# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement import re from base64 import b64encode from thread import start_new_thread from time import sleep from module.network.HTTPRequest import BadHeader from module.network.RequestFactory import getURL from module.plugins.Hook import Hook class Captcha9kw(Hook): __name__ = "Captcha9kw" __type__ = "hook" __version__ = "0.15" __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", True), ("force", "bool", "Force captcha resolving even if client is connected", True), ("confirm", "bool", "Confirm Captcha (Cost +6)", False), ("captchaperhour", "int", "Captcha per hour", "9999"), ("prio", "int", "Priority (max. 20)(Cost +0 -> +20)", "0"), ("queue", "int", "Max. Queue (max. 999)", "0"), ("hoster_options", "string", "Hoster options (Format: pluginname:prio=1:selfsolfe=1:confirm=1:timeout=900;)", "ShareonlineBiz:prio=0:timeout=999;UploadedTo:prio=0:timeout=999;SerienjunkiesOrg:prio=1:min=3;max=3;timeout=90"), ("selfsolve", "bool", "If enabled and you have a 9kw client active only you will get your captcha to solve it (Selfsolve)", "0"), ("passkey", "password", "API key", ""), ("timeout", "int", "Timeout (min. 60s, max. 3999s)", "900")] __description__ = """Send captchas to 9kw.eu""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("RaNaN", "RaNaN@pyload.org"), ("Walter Purcaro", "vuolter@gmail.com")] API_URL = "http://www.9kw.eu/index.cgi" def setup(self): self.info = {} #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 def getCredits(self): res = getURL(self.API_URL, get={'apikey': self.getConfig("passkey"), 'pyload': "1", 'source': "pyload", 'action': "usercaptchaguthaben"}) if res.isdigit(): self.logInfo(_("%d credits left") % res) credits = self.info["credits"] = int(res) return credits else: self.logError(res) return 0 def _processCaptcha(self, task): try: with open(task.captchaFile, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() except IOError, e: self.logError(e) return data = b64encode(data) mouse = 1 if task.isPositional() else 0 pluginname = re.search(r'_([^_]*)_\d+.\w+', task.captchaFile).group(1) self.logDebug("%s: %s" % (task.captchaFile, data)) option = {'min' : 2, 'max' : 50, 'phrase' : 0, 'numeric' : 0, 'case_sensitive' : 0, 'math' : 0, 'prio' : self.getConfig("prio"), 'confirm' : self.getConfig("confirm"), 'timeout' : min(max(self.getConfig("timeout") * 60, 300), 3999), 'selfsolve' : self.getConfig("selfsolve"), 'cph' : self.getConfig("captchaperhour"), 'hoster_options' : self.getConfig("hoster_options").split(";")} for opt in hoster_options: details = opt.split(":") if not details or details[0].lower() != pluginname.lower(): continue for d in details: hosteroption = d.split("=") if len(hosteroption) <= 1 or not hosteroption[1].isdigit(): continue o = hosteroption[0].lower() if o in option: option[o] = hosteroption[1] for _ in xrange(5): post_data = {'apikey' : self.getConfig("passkey"), 'prio' : prio_option, 'confirm' : confirm_option, 'maxtimeout' : timeout_option, 'selfsolve' : selfsolve_option, 'captchaperhour': cph_option, 'case-sensitive': case_sensitive_option, 'min_len' : min_option, 'max_len' : max_option, 'phrase' : phrase_option, 'numeric' : numeric_option, 'math' : math_option, 'oldsource' : pluginname, 'pyload' : "1", 'source' : "pyload", 'base64' : "1", 'mouse' : mouse, 'file-upload-01': data, 'action' : "usercaptchaupload"} try: res = getURL(self.API_URL, post=post_data) if res: break except BadHeader, e: sleep(3) if not res.isdigit(): self.logError(_("Bad upload: %s") % res) return self.logInfo(_("NewCaptchaID from upload: %s : %s") % (res, task.captchaFile)) task.data["ticket"] = res self.logInfo("result %s : %s" % (res, result)) for _ in xrange(int(self.getConfig("timeout") / 5)): res2 = getURL(self.API_URL, get={'apikey': self.getConfig("passkey"), 'id' : res, 'pyload': "1", 'info' : "1", 'source': "pyload", 'action': "usercaptchacorrectdata"}) if not res2 or res2 == "NO DATA": sleep(5) else: break task.setResult(res2 or None) def newCaptchaTask(self, task): if not task.isTextual() and not task.isPositional(): return elif not self.getConfig("passkey"): return elif self.core.isClientConnected() and not self.getConfig("force"): return credits = self.getCredits() if not credits: self.logError(_("Your Captcha 9kw.eu Account has not enough credits")) return queue = self.getConfig("queue") timeout = min(max(self.getConfig("timeout") * 60, 300), 3999) hoster_options = self.getConfig("hoster_options").split(";") pluginname = re.search(r'_([^_]*)_\d+.\w+', task.captchaFile).group(1) if 1000 > queue > 10: servercheck = getURL("http://www.9kw.eu/grafik/servercheck.txt") regex = re.compile("queue=(\d+)") for _ in xrange(3): if queue < regex.search(servercheck).group(1): break sleep(10) for opt in hoster_options: details = opt.split(":") if not details or details[0].lower() != pluginname.lower(): continue for d in details: hosteroption = d.split("=") if (len(hosteroption) > 1 and hosteroption[0].lower() == 'timeout' and hosteroption[1].isdigit()): timeout = int(hosteroption[1]) task.handler.append(self) task.setWaiting(timeout) start_new_thread(self._processCaptcha, (task,)) def _captchaResponse(self, task, correct): if "ticket" not in task.data: self.logDebug(_("No CaptchaID for %s request (task: %s)" % type) % task) return type = "correct" if correct else "refund" passkey = self.getConfig("passkey") for _ in xrange(3): res = getURL(self.API_URL, get={'action' : "usercaptchacorrectback", 'apikey' : passkey, 'api_key': passkey, 'correct': "1" if correct else "2", 'pyload' : "1", 'source' : "pyload", 'id' : task.data["ticket"]}) if res is "OK": self.logInfo(_("Request %s: %s" % type) % res) return else: self.logDebug(_("Could not send %s request: %s" % type) % res) sleep(1) def captchaCorrect(self, task): self._captchaResponse(self, task, True) def captchaInvalid(self, task): self._captchaResponse(self, task, False)