# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time

from module.plugins.internal.Notifier import Notifier

class PushOver(Notifier):
    __name__    = "PushOver"
    __type__    = "hook"
    __version__ = "0.06"
    __status__  = "testing"

    __config__ = [("activated"       , "bool", "Activated"                                , False),
                  ("tokenkey"        , "str" , "Token key"                                , ""   ),
                  ("userkey"         , "str" , "User key"                                 , ""   ),
                  ("captcha"         , "bool", "Notify captcha request"                   , True ),
                  ("reconnection"    , "bool", "Notify reconnection request"              , False),
                  ("downloadfinished", "bool", "Notify download finished"                 , True ),
                  ("downloadfailed"  , "bool", "Notify download failed"                   , True ),
                  ("packagefinished" , "bool", "Notify package finished"                  , True ),
                  ("packagefailed"   , "bool", "Notify package failed"                    , True ),
                  ("update"          , "bool", "Notify pyLoad update"                     , False),
                  ("exit"            , "bool", "Notify pyLoad shutdown/restart"           , False),
                  ("sendinterval"    , "int" , "Interval in seconds between notifications", 1    ),
                  ("sendpermin"      , "int" , "Max notifications per minute"             , 60   ),
                  ("ignoreclient"    , "bool", "Send notifications if client is connected", True )]

    __description__ = """Send push notifications to your phone using pushover.net"""
    __license__     = "GPLv3"
    __authors__     = [("Malkavi" , "")]

    def get_key(self):
        return self.config.get('tokenkey'), self.config.get('userkey')

    def send(self, event, msg, key):
        token, user = key
                  post={'token'	 : token,
                        'user'   : user,
                        'title'  : event,
                        'message': msg or event})  #@NOTE: msg can not be None or empty