# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: hgg """ from os.path import basename from module.utils import fs_encode from module.plugins.Hook import Hook from module.PyFile import PyFile class UnSkipOnFail(Hook): __name__ = 'UnSkipOnFail' __version__ = '0.01' __description__ = """When a download fails, restart skipped duplicates""" __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", True)] __author_name__ = "hagg" __author_mail__ = "" def downloadFailed(self, pyfile): pyfile_name = basename(pyfile.name) pid = pyfile.package().id msg = 'look for skipped duplicates for %s (pid:%s)...' self.logInfo(msg % (pyfile_name, pid)) dups = self.findDuplicates(pyfile) for link in dups: # check if link is "skipped"(=4) if link.status == 4: lpid = link.packageID self.logInfo('restart "%s" (pid:%s)...' % (pyfile_name, lpid)) self.setLinkStatus(link, "queued") def findDuplicates(self, pyfile): """ Search all packages for duplicate links to "pyfile". Duplicates are links that would overwrite "pyfile". To test on duplicity the package-folder and link-name of twolinks are compared (basename(link.name)). So this method returns a list of all links with equal package-folders and filenames as "pyfile", but except the data for "pyfile" iotselöf. It does MOT check the link's status. """ dups = [] pyfile_name = fs_encode(basename(pyfile.name)) # get packages (w/o files, as most file data is useless here) queue = self.core.api.getQueue() for package in queue: # check if package-folder equals pyfile's package folder if fs_encode(package.folder) == fs_encode(pyfile.package().folder): # now get packaged data w/ files/links pdata = self.core.api.getPackageData(package.pid) if pdata.links: for link in pdata.links: link_name = fs_encode(basename(link.name)) # check if link name collides with pdata's name if link_name == pyfile_name: # at last check if it is not pyfile itself if link.fid != pyfile.id: dups.append(link) return dups def setLinkStatus(self, link, new_status): """ Change status of "link" to "new_status". "link" has to be a valid FileData object, "new_status" has to be a valid status name (i.e. "queued" for this Plugin) It creates a temporary PyFile object using "link" data, changes its status, and tells the core.files-manager to save its data. """ pyfile = PyFile(self.core.files, link.fid, link.url, link.name, link.size, link.status, link.error, link.plugin, link.packageID, link.order) pyfile.setStatus(new_status) self.core.files.save() pyfile.release()