# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import sys from operator import itemgetter from os import remove, stat from os.path import isfile, join from time import time from module.network.RequestFactory import getURL from module.plugins.Hook import Expose, Hook, threaded from module.utils import save_join class UpdateManager(Hook): __name__ = "UpdateManager" __type__ = "hook" __version__ = "0.34" __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", True), ("mode", "pyLoad + plugins;plugins only", "Check updates for", "pyLoad + plugins"), ("interval", "int", "Check interval in hours", 8), ("reloadplugins", "bool", "Monitor plugins for code changes (debug mode only)", True), ("nodebugupdate", "bool", "Don't check for updates in debug mode", True)] __description__ = """Check for updates""" __author_name__ = "Walter Purcaro" __author_mail__ = "vuolter@gmail.com" event_list = ["pluginConfigChanged"] SERVER_URL = "http://updatemanager.pyload.org" MIN_INTERVAL = 3 * 60 * 60 #: 3h minimum check interval (value is in seconds) def pluginConfigChanged(self, plugin, name, value): if name == "interval": interval = value * 60 * 60 if self.MIN_INTERVAL <= interval != self.interval: self.scheduler.removeJob(self.cb) self.interval = interval self.initPeriodical() else: self.logDebug("Invalid interval value, kept current") elif name == "reloadplugins": if self.cb2: self.scheduler.removeJob(self.cb2) if value is True and self.core.debug: self.periodical2() def coreReady(self): self.pluginConfigChanged(self.__name__, "interval", self.getConfig("interval")) self.pluginConfigChanged(self.__name__, "reloadplugins", self.getConfig("reloadplugins")) def unload(self): self.pluginConfigChanged(self.__name__, "reloadplugins", False) def setup(self): self.scheduler = self.core.scheduler self.cb2 = None self.interval = self.MIN_INTERVAL self.updating = False self.info = {"pyload": False, "version": None, "plugins": False} self.mtimes = {} #: store modification time for each plugin def periodical2(self): if not self.updating: self.autoreloadPlugins() self.cb2 = self.scheduler.addJob(10, self.periodical2, threaded=False) @Expose def autoreloadPlugins(self): """ reload and reindex all modified plugins """ modules = filter( lambda m: m and (m.__name__.startswith("module.plugins.") or m.__name__.startswith("userplugins.")) and m.__name__.count(".") >= 2, sys.modules.itervalues() ) reloads = [] for m in modules: root, type, name = m.__name__.rsplit(".", 2) id = (type, name) if type in self.core.pluginManager.plugins: f = m.__file__.replace(".pyc", ".py") if not isfile(f): continue mtime = stat(f).st_mtime if id not in self.mtimes: self.mtimes[id] = mtime elif self.mtimes[id] < mtime: reloads.append(id) self.mtimes[id] = mtime return True if self.core.pluginManager.reloadPlugins(reloads) else False def periodical(self): if not self.info['pyload'] and not (self.getConfig("nodebugupdate") and self.core.debug): self.updateThread() def server_request(self): try: return getURL(self.SERVER_URL, get={'v': self.core.api.getServerVersion()}).splitlines() except: self.logWarning(_("Unable to contact server to get updates")) @threaded def updateThread(self): self.updating = True status = self.update(onlyplugin=True if self.getConfig("mode") == "plugins only" else False) if status == 2: self.core.api.restart() else: self.updating = False @Expose def updatePlugins(self): """ simple wrapper for calling plugin update quickly """ return self.update(onlyplugin=True) @Expose def update(self, onlyplugin=False): """ check for updates """ data = self.server_request() if not data: exitcode = 0 elif data[0] == "None": self.logInfo(_("No new pyLoad version available")) updates = data[1:] exitcode = self._updatePlugins(updates) elif onlyplugin: