#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re import tempfile from time import time from module.Plugin import Plugin class MegauploadCom(Plugin): def __init__(self, parent): Plugin.__init__(self, parent) props = {} props['name'] = "MegauploadCom" props['type'] = "hoster" props['pattern'] = r"http://(?:www.)megaupload.com/" props['version'] = "0.1" props['description'] = """Megaupload.com Download Plugin""" props['author_name'] = ("spoob") props['author_mail'] = ("spoob@pyload.org") self.props = props self.parent = parent self.time_plus_wait = None self.html = [None, None] self.init_ocr() self.multi_dl = False def download_html(self): captcha_image = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".gif").name for i in range(5): self.html[0] = self.load(self.parent.url) try: url_captcha_html = re.search('(http://www.{,3}\.megaupload\.com/gencap.php\?.*\.gif)', self.html[0]).group(1) except: continue self.pyfile.status.waituntil = time() + 10 self.req.download(url_captcha_html, captcha_image) captcha = self.ocr.get_captcha(captcha_image) os.remove(captcha_image) captchacode = re.search('name="captchacode" value="(.*)"', self.html[0]).group(1) megavar = re.search('name="megavar" value="(.*)">', self.html[0]).group(1) self.html[1] = self.load(self.parent.url, post={"captcha": captcha, "captchacode": captchacode, "megavar": megavar}) if re.search(r"Waiting time before each download begins", self.html[1]) != None: break self.time_plus_wait = time() + 45 def get_file_url(self): file_url_pattern = 'id="downloadlink"><a href="(.*)" onclick="' search = re.search(file_url_pattern, self.html[1]) return search.group(1).replace(" ", "%20") def get_file_name(self): file_name_pattern = 'id="downloadlink"><a href="(.*)" onclick="' return re.search(file_name_pattern, self.html[1]).group(1).split("/")[-1] def file_exists(self): self.download_html() if re.search(r"Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available.", self.html[0]) != None or \ re.search(r"Download limit exceeded", self.html[0]): return False return True