# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: zoidberg """ import re from time import time from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo class MegasharesCom(SimpleHoster): __name__ = "MegasharesCom" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r'http://(?:www\.)?megashares.com/.*' __version__ = "0.24" __description__ = """Megashares.com hoster plugin""" __author_name__ = "zoidberg" __author_mail__ = "zoidberg@mujmail.cz" FILE_NAME_PATTERN = '<h1 class="black xxl"[^>]*title="(?P<N>[^"]+)">' FILE_SIZE_PATTERN = '<strong><span class="black">Filesize:</span></strong> (?P<S>[0-9.]+) (?P<U>[kKMG])i?B<br />' DOWNLOAD_URL_PATTERN = r'<div id="show_download_button_%d"[^>]*>\s*<a href="([^"]+)">' PASSPORT_LEFT_PATTERN = r'Your Download Passport is: <[^>]*>(\w+).*\s*You have\s*<[^>]*>\s*([0-9.]+) ([kKMG]i?B)' PASSPORT_RENEW_PATTERN = r'Your download passport will renew in\s*<strong>(\d+)</strong>:<strong>(\d+)</strong>:<strong>(\d+)</strong>' REACTIVATE_NUM_PATTERN = r'<input[^>]*id="random_num" value="(\d+)" />' REACTIVATE_PASSPORT_PATTERN = r'<input[^>]*id="passport_num" value="(\w+)" />' REQUEST_URI_PATTERN = r'var request_uri = "([^"]+)";' NO_SLOTS_PATTERN = r'<dd class="red">All download slots for this link are currently filled' FILE_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'<dd class="red">(Invalid Link Request|Link has been deleted)' def setup(self): self.resumeDownload = True self.multiDL = self.premium def handlePremium(self): self.handleDownload(True) def handleFree(self): self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, decode=True) if self.NO_SLOTS_PATTERN in self.html: self.retry(wait_time=5 * 60) self.getFileInfo() #if self.pyfile.size > 576716800: self.fail("This file is too large for free download") # Reactivate passport if needed found = re.search(self.REACTIVATE_PASSPORT_PATTERN, self.html) if found: passport_num = found.group(1) request_uri = re.search(self.REQUEST_URI_PATTERN, self.html).group(1) for _ in xrange(5): random_num = re.search(self.REACTIVATE_NUM_PATTERN, self.html).group(1) verifyinput = self.decryptCaptcha( "http://d01.megashares.com/index.php?secgfx=gfx&random_num=%s" % random_num) self.logInfo("Reactivating passport %s: %s %s" % (passport_num, random_num, verifyinput)) url = ("http://d01.megashares.com%s&rs=check_passport_renewal" % request_uri + "&rsargs[]=%s&rsargs[]=%s&rsargs[]=%s" % (verifyinput, random_num, passport_num) + "&rsargs[]=replace_sec_pprenewal&rsrnd=%s" % str(int(time() * 1000))) self.logDebug(url) response = self.load(url) if 'Thank you for reactivating your passport.' in response: self.correctCaptcha() self.retry() else: self.invalidCaptcha() else: self.fail("Failed to reactivate passport") # Check traffic left on passport found = re.search(self.PASSPORT_LEFT_PATTERN, self.html) if not found: self.fail('Passport not found') self.logInfo("Download passport: %s" % found.group(1)) data_left = float(found.group(2)) * 1024 ** {'KB': 1, 'MB': 2, 'GB': 3}[found.group(3)] self.logInfo("Data left: %s %s (%d MB needed)" % (found.group(2), found.group(3), self.pyfile.size / 1048576)) if not data_left: found = re.search(self.PASSPORT_RENEW_PATTERN, self.html) renew = found.group(1) + found.group(2) + found.group(3) * 60 * 60 if found else 10 * 60 self.retry(max_tries=15, wait_time=renew, reason="Unable to get passport") self.handleDownload(False) def handleDownload(self, premium=False): # Find download link; found = re.search(self.DOWNLOAD_URL_PATTERN % (1 if premium else 2), self.html) msg = '%s download URL' % ('Premium' if premium else 'Free') if not found: self.parseError(msg) download_url = found.group(1) self.logDebug("%s: %s" % (msg, download_url)) self.download(download_url) getInfo = create_getInfo(MegasharesCom)