#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import urllib import httplib from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster from time import time class FreakshareNet(Hoster): __name__ = "FreakshareNet" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r"http://(?:www\.)?freakshare\.net/files/\S*?/" __version__ = "0.2" __description__ = """Freakshare.com Download Hoster""" __author_name__ = ("sitacuisses","spoob","mkaay") __author_mail__ = ("sitacuisses@yahoo.de","spoob@pyload.org","mkaay@mkaay.de") def setup(self): self.html = None self.wantReconnect = False self.multiDL = False self.req_opts = [] def process(self, pyfile): self.pyfile = pyfile self.prepare() self.proceed( self.get_file_url() ) def prepare(self): pyfile = self.pyfile self.wantReconnect = False self.download_html() if not self.file_exists(): self.offline self.setWait( self.get_waiting_time() ) pyfile.name = self.get_file_name() self.wait() return True def download_html(self): url = self.pyfile.url self.html = self.load(url, cookies=True) def get_file_url(self): """ returns the absolute downloadable filepath """ if self.html == None: self.download_html() if not self.wantReconnect: self.req_opts = self.get_download_options() # get the Post options for the Request file_url = self.pyfile.url return file_url else: self.offline() def get_file_name(self): if self.html == None: self.download_html() if not self.wantReconnect: file_name = re.search(r"(.*?)<\/h1>", self.html).group(1) return file_name else: return self.pyfile.url def get_waiting_time(self): if self.html == None: self.download_html() timestring = re.search('\s*var\stime\s=\s(\d*?)\.\d*;', self.html).group(1) if timestring: sec = int(timestring) + 1 #add 1 sec as tenths of seconds are cut off else: sec = 0 return sec def file_exists(self): """ returns True or False """ if self.html == None: self.download_html() if re.search(r"Sorry, this Download doesnt exist anymore", self.html) != None: return False else: return True def get_download_options(self): re_envelope = re.search(r".*?value=\"Free\sDownload\".*?\n*?(.*?<.*?>\n*)*?\n*\s*?", self.html).group(0) #get the whole request to_sort = re.findall(r"", re_envelope) request_options = [] for item in to_sort: #Name value pairs are output reversed from regex, so we reorder them request_options.append((item[1], item[0])) herewego = self.load(self.pyfile.url, None, request_options, cookies=True) # the actual download-Page to_sort = re.findall(r"", herewego) request_options = [] for item in to_sort: #Same as above request_options.append((item[1], item[0])) return request_options def proceed(self, url): """ request.download doesn't handle the 302 redirect correctly that's why the data are posted "manually" via httplib and the redirect-url is read from the header. Important: The cookies may not be posted to the download-url otherwise the downloaded file only contains "bad try" Need to come up with a better idea to handle the redirect, help is appreciated. """ temp_options = urllib.urlencode(self.req_opts) temp_url = re.match(r"http://(.*?)/.*", url).group(1) # get the server name temp_extended = re.match(r"http://.*?(/.*)", url).group(1) # get the url relative to serverroot cookie_list = "" for temp_cookie in self.req.cookies: #prepare cookies cookie_list += temp_cookie.name + "=" + temp_cookie.value +";" temp_headers = [ #create the additional header fields ["Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], #this is very important ["User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.10"], ["Accept-Encoding", "deflate"], ["Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"], ["Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"], ["Connection", "keep-alive"], ["Keep-Alive", "300"], ["Referer", self.req.lastURL], ["Cookie", cookie_list]] temp_conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(temp_url) temp_conn.request("POST", temp_extended, temp_options, dict(temp_headers)) temp_response = temp_conn.getresponse() new_url = temp_response.getheader("Location") # we need the Location-header temp_conn.close self.download(new_url, cookies=False)