# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: zoidberg """ import re from random import random from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo class NarodRu(SimpleHoster): __name__ = "NarodRu" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r'http://(?:www\.)?narod(\.yandex)?\.ru/(disk|start/[0-9]+\.\w+-narod\.yandex\.ru)/(?P<ID>\d+)/.+' __version__ = "0.1" __description__ = """Narod.ru hoster plugin""" __author_name__ = "zoidberg" __author_mail__ = "zoidberg@mujmail.cz" FILE_NAME_PATTERN = r'<dt class="name">(?:<[^<]*>)*(?P<N>[^<]+)</dt>' FILE_SIZE_PATTERN = r'<dd class="size">(?P<S>\d[^<]*)</dd>' OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'<title>404</title>|Файл удален с сервиса|Закончился срок хранения файла\.' FILE_SIZE_REPLACEMENTS = [(u'КБ', 'KB'), (u'МБ', 'MB'), (u'ГБ', 'GB')] FILE_URL_REPLACEMENTS = [("narod.yandex.ru/", "narod.ru/"), (r"/start/[0-9]+\.\w+-narod\.yandex\.ru/([0-9]{6,15})/\w+/(\w+)", r"/disk/\1/\2")] CAPTCHA_PATTERN = r'<number url="(.*?)">(\w+)</number>' DOWNLOAD_LINK_PATTERN = r'<a class="h-link" rel="yandex_bar" href="(.+?)">' def handleFree(self): for _ in xrange(5): self.html = self.load('http://narod.ru/disk/getcapchaxml/?rnd=%d' % int(random() * 777)) found = re.search(self.CAPTCHA_PATTERN, self.html) if not found: self.parseError('Captcha') post_data = {"action": "sendcapcha"} captcha_url, post_data['key'] = found.groups() post_data['rep'] = self.decryptCaptcha(captcha_url) self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post=post_data, decode=True) found = re.search(self.DOWNLOAD_LINK_PATTERN, self.html) if found: url = 'http://narod.ru' + found.group(1) self.correctCaptcha() break elif u'<b class="error-msg"><strong>Ошиблись?</strong>' in self.html: self.invalidCaptcha() else: self.parseError('Download link') else: self.fail("No valid captcha code entered") self.logDebug('Download link: ' + url) self.download(url) getInfo = create_getInfo(NarodRu)