# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from module.plugins.hoster.XFileSharingPro import XFileSharingPro, create_getInfo
import re
class RyushareCom(XFileSharingPro):
__name__ = "RyushareCom"
__type__ = "hoster"
__pattern__ = r"http://(?:\w*\.)*?ryushare.com/\w{11,}"
__version__ = "0.05"
__description__ = """ryushare.com hoster plugin"""
__author_name__ = ("zoidberg")
__author_mail__ = ("zoidberg@mujmail.cz")
HOSTER_NAME = "ryushare.com"
def setup(self):
self.resumeDownload = self.multiDL = self.premium
self.chunkLimit = 3
def getDownloadLink(self):
self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url)
action, inputs = self.parseHtmlForm(input_names={"op": re.compile("^download")})
if inputs.has_key('method_premium'):
del inputs['method_premium']
self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post = inputs)
action, inputs = self.parseHtmlForm('F1')
for i in xrange(10):
self.logInfo('Attempt to detect direct link #%d' % i)
# wait 60 seconds
seconds = re.search(r'(?:You have to|Please) wait (?:)?(?P\d+)(?:)? seconds', self.html).group('sec')
self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post = inputs)
if 'Click here to download' in self.html:
m = re.search(r'Click here to download', self.html)
return m.group(1)
self.parseError('No direct link within 10 retries')
getInfo = create_getInfo(RyushareCom)