# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import urllib

from module.plugins.internal.MultiHoster import MultiHoster, create_getInfo

class RehostTo(MultiHoster):
    __name__    = "RehostTo"
    __type__    = "hoster"
    __version__ = "0.26"
    __status__  = "testing"

    __pattern__ = r'https?://.*rehost\.to\..+'
    __config__  = [("activated"   , "bool", "Activated"                                        , True ),
                   ("use_premium" , "bool", "Use premium account if available"                 , True ),
                   ("fallback"    , "bool", "Fallback to free download if premium fails"       , False),
                   ("chk_filesize", "bool", "Check file size"                                  , True ),
                   ("max_wait"    , "int" , "Reconnect if waiting time is greater than minutes", 10   ),
                   ("revertfailed", "bool", "Revert to standard download if fails"             , True )]

    __description__ = """Rehost.com multi-hoster plugin"""
    __license__     = "GPLv3"
    __authors__     = [("RaNaN", "RaNaN@pyload.org")]

    def handle_premium(self, pyfile):
                      get={'user': "cookie",
                           'pass': self.account.get_data('session'),
                           'dl'  : pyfile.url},

getInfo = create_getInfo(RehostTo)