# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
from os.path import join
from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster
from module.plugins.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha
from module.network.Request import getURL
def getInfo(urls):
result = []
for url in urls:
html = getURL(url)
if re.search(r'
File not available
', html):
result.append((url, 0, 1, url))
size = re.search(r"(.*?) MB", html).group(1)
size = int(float(size)*1024*1024)
name = re.search('(.*?)
', html).group(1)
result.append((name, size, 2, url))
yield result
class FileserveCom(Hoster):
__name__ = "FileserveCom"
__type__ = "hoster"
__pattern__ = r"http://(www\.)?fileserve\.com/file/.*?(/.*)?"
__version__ = "0.2"
__description__ = """Fileserve.Com File Download Hoster"""
__author_name__ = ("jeix", "mkaay")
__author_mail__ = ("jeix@hasnomail.de", "mkaay@mkaay.de")
def setup(self):
self.req.canContinue = self.multiDL = True if self.account else False
def process(self, pyfile):
self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, cookies=False if self.account else True)
if re.search(r'File not available
', self.html) is not None:
self.pyfile.name = re.search('(.*?)
', self.html).group(1)
if self.account:
def handlePremium(self):
self.download(self.pyfile.url, post={"download":"premium"}, cookies=True)
def handleFree(self):
if r'' in self.html or \
r'/showCaptcha\(\);' in self.html:
# we got a captcha
id = re.search(r"var reCAPTCHA_publickey='(.*?)';", self.html).group(1)
recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self)
challenge, code = recaptcha.challenge(id)
shortencode = re.search(r'name="recaptcha_shortencode_field" value="(.*?)"', self.html).group(1)
self.html = self.load(r'http://www.fileserve.com/checkReCaptcha.php', post={'recaptcha_challenge_field':challenge,
'recaptcha_response_field':code, 'recaptcha_shortencode_field': shortencode})
if r'incorrect-captcha-sol' in self.html:
html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"downloadLink":"wait"})
wait_time = 30
m = re.search(r'(.*?)\sSekunden', html)
if m is not None:
wait_time = int( m.group(1).split('.')[0] ) + 1
m = re.search(r'You need to wait (.*?) seconds to start another download.', html)
if m is not None:
wait_time = int( m.group(1) )
self.wantReconnect = True
if r'Your download link has expired.' in html:
self.log.debug("%s: Waiting %d seconds." % (self.__name__, wait_time))
self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"downloadLink":"show"})
header = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"download":"normal"}, just_header=True)
print header #TODO remove
self.download(self.pyfile.url, post={"download":"normal"})
#TODO: validate download it could be html file with errors