# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import random import re import pycurl from module.plugins.internal.utils import json from module.network.HTTPRequest import BadHeader from module.network.RequestFactory import getRequest as get_request from module.plugins.internal.Addon import Addon class TransmissionRPC(Addon): __name__ = "TransmissionRPC" __type__ = "hook" __version__ = "0.16" __status__ = "testing" __pattern__ = r"https?://.+\.torrent|magnet:\?.+" __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated" , False ), ("rpc_url" , "str" , "Transmission RPC URL", "")] __description__ = """Send torrent and magnet URLs to Transmission Bittorent daemon via RPC""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("GammaC0de", None)] def init(self): self.event_map = {'linksAdded': "links_added"} def links_added(self, links, pid): pattern = re.compile(self.__pattern__) urls = [link for link in links if pattern.match(link)] for url in urls: self.log_debug("Sending link: %s" % url) self.send_to_transmission(url) links.remove(url) def send_to_transmission(self, url): transmission_rpc_url = self.get_config('rpc_url') client_request_id = self.classname + "".join(random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for _i in xrange(4)) req = get_request() try: response = self.load(transmission_rpc_url, post=json.dumps({'arguments': {'filename': url}, 'method' : 'torrent-add', 'tag' : client_request_id}), req=req) except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, BadHeader) and e.code == 409: headers = dict(re.findall(r"(?P<name>.+?): (?P<value>.+?)\r?\n", req.header)) session_id = headers['X-Transmission-Session-Id'] req.c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ["X-Transmission-Session-Id: %s" % session_id]) try: response = self.load(transmission_rpc_url, post=json.dumps({'arguments': {'filename': url}, 'method' : 'torrent-add', 'tag' : client_request_id}), req=req) res = json.loads(response) if "result" in res: self.log_debug("Result: %s" % res['result']) except Exception, e: self.log_error(e) else: self.log_error(e)