#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster from module.network.Request import getURL def getInfo(urls): url = "http://megaupload.com/mgr_linkcheck.php" ids = [x.split("=")[-1] for x in urls] i = 0 post = {} for id in ids: post["id%i"%i] = id i += 1 api = getURL(url, {}, post) api = [x.split("&") for x in re.split(r"&?(?=id[\d]+=)", api)] result = [] i=0 for data in api: if data[0].startswith("id"): tmp = [x.split("=") for x in data] if tmp[2][1] == "3": status = 3 elif tmp[0][1] == "0": status = 2 elif tmp[0][1] == "1": status = 1 else: status = 3 name = tmp[3][1] size = tmp[1][1] result.append( (name, size, status, urls[i] ) ) i += 1 yield result class MegauploadCom(Hoster): __name__ = "MegauploadCom" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r"http://[\w\.]*?(megaupload)\.com/.*?(\?|&)d=[0-9A-Za-z]+" __version__ = "0.1" __description__ = """Megaupload.com Download Hoster""" __author_name__ = ("spoob") __author_mail__ = ("spoob@pyload.org") def setup(self): self.html = [None, None] self.multiDL = False self.api = {} def process(self, pyfile): self.pyfile = pyfile self.download_html() self.download_api() if not self.file_exists(): self.offline() self.setWait(45) self.wait() pyfile.name = self.get_file_name() self.download(self.get_file_url()) def download_html(self): for i in range(5): self.html[0] = self.load(self.pyfile.url) count = 0 while "document.location='http://www.megaupload.com/?c=msg" in self.html[0]: # megaupload.com/?c=msg usually says: Please check back in 2 minutes, # so we can spare that http request self.setWait(120) if count > 1: self.wantReconnect = True self.wait() self.html[0] = self.load(self.pyfile.url) count += 1 if count > 5: self.fail(_("%s: Megaupload is currently blocking your IP. Try again later, manually."% self.__name__)) try: url_captcha_html = re.search('(http://[\w\.]*?megaupload\.com/gencap.php\?.*\.gif)', self.html[0]).group(1) except: continue captcha = self.decryptCaptcha(url_captcha_html) captchacode = re.search('name="captchacode" value="(.*)"', self.html[0]).group(1) megavar = re.search('name="megavar" value="(.*)">', self.html[0]).group(1) self.html[1] = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"captcha": captcha, "captchacode": captchacode, "megavar": megavar}) if re.search(r"Waiting time before each download begins", self.html[1]) is not None: break def download_api(self): url = "http://megaupload.com/mgr_linkcheck.php" id = self.pyfile.url.split("=")[-1] post = {"id0": id} api = self.load(url, {}, post) api = [x.split("&") for x in re.split(r"&?(?=id[\d]+=)", api)] for data in api: if data[0].startswith("id"): tmp = [x.split("=") for x in data] if tmp[2][1] == "3": status = 3 elif tmp[0][1] == "0": status = 2 elif tmp[0][1] == "1": self.offline() else: status = 3 name = tmp[3][1] #size = tmp[1][1] self.api["name"] = name self.pyfile.name = name def get_file_url(self): file_url_pattern = 'id="downloadlink"><a href="(.*)" onclick="' search = re.search(file_url_pattern, self.html[1]) return search.group(1).replace(" ", "%20") def get_file_name(self): if not self.api: file_name_pattern = 'id="downloadlink"><a href="(.*)" onclick="' return re.search(file_name_pattern, self.html[1]).group(1).split("/")[-1] else: return self.api["name"] def file_exists(self): #self.download_html() if re.search(r"Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available.", self.html[0]) is not None or \ re.search(r"Download limit exceeded", self.html[0]) is not None: return False if re.search("The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable", self.html[0]) is not None: self.setWait(120) self.log.debug("%s: The file is temporarily not available. Waiting 2 minutes." % self.__name__) self.wait() self.download_html() if re.search("The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable", self.html[0]) is not None: self.fail(_("Looks like the file is still not available. Retry downloading later, manually.")) return True