# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re

from module.common.json_layer import json_loads, json_dumps

from module.plugins.hoster.MegaCoNz import MegaCoNz

class MegacrypterCom(MegaCoNz):
    __name__    = "MegacrypterCom"
    __type__    = "hoster"
    __version__ = "0.23"
    __status__  = "testing"

    __pattern__ = r'https?://\w{0,10}\.?megacrypter\.com/[\w\-!]+'
    __config__  = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", True)]

    __description__ = """Megacrypter.com decrypter plugin"""
    __license__     = "GPLv3"
    __authors__     = [("GonzaloSR", "gonzalo@gonzalosr.com")]

    API_URL = "http://megacrypter.com/api"
    FILE_SUFFIX = ".crypted"

    def api_response(self, **kwargs):
        Dispatch a call to the api, see megacrypter.com/api_doc
        self.log_debug("JSON request: " + json_dumps(kwargs))
        res = self.load(self.API_URL, post=json_dumps(kwargs))
        self.log_debug("API Response: " + res)
        return json_loads(res)

    def process(self, pyfile):
        #: Match is guaranteed because plugin was chosen to handle url
        node = re.match(self.__pattern__, pyfile.url).group(0)

        #: get Mega.co.nz link info
        info = self.api_response(link=node, m="info")

        #: Get crypted file URL
        dl = self.api_response(link=node, m="dl")

        #@TODO: map error codes, implement password protection
        # if info['pass'] is True:
            # crypted_file_key, md5_file_key = info['key'].split("#")

        key = self.b64_decode(info['key'])

        pyfile.name = info['name'] + self.FILE_SUFFIX



        #: Everything is finished and final name can be set
        pyfile.name = info['name']