# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . """ import subprocess from os import listdir, access, X_OK, makedirs from os.path import join, exists, basename, abspath from module.plugins.Hook import Hook from module.utils import save_join class ExternalScripts(Hook): __name__ = "ExternalScripts" __version__ = "0.23" __type__ = "hook" __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", True)] __description__ = """Run external scripts""" __author_name__ = ("mkaay", "RaNaN", "spoob") __author_mail__ = ("mkaay@mkaay.de", "ranan@pyload.org", "spoob@pyload.org") event_list = ["unrarFinished", "allDownloadsFinished", "allDownloadsProcessed"] def setup(self): self.scripts = {} folders = ["download_preparing", "download_finished", "package_finished", "before_reconnect", "after_reconnect", "unrar_finished", "all_dls_finished", "all_dls_processed"] for folder in folders: self.scripts[folder] = [] self.initPluginType(folder, join(pypath, 'scripts', folder)) self.initPluginType(folder, join('scripts', folder)) for script_type, names in self.scripts.iteritems(): if names: self.logInfo((_("Installed scripts for %s: ") % script_type) + ", ".join([basename(x) for x in names])) def initPluginType(self, folder, path): if not exists(path): try: makedirs(path) except: self.logDebug("Script folder %s not created" % folder) return for f in listdir(path): if f.startswith("#") or f.startswith(".") or f.startswith("_") or f.endswith("~") or f.endswith(".swp"): continue if not access(join(path, f), X_OK): self.logWarning(_("Script not executable:") + " %s/%s" % (folder, f)) self.scripts[folder].append(join(path, f)) def callScript(self, script, *args): try: cmd = [script] + [str(x) if not isinstance(x, basestring) else x for x in args] self.logDebug("Executing %(script)s: %(cmd)s" % {"script": abspath(script), "cmd": " ".join(cmd)}) #output goes to pyload subprocess.Popen(cmd, bufsize=-1) except Exception, e: self.logError(_("Error in %(script)s: %(error)s") % {"script": basename(script), "error": str(e)}) def downloadPreparing(self, pyfile): for script in self.scripts['download_preparing']: self.callScript(script, pyfile.pluginname, pyfile.url, pyfile.id) def downloadFinished(self, pyfile): for script in self.scripts['download_finished']: self.callScript(script, pyfile.pluginname, pyfile.url, pyfile.name, save_join(self.config['general']['download_folder'], pyfile.package().folder, pyfile.name), pyfile.id) def packageFinished(self, pypack): for script in self.scripts['package_finished']: folder = self.config['general']['download_folder'] folder = save_join(folder, pypack.folder) self.callScript(script, pypack.name, folder, pypack.password, pypack.id) def beforeReconnecting(self, ip): for script in self.scripts['before_reconnect']: self.callScript(script, ip) def afterReconnecting(self, ip): for script in self.scripts['after_reconnect']: self.callScript(script, ip) def unrarFinished(self, folder, fname): for script in self.scripts['unrar_finished']: self.callScript(script, folder, fname) def allDownloadsFinished(self): for script in self.scripts['all_dls_finished']: self.callScript(script) def allDownloadsProcessed(self): for script in self.scripts['all_dls_processed']: self.callScript(script)