# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. changelog: 0.27 - 2012-08-12 - hgg fix "global name 'js_answer' is not defined" bug fix captcha bug #1 (failed on non-english "captcha wrong" errors) """ import re from time import time from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo from module.plugins.internal.CaptchaService import ReCaptcha from module.common.json_layer import json_loads class FilepostCom(SimpleHoster): __name__ = "FilepostCom" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r'https?://(?:www\.)?(?:filepost\.com/files|fp.io)/([^/]+).*' __version__ = "0.28" __description__ = """Filepost.com hoster plugin""" __author_name__ = "zoidberg" __author_mail__ = "zoidberg@mujmail.cz" FILE_INFO_PATTERN = r'<input type="text" id="url" value=\'<a href[^>]*>(?P<N>[^>]+?) - (?P<S>[0-9\.]+ [kKMG]i?B)</a>\' class="inp_text"/>' OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'class="error_msg_title"> Invalid or Deleted File. </div>|<div class="file_info file_info_deleted">' PREMIUM_ONLY_PATTERN = r'members only. Please upgrade to premium|a premium membership is required to download this file' RECAPTCHA_KEY_PATTERN = r"Captcha.init\({\s*key:\s*'([^']+)'" FLP_TOKEN_PATTERN = r"set_store_options\({token: '([^']+)'" def handleFree(self): # Find token and captcha key file_id = re.match(self.__pattern__, self.pyfile.url).group(1) m = re.search(self.FLP_TOKEN_PATTERN, self.html) if m is None: self.parseError("Token") flp_token = m.group(1) m = re.search(self.RECAPTCHA_KEY_PATTERN, self.html) if m is None: self.parseError("Captcha key") captcha_key = m.group(1) # Get wait time get_dict = {'SID': self.req.cj.getCookie('SID'), 'JsHttpRequest': str(int(time() * 10000)) + '-xml'} post_dict = {'action': 'set_download', 'token': flp_token, 'code': file_id} wait_time = int(self.getJsonResponse(get_dict, post_dict, 'wait_time')) if wait_time > 0: self.wait(wait_time) post_dict = {"token": flp_token, "code": file_id, "file_pass": ''} if 'var is_pass_exists = true;' in self.html: # Solve password for file_pass in self.getPassword().splitlines(): get_dict['JsHttpRequest'] = str(int(time() * 10000)) + '-xml' post_dict['file_pass'] = file_pass self.logInfo("Password protected link, trying " + file_pass) download_url = self.getJsonResponse(get_dict, post_dict, 'link') if download_url: break else: self.fail("No or incorrect password") else: # Solve recaptcha recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self) for i in xrange(5): get_dict['JsHttpRequest'] = str(int(time() * 10000)) + '-xml' if i: post_dict['recaptcha_challenge_field'], post_dict['recaptcha_response_field'] = recaptcha.challenge( captcha_key) self.logDebug(u"RECAPTCHA: %s : %s : %s" % ( captcha_key, post_dict['recaptcha_challenge_field'], post_dict['recaptcha_response_field'])) download_url = self.getJsonResponse(get_dict, post_dict, 'link') if download_url: if i: self.correctCaptcha() break elif i: self.invalidCaptcha() else: self.fail("Invalid captcha") # Download self.download(download_url) def getJsonResponse(self, get_dict, post_dict, field): json_response = json_loads(self.load('https://filepost.com/files/get/', get=get_dict, post=post_dict)) self.logDebug(json_response) if not 'js' in json_response: self.parseError('JSON %s 1' % field) # i changed js_answer to json_response['js'] since js_answer is nowhere set. # i don't know the JSON-HTTP specs in detail, but the previous author # accessed json_response['js']['error'] as well as js_answer['error']. # see the two lines commented out with "# ~?". if 'error' in json_response['js']: if json_response['js']['error'] == 'download_delay': self.retry(wait_time=json_response['js']['params']['next_download']) # ~? self.retry(wait_time=js_answer['params']['next_download']) elif 'Wrong file password' in json_response['js']['error']: return None elif 'You entered a wrong CAPTCHA code' in json_response['js']['error']: return None elif 'CAPTCHA Code nicht korrekt' in json_response['js']['error']: return None elif 'CAPTCHA' in json_response['js']['error']: self.logDebug('error response is unknown, but mentions CAPTCHA -> return None') return None else: self.fail(json_response['js']['error']) # ~? self.fail(js_answer['error']) if not 'answer' in json_response['js'] or not field in json_response['js']['answer']: self.parseError('JSON %s 2' % field) return json_response['js']['answer'][field] getInfo = create_getInfo(FilepostCom)