JsHttpRequest=%d-xml' % timestamp(), post=postData) url = re.search(r'"link"\s*:\s*"(.*?)"', self.html) if url: self.link = url.group(1).replace("\\/", "/") raise Exception("Plugin defect") def handle_free(self, pyfile): m = re.search('<h2>((Daily )?Download Limit)</h2>', self.html) if m is not None: pyfile.error = encode(m.group(1)) self.log_warning(pyfile.error) self.retry(6, (6 * 60 if m.group(2) else 15) * 60, pyfile.error) ajax_url = "http://uploading.com/files/get/?ajax" self.req.http.c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ["X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest"]) self.req.http.lastURL = pyfile.url res = json_loads(self.load(ajax_url, post={'action': 'second_page', 'code': self.info['pattern']['ID']})) if 'answer' in res and 'wait_time' in res['answer']: wait_time = int(res['answer']['wait_time']) self.log_info(_("Waiting %d seconds") % wait_time) self.wait(wait_time) else: self.error(_("No AJAX/WAIT")) res = json_loads(self.load(ajax_url, post={'action': 'get_link', 'code': self.info['pattern']['ID'], 'pass': 'false'})) if 'answer' in res and 'link' in res['answer']: url = res['answer']['link'] else: self.error(_("No AJAX/URL")) self.html = self.load(url) m = re.search(r'<form id="file_form" action="(.*?)"', self.html) if m is not None: url = m.group(1) else: self.error(_("No URL")) self.link = url getInfo = create_getInfo(UploadingCom)