# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta from module.plugins.internal.MultiHoster import MultiHoster, create_getInfo from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import secondsToMidnight class SimplyPremiumCom(MultiHoster): __name__ = "SimplyPremiumCom" __type__ = "hoster" __version__ = "0.08" __pattern__ = r'https?://.+simply-premium\.com' __description__ = """Simply-Premium.com multi-hoster plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("EvolutionClip", "evolutionclip@live.de")] def setup(self): self.chunkLimit = 16 def checkErrors(self): if '<valid>0</valid>' in self.html or ( "You are not allowed to download from this host" in self.html and self.premium): self.account.relogin(self.user) self.retry() elif "NOTFOUND" in self.html: self.offline() elif "downloadlimit" in self.html: self.logWarning(_("Reached maximum connctions")) self.retry(5, 60, _("Reached maximum connctions")) elif "trafficlimit" in self.html: self.logWarning(_("Reached daily limit for this host")) self.retry(wait_time=secondsToMidnight(gmt=2), reason="Daily limit for this host reached") elif "hostererror" in self.html: self.logWarning(_("Hoster temporarily unavailable, waiting 1 minute and retry")) self.retry(5, 60, _("Hoster is temporarily unavailable")) def handlePremium(self, pyfile): for i in xrange(5): self.html = self.load("http://www.simply-premium.com/premium.php", get={'info': "", 'link': self.pyfile.url}) if self.html: self.logDebug("JSON data: " + self.html) break else: self.logInfo(_("Unable to get API data, waiting 1 minute and retry")) self.retry(5, 60, _("Unable to get API data")) self.checkErrors() try: self.pyfile.name = re.search(r'<name>([^<]+)</name>', self.html).group(1) except AttributeError: self.pyfile.name = "" try: self.pyfile.size = re.search(r'<size>(\d+)</size>', self.html).group(1) except AttributeError: self.pyfile.size = 0 try: self.link = re.search(r'<download>([^<]+)</download>', self.html).group(1) except AttributeError: self.link = 'http://www.simply-premium.com/premium.php?link=' + self.pyfile.url getInfo = create_getInfo(SimplyPremiumCom)