# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement import re from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster from module.plugins.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha from module.network.RequestFactory import getURL from module.utils import parseFileSize try: from json import loads as json_loads except ImportError: # pragma: no cover from module.lib.simplejson import loads as json_loads def getInfo(urls): reg = r"<td>(http://(?:www\.)?fileserve\.com/file/.+(?:[\r\n\t]+)?)</td>[\r\n\t ]+<td>(.*?)</td>[\r\n\t ]+<td>(.*?)</td>[\r\n\t ]+<td>(Available|Not available)(?:\ )?(?:<img|</td>)" url = "http://fileserve.com/link-checker.php" #get all at once, shows strange behavior otherwise html = getURL(url, post={"submit": "Check Urls", "urls": "\n".join(urls)}, decode=True) match = re.findall(reg, html, re.IGNORECASE + re.MULTILINE) result = [] for url, name, size, status in match: result.append((name, parseFileSize(size), 1 if status == "Not available" else 2, url)) yield result class FileserveCom(Hoster): __name__ = "FileserveCom" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r"http://(www\.)?fileserve\.com/file/[a-zA-Z0-9]+" __version__ = "0.43" __description__ = """Fileserve.Com File Download Hoster""" __author_name__ = ("jeix", "mkaay", "paul king") __author_mail__ = ("jeix@hasnomail.de", "mkaay@mkaay.de", "") FILE_ID_KEY = r"fileserve\.com/file/(?P<id>\w+)" FILE_CHECK_KEY = r"<td>http://www.fileserve\.com/file/(?P<id>\w+)</td>.*?<td>(?P<name>.*?)</td>.*?<td>(?P<units>.*?) (?P<scale>.B)</td>.*?<td>(?P<online>.*?)</td>" CAPTCHA_KEY_PATTERN = r"var reCAPTCHA_publickey='(?P<key>.*?)';" LONG_WAIT_PATTERN = r"You need to wait (\d+) seconds to start another download" def init(self): if not self.premium: self.multiDL = False self.resumeDownload = False self.chunkLimit = 1 def process(self, pyfile): self.checkFile() if self.account and self.premium: self.handlePremium() else: self.handleFree() def checkFile(self): self.file_id = re.search(self.FILE_ID_KEY, self.pyfile.url).group("id") self.logDebug("file id is %s" % self.file_id) self.pyfile.url = "http://www.fileserve.com/file/" + self.file_id linkCheck = self.load("http://www.fileserve.com/link-checker.php", post={"urls": self.pyfile.url}, ref=False, cookies=False if self.account else True, decode=True) linkMatch = re.search(self.FILE_CHECK_KEY, linkCheck.replace("\r\n", "")) if not linkMatch: self.logDebug("couldn't extract file status") self.offline() if linkMatch.group("online").find("Available"): self.logDebug("file is not available : %s" % linkMatch.group("online")) self.offline() self.pyfile.name = linkMatch.group("name") def handlePremium(self): # TODO: handle login timeouts self.download(self.pyfile.url) check = self.checkDownload({"login" : '<form action="/login.php" method="POST">'}) if check == "login": self.account.relogin(self.user) self.retry(reason=_("Not logged in.")) def handleFree(self): self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url) action = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"checkDownload": "check"}, decode=True) action = json_loads(action.replace(u"\ufeff", "")) self.logDebug("action is : %s" % action) if "fail" in action: if action["fail"] == "timeLimit": html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"checkDownload": "showError", "errorType": "timeLimit"}, decode=True) wait = re.search(self.LONG_WAIT_PATTERN, html) if wait: wait = int(wait.group(1)) else: wait = 720 self.setWait(wait, True) self.wait() self.retry() elif action["fail"] == "parallelDownload": self.logWarning(_("Parallel download error, now waiting 60s.")) self.retry(wait_time=60, reason="parallelDownload") else: self.fail("Download check returned %s" % action["fail"]) if action["success"] == "showCaptcha": self.doCaptcha() self.doTimmer() elif action["success"] == "showTimmer": self.doTimmer() # show download link response = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"downloadLink": "show"}, decode=True) self.logDebug("show downloadLink response : %s" % response) if not response.find("fail"): self.fail("Couldn't retrieve download url") # this may either download our file or forward us to an error page self.download(self.pyfile.url, post={"download": "normal"}) check = self.checkDownload({"expired": "Your download link has expired", "wait": re.compile(self.LONG_WAIT_PATTERN), "limit": "Your daily download limit has been reached"}) if check == "expired": self.logDebug("Download link was expired") self.retry() elif check == "wait": wait_time = 720 if self.lastCheck is not None: wait_time = int(self.lastCheck.group(1)) self.setWait(wait_time + 3, True) self.wait() self.retry() elif check == "limit": #download limited reached for today (not a exact time known) self.setWait(180 * 60, True) # wait 3 hours self.wait() self.retry(max_tries=0) self.thread.m.reconnecting.wait(3) # Ease issue with later downloads appearing to be in parallel def doTimmer(self): wait = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"downloadLink": "wait"}, decode=True).replace(u"\ufeff", "") # remove UTF8 BOM self.logDebug("wait response : %s" % wait) if not wait.find("fail"): self.fail("Failed getting wait time") self.setWait(int(wait)) # remove UTF8 BOM self.wait() def doCaptcha(self): captcha_key = re.search(self.CAPTCHA_KEY_PATTERN, self.html).group("key") recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self) for i in range(5): challenge, code = recaptcha.challenge(captcha_key) response = json_loads(self.load("http://www.fileserve.com/checkReCaptcha.php", post={'recaptcha_challenge_field': challenge, 'recaptcha_response_field': code, 'recaptcha_shortencode_field': self.file_id}).replace(u"\ufeff", "")) self.logDebug("reCaptcha response : %s" % response) if not response["success"]: self.invalidCaptcha() else: self.correctCaptcha() break