# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Crypto.Cipher import AES from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter import base64 import binascii import re class NCryptIn(Crypter): __name__ = "NCryptIn" __type__ = "crypter" __pattern__ = r"http://(?:www\.)?ncrypt.in/folder-([^/\?]+)" __version__ = "1.1" __description__ = """NCrypt.in Crypter Plugin""" __author_name__ = ("fragonib") __author_mail__ = ("fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es") # Constants _JK_KEY_ = "jk" _CRYPTED_KEY_ = "crypted" def setup(self): self.html = None def decrypt(self, pyfile): # Init self.pyfile = pyfile self.package = pyfile.package() # Request package self.html = self.requestPackage() if not self.isOnline(): self.offline() # Check for password/captcha protection if self.isProtected(): self.html = self.unlockProtection() # Get package name and folder (package_name, folder_name) = self.getPackageInfo() # Extract package links try: package_links = [] (vcrypted, vjk) = self.getCipherParams() for (crypted, jk) in zip(vcrypted, vjk): package_links = package_links + self.getLinks(crypted, jk) except: self.fail("NCryptIn: Unable to decrypt package") # Pack self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, folder_name)] def requestPackage(self): return self.load(self.pyfile.url) def isOnline(self): if "Your folder does not exist" in self.html: pattern = r'[^"]*(display\s*\:\s*none)[^"]*' m = re.search(pattern, self.html) if m is None: self.log.debug("NCryptIn: File not found") return False return True def isProtected(self): pattern = r'''<form.*?name.*?protected.*?>''' m = re.search(pattern, self.html) if m is not None: self.log.debug("NCryptIn: Links are protected") return True return False def unlockProtection(self): # Gather data url = self.pyfile.url post = {'submit_protected' : 'Weiter zum Ordner '} # Resolve captcha if "anicaptcha" in self.html: self.log.debug("NCryptIn: Captcha protected, resolving captcha") url = re.search(r'src="(/temp/anicaptcha/[^"]+)', self.html).group(1) captcha = self.decryptCaptcha("http://ncrypt.in" + url) self.log.debug("NCryptIn: Captcha resolved [%s]" % (captcha, )) post.update({"captcha" : captcha}) # Submit package password pattern = r'''<input.*?name.*?password.*?>''' m = re.search(pattern, self.html) if m is not None: password = self.package.password self.log.debug("NCryptIn: Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % (password,)) post.update({'password' : password }) # Unlock protection html = self.load(url, {}, post) # Check for invalid password pattern = r'''div\ id="main".*?This\ password\ is\ invalid!''' m = re.search(pattern, html, re.DOTALL) if m is not None: self.log.debug("NCryptIn: Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry") self.fail("Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry") if "The securitycheck was wrong!" in html: self.log.debug("NCryptIn: Invalid captcha, retrying") html = self.unlockProtection() return html def getPackageInfo(self): title_re = r'<h2><span.*?class="arrow".*?>(?P<title>[^<]+).*?</span>.*?</h2>' regex = re.compile(title_re, re.DOTALL) m = regex.findall(self.html) if m is not None: title = m[-1].strip() name = folder = title self.log.debug("NCryptIn: Found name [%s] and folder [%s] in package info" % (name, folder)) return (name, folder) else: name = self.package.name folder = self.package.folder self.log.debug("NCryptIn: Package info not found, defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s]" % (name, folder)) return (name, folder) def getCipherParams(self): pattern = r'<input.*?name="%s".*?value="(.*?)"' # Get jk jk_re = pattern % NCryptIn._JK_KEY_ vjk = re.findall(jk_re, self.html) # Get crypted crypted_re = pattern % NCryptIn._CRYPTED_KEY_ vcrypted = re.findall(crypted_re, self.html) # Log and return self.log.debug("NCryptIn: Detected crypted blocks [%d]" % len(vcrypted)) return (vcrypted, vjk) def getLinks(self, crypted, jk): # Get key jreturn = self.js.eval("%s f()" % jk) self.log.debug("NCryptIn: JsEngine returns value [%s]" % jreturn) key = binascii.unhexlify(jreturn) # Decode crypted crypted = base64.standard_b64decode(crypted) # Decrypt Key = key IV = key obj = AES.new(Key, AES.MODE_CBC, IV) text = obj.decrypt(crypted) # Extract links text = text.replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "") links = text.split("\n") links = filter(lambda x: x != "", links) # Log and return self.log.debug("NCryptIn: Package has %d links" % len(links)) return links