exitcode = 0 else: newversion = data[0] self.logInfo(_("*** New pyLoad Version %s available ***") % newversion) self.logInfo(_("*** Get it here: https://github.com/pyload/pyload/releases ***")) exitcode = 3 self.info['pyload'] = True self.info['version'] = newversion return exitcode #: 0 = No plugins updated; 1 = Plugins updated; 2 = Plugins updated, but restart required; 3 = No plugins updated, new pyLoad version available def _updatePlugins(self, updates): """ check for plugin updates """ if self.info['plugins']: return False #: plugins were already updated updated = [] vre = re.compile(r'__version__.*=.*("|\')([0-9.]+)') url = updates[0] schema = updates[1].split('|') if "BLACKLIST" in updates: blacklist = updates[updates.index('BLACKLIST') + 1:] updates = updates[2:updates.index('BLACKLIST')] else: blacklist = None updates = updates[2:] upgradable = sorted(map(lambda x: dict(zip(schema, x.split('|'))), updates), key=itemgetter("type", "name")) for plugin in upgradable: filename = plugin['name'] prefix = plugin['type'] version = plugin['version'] if filename.endswith(".pyc"): name = filename[:filename.find("_")] else: name = filename.replace(".py", "") #TODO: obsolete in 0.5.0 if prefix.endswith("s"): type = prefix[:-1] else: type = prefix plugins = getattr(self.core.pluginManager, "%sPlugins" % type) oldver = float(plugins[name]['v']) if name in plugins else None newver = float(version) if not oldver: msg = "New [%(type)s] %(name)s (v%(newver)s)" elif newver > oldver: msg = "New version of [%(type)s] %(name)s (v%(oldver)s -> v%(newver)s)" else: continue self.logInfo(_(msg) % { "type": type, "name": name, "oldver": oldver, "newver": newver }) try: content = getURL(url % plugin) m = vre.search(content) if m and m.group(2) == version: f = open(save_join("userplugins", prefix, filename), "wb") f.write(content) f.close() updated.append((prefix, name)) else: raise Exception(_("Version mismatch")) except Exception, e: self.logError(_("Error updating plugin %s") % filename, str(e)) if blacklist: blacklisted = sorted(map(lambda x: (x.split('|')[0], x.split('|')[1].rsplit('.', 1)[0]), blacklist)) # Always protect UpdateManager from self-removing try: blacklisted.remove(("hook", "UpdateManager")) except: pass removed = self.removePlugins(blacklisted) for t, n in removed: self.logInfo(_("Removed blacklisted plugin [%(type)s] %(name)s") % { "type": t, "name": n }) if updated: reloaded = self.core.pluginManager.reloadPlugins(updated) if reloaded: self.logInfo(_("Plugins updated and reloaded")) exitcode = 1 else: self.logInfo(_("*** Plugins have been updated, but need a pyLoad restart to be reloaded ***")) self.info['plugins'] = True exitcode = 2 else: self.logInfo(_("No plugin updates available")) exitcode = 0 return exitcode #: 0 = No plugins updated; 1 = Plugins updated; 2 = Plugins updated, but restart required @Expose def removePlugins(self, type_plugins): """ delete plugins from disk""" if not type_plugins: return None self.logDebug("Request deletion of plugins: %s" % type_plugins) removed = [] for type, name in type_plugins: rflag = False py_file = name + ".py" pyc_file = name + ".pyc" for root in ("userplugins", join(pypath, "module", "plugins")): py_filename = save_join(root, type, py_file) pyc_filename = save_join(root, type, pyc_file) if isfile(py_filename): try: remove(py_filename) except Exception, e: self.logError("Error deleting file %s" % py_filename, str(e)) rflag = False else: rflag = True if isfile(pyc_filename): try: if type == "hook": self.manager.deactivateHook(name) remove(pyc_filename) except Exception, e: self.logError("Error deleting file %s" % pyc_filename, str(e)) if rflag: id = (type, name) removed.append(id) return removed #: return a list of the plugins successfully removed