#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re import tempfile from time import time from time import sleep import hashlib from module.Plugin import Plugin class NetloadIn(Plugin): def __init__(self, parent): Plugin.__init__(self, parent) props = {} props['name'] = "NetloadIn" props['type'] = "hoster" props['pattern'] = r"http://.*netload\.in/" props['version'] = "0.1" props['description'] = """Netload.in Download Plugin""" props['author_name'] = ("spoob", "RaNaN") props['author_mail'] = ("spoob@pyload.org") self.props = props self.parent = parent self.html = [None, None, None] self.want_reconnect = False self.multi_dl = False self.api_data = None self.init_ocr() self.read_config() if self.config['premium']: self.multi_dl = True else: self.multi_dl = False def prepare(self, thread): pyfile = self.parent self.req.clear_cookies() self.want_reconnect = False self.download_api_data() if self.file_exists(): pyfile.status.filename = self.get_file_name() if self.config['premium']: self.req.load("http://netload.in/index.php", None, { "txtuser" : self.config['username'], "txtpass" : self.config['password'], "txtcheck" : "login", "txtlogin" : ""}, cookies=True) self.logger.info("Netload: Use Premium Account") pyfile.status.url = self.parent.url return True while not pyfile.status.url: self.download_html() self.get_wait_time() pyfile.status.waituntil = self.time_plus_wait pyfile.status.want_reconnect = self.want_reconnect thread.wait(self.parent) pyfile.status.url = self.get_file_url() else: raise Exception, "The file was not found on the server." def download_api_data(self): url = self.parent.url id_regex = re.compile("http://.*netload.in/datei(.*?)(?:\.htm|/)") match = id_regex.search(url) if match: apiurl = "http://netload.in/share/fileinfos2.php" src = self.req.load(apiurl, cookies=False, get={"file_id": match.group(1)}) self.api_data = {} if not src == "unknown file_data": lines = src.split(";") self.api_data["exists"] = True self.api_data["fileid"] = lines[0] self.api_data["filename"] = lines[1] self.api_data["size"] = lines[2] #@TODO formatting? (ex: '2.07 KB') self.api_data["status"] = lines[3] self.api_data["checksum"] = lines[4].strip() else: self.api_data["exists"] = False def download_html(self): self.html[0] = self.req.load(self.parent.url, cookies=True) url_captcha_html = "http://netload.in/" + re.search('(index.php\?id=10&.*&captcha=1)', self.html[0]).group(1).replace("amp;", "") for i in range(6): self.html[1] = self.req.load(url_captcha_html, cookies=True) try: captcha_url = "http://netload.in/" + re.search('(share/includes/captcha.php\?t=\d*)', self.html[1]).group(1) except: url_captcha_html = "http://netload.in/" + re.search('(index.php\?id=10&.*&captcha=1)', self.html[1]).group(1).replace("amp;", "") self.html[1] = self.req.load(url_captcha_html, cookies=True) captcha_url = "http://netload.in/" + re.search('(share/includes/captcha.php\?t=\d*)', self.html[1]).group(1) file_id = re.search('<input name="file_id" type="hidden" value="(.*)" />', self.html[1]).group(1) captcha_image = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png").name self.req.download(captcha_url, captcha_image, cookies=True) captcha = self.ocr.get_captcha(captcha_image) os.remove(captcha_image) self.logger.debug("Captcha %s: %s" % (i, captcha)) sleep(5) self.html[2] = self.req.load("http://netload.in/index.php?id=10", post={"file_id": file_id, "captcha_check": captcha}, cookies=True) if re.search(r"(We will prepare your download..|We had a reqeust with the IP)", self.html[2]) != None: break def get_file_url(self): try: file_url_pattern = r"<a class=\"Orange_Link\" href=\"(http://.+)\" >Click here" return re.search(file_url_pattern, self.html[2]).group(1) except: return None def get_wait_time(self): if re.search(r"We had a reqeust with the IP", self.html[2]): wait_minutes = int(re.search(r"countdown\((.+),'change\(\)'\)", self.html[2]).group(1)) / 6000 self.want_reconnect = True self.time_plus_wait = time() + wait_minutes * 60 return wait_seconds = int(re.search(r"countdown\((.+),'change\(\)'\)", self.html[2]).group(1)) / 100 self.time_plus_wait = time() + wait_seconds def get_file_name(self): if self.api_data["filename"]: return self.api_data["filename"] elif self.html[0]: file_name_pattern = '\t\t\t(.+)<span style="color: #8d8d8d;">' file_name_search = re.search(file_name_pattern, self.html[0]) if file_name_search: return file_name_search.group(1) return self.parent.url def file_exists(self): if self.api_data["exists"]: return self.api_data["exists"] elif self.html[0] and re.search(r"The file has been deleted", self.html[0]) == None: return True return False def proceed(self, url, location): self.req.download(url, location, cookies=True) def check_file(self, local_file): if self.api_data and self.api_data["checksum"]: h = hashlib.md5() f = open(local_file, "rb") h.update(f.read()) f.close() hexd = h.hexdigest() if hexd == self.api_data["checksum"]: return (True, 0) else: return (False, 1) else: return (True, 5)