# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: zoidberg """ import re from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, parseFileInfo from module.plugins.internal.CaptchaService import SolveMedia from module.network.RequestFactory import getURL def replace_eval(js_expr): return js_expr.replace(r'eval("', '').replace(r"\'", r"'").replace(r'\"', r'"') def checkHTMLHeader(url): try: for _ in xrange(3): header = getURL(url, just_header=True) for line in header.splitlines(): line = line.lower() if 'location' in line: url = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip() if 'error.php?errno=320' in url: return url, 1 if not url.startswith('http://'): url = 'http://www.mediafire.com' + url break elif 'content-disposition' in line: return url, 2 else: break except: return url, 3 return url, 0 def getInfo(urls): for url in urls: location, status = checkHTMLHeader(url) if status: file_info = (url, 0, status, url) else: file_info = parseFileInfo(MediafireCom, url, getURL(url, decode=True)) yield file_info class MediafireCom(SimpleHoster): __name__ = "MediafireCom" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r"http://(?:www\.)?mediafire\.com/(file/|(view/?|download.php)?\?)(\w{11}|\w{15})($|/)" __version__ = "0.79" __description__ = """Mediafire.com hoster plugin""" __author_name__ = ("zoidberg", "stickell") __author_mail__ = ("zoidberg@mujmail.cz", "l.stickell@yahoo.it") DOWNLOAD_LINK_PATTERN = r'<div class="download_link"[^>]*(?:z-index:(?P<zindex>\d+))?[^>]*>\s*<a href="(?P<href>http://[^"]+)"' JS_KEY_PATTERN = r"DoShow\('mfpromo1'\);[^{]*{((\w+)='';.*?)eval\(\2\);" JS_ZMODULO_PATTERN = r"\('z-index'\)\) \% (\d+)\)\);" SOLVEMEDIA_PATTERN = r'http://api\.solvemedia\.com/papi/challenge\.noscript\?k=([^"]+)' PAGE1_ACTION_PATTERN = r'<link rel="canonical" href="([^"]+)"/>' PASSWORD_PATTERN = r'<form name="form_password"' FILE_NAME_PATTERN = r'<META NAME="description" CONTENT="(?P<N>[^"]+)"/>' FILE_INFO_PATTERN = r"oFileSharePopup\.ald\('(?P<ID>[^']*)','(?P<N>[^']*)','(?P<S>[^']*)','','(?P<sha256>[^']*)'\)" FILE_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'class="error_msg_title"> Invalid or Deleted File. </div>' def setup(self): self.multiDL = False def process(self, pyfile): pyfile.url = re.sub(r'/view/?\?', '/?', pyfile.url) self.url, result = checkHTMLHeader(pyfile.url) self.logDebug('Location (%d): %s' % (result, self.url)) if result == 0: self.html = self.load(self.url, decode=True) self.checkCaptcha() self.multiDL = True self.check_data = self.getFileInfo() if self.account: self.handlePremium() else: self.handleFree() elif result == 1: self.offline() else: self.multiDL = True self.download(self.url, disposition=True) def handleFree(self): passwords = self.getPassword().splitlines() while self.PASSWORD_PATTERN in self.html: if len(passwords): password = passwords.pop(0) self.logInfo("Password protected link, trying " + password) self.html = self.load(self.url, post={"downloadp": password}) else: self.fail("No or incorrect password") found = re.search(r'kNO = "(http://.*?)";', self.html) if not found: self.parseError("Download URL") download_url = found.group(1) self.logDebug("DOWNLOAD LINK:", download_url) self.download(download_url) def checkCaptcha(self): for _ in xrange(5): found = re.search(self.SOLVEMEDIA_PATTERN, self.html) if found: captcha_key = found.group(1) solvemedia = SolveMedia(self) captcha_challenge, captcha_response = solvemedia.challenge(captcha_key) self.html = self.load(self.url, post={"adcopy_challenge": captcha_challenge, "adcopy_response": captcha_response}, decode=True) else: break else: self.fail("No valid recaptcha solution received")