# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement import re import unicodedata from os import remove from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster from module.plugins.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha from module.network.RequestFactory import getURL def unicode2str(unitext): return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unitext).encode('ascii', 'ignore') def getInfo(urls): result = [] for url in urls: # Get file info html html = getURL(url) if re.search(UploadStationCom.FILE_OFFLINE_PATTERN, html): result.append((url, 0, 1, url)) continue # Name name = re.search(UploadStationCom.FILE_TITLE_PATTERN, html).group(1) name = unicode2str(name) # Unicode BUG workaround # Size m = re.search(UploadStationCom.FILE_SIZE_PATTERN, html) value = float(m.group(1)) units = m.group(2) pow = {'KB' : 1, 'MB' : 2, 'GB' : 3}[units] size = int(value*1024**pow) # Return info result.append((name, size, 2, url)) yield result class UploadStationCom(Hoster): __name__ = "UploadStationCom" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r"http://(www\.)?uploadstation\.com/file/(?P<id>[A-Za-z0-9]+)" __version__ = "0.3" __description__ = """UploadStation.Com File Download Hoster""" __author_name__ = ("fragonib") __author_mail__ = ("fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es") FILE_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'''<h1>File not available</h1>|<b>The file could not be found\. Please check the download link''' FILE_TITLE_PATTERN = r'''<div class=\"download_item\">(.*?)</div>''' FILE_SIZE_PATTERN = r'''<div><span>File size: <b>(.*?) (KB|MB|GB)</b>''' CAPTCHA_PRESENT_TOKEN = '<div class="speedBox" id="showCaptcha" style="display:none;">' CAPTCHA_KEY_PATTERN = r"var reCAPTCHA_publickey='(.*?)';" CAPTCHA_WRONG_TOKEN = 'incorrect-captcha-sol' WAITING_PATTERN = r".*?(\d+).*?" TIME_LIMIT_TOKEN = '"fail":"timeLimit"' TIME_LIMIT_WAIT_PATTERN = r"You need to wait (\d+) seconds to download next file." DOWNLOAD_RESTRICTION_TOKEN = '"To remove download restriction, please choose your suitable plan as below</h1>"' def setup(self): self.multiDL = False self.fileId = '' self.html = '' def process(self, pyfile): # Get URL self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, ref=False, cookies=True, utf8=True) # Is offline? m = re.search(UploadStationCom.FILE_OFFLINE_PATTERN, self.html) if m is not None: self.offline() # Id & Title self.fileId = re.search(self.__pattern__, self.pyfile.url).group('id') title = re.search(UploadStationCom.FILE_TITLE_PATTERN, self.html).group(1) self.pyfile.name = unicode2str(title) # Unicode BUG workaround # Free account self.handleFree() def handleFree(self): # Not needed yet # pattern = r'''\"(/landing/.*?/download_captcha\.js)\"''' # jsPage = re.search(pattern, self.html).group(1) # self.jsPage = self.load("http://uploadstation.com" + jsPage) # Check download response = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"checkDownload" : "check"}) self.log.debug("%s: Checking download, response [%s]" % (self.__name__, response)) self.handleErrors(response) # We got a captcha? if UploadStationCom.CAPTCHA_PRESENT_TOKEN in self.html: id = re.search(UploadStationCom.CAPTCHA_KEY_PATTERN, self.html).group(1) self.log.debug("%s: Resolving ReCaptcha with key [%s]" % (self.__name__, id)) recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self) challenge, code = recaptcha.challenge(id) response = self.load('http://www.uploadstation.com/checkReCaptcha.php', post={'recaptcha_challenge_field' : challenge, 'recaptcha_response_field' : code, 'recaptcha_shortencode_field' : self.fileId}) self.log.debug("%s: Result of captcha resolving [%s]" % (self.__name__, response)) self.handleCaptchaErrors(response) # Process waiting response = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"downloadLink" : "wait"}) m = re.search(UploadStationCom.WAITING_PATTERN, response) if m is not None: wait = int(m.group(1)) if wait == 404: self.log.debug("No wait time returned") self.fail("No wait time returned") self.log.debug("%s: Waiting %d seconds." % (self.__name__, wait)) self.setWait(wait + 3) self.wait() # Show download link self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"downloadLink" : "show"}) # This may either download our file or forward us to an error page self.log.debug("%s: Downloading file." % (self.__name__)) dl = self.download(self.pyfile.url, post={"download" : "normal"}) self.handleDownloadedFile() def handleErrors(self, response): if UploadStationCom.TIME_LIMIT_TOKEN in response: wait = 300 html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"checkDownload" : "showError", "errorType" : "timeLimit"}) m = re.search(UploadStationCom.TIME_LIMIT_WAIT_PATTERN, html) if m is not None: wait = int(m.group(1)) self.log.info("%s: Time limit reached, waiting %d seconds." % (self.__name__, wait)) self.setWait(wait, True) self.wait() self.retry() if UploadStationCom.DOWNLOAD_RESTRICTION_TOKEN in response: wait = 720 self.log.info("%s: Free account time limit reached, waiting %d seconds." % (self.__name__, wait)) self.setWait(wait, True) self.wait() self.retry() def handleCaptchaErrors(self, response): if UploadStationCom.CAPTCHA_WRONG_TOKEN in response: self.log.info("%s: Invalid captcha response, retrying." % (self.__name__)) self.invalidCaptcha() self.retry() def handleDownloadedFile(self): check = self.checkDownload({"wait": re.compile(UploadStationCom.TIME_LIMIT_WAIT_PATTERN)}) if check == "wait": wait = 720 if self.lastCheck is not None: wait = int(self.lastCheck.group(1)) self.log.debug("%s: Failed, you need to wait %d seconds for another download." % (self.__name__, wait)) self.setWait(wait + 3, True) self.wait() self.retry()