#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter from collections import defaultdict class Movie2kTo(Crypter): __name__ = 'Movie2kTo' __type__ = 'container' __pattern__ = r'http://(?:www\.)?movie2k\.to/(.*)\.html' __version__ = '0.3' __config__ = [('accepted_hosters', 'str', 'List of accepted hosters', 'Xvidstage, '), ('whole_season', 'bool', 'Download whole season', 'False'), ('everything', 'bool', 'Download everything', 'False'), ('firstN', 'int', 'Download the first N files for each episode. The first file is probably all you will need.', '1')] __description__ = """Movie2k.to Container Plugin""" __author_name__ = ('4Christopher') __author_mail__ = ('4Christopher@gmx.de') BASE_URL_PATTERN = r'http://(?:www\.)?movie2k\.to/' TVSHOW_URL_PATH_PATTERN = r'tvshows-(?P<id>\d+?)-(?P<name>.+)' FILM_URL_PATH_PATTERN = r'(?P<name>.+?)-(?:online-film|watch-movie)-(?P<id>\d+)' SEASON_PATTERN = r'<div id="episodediv(\d+?)" style="display:(inline|none)">(.*?)</div>' EP_PATTERN = r'<option value="(.+?)"( selected)?>Episode\s*?(\d+?)</option>' BASE_URL = 'http://www.movie2k.to' def decrypt(self, pyfile): self.package = pyfile.package() self.folder = self.package.folder whole_season = self.getConfig('whole_season') everything = self.getConfig('everything') self.getInfo(pyfile.url) if (whole_season or everything) and self.format == 'tvshow': self.logDebug('Downloading the whole season') for season, season_sel, html in re.findall(self.SEASON_PATTERN, self.html, re.DOTALL | re.I): if (season_sel == 'inline') or everything: season_links = [] for url_path, ep_sel, ep in re.findall(self.EP_PATTERN, html, re.I): season_name = self.name_tvshow(season, ep) self.logDebug('%s: %s' % (season_name, url_path)) if ep_sel and (season_sel == 'inline'): self.logDebug('%s selected (in the start URL: %s)' % (season_name, pyfile.url)) season_links += self.getInfoAndLinks('%s/%s' % (self.BASE_URL, url_path)) elif (whole_season and (season_sel == 'inline')) or everything: season_links += self.getInfoAndLinks('%s/%s' % (self.BASE_URL, url_path)) self.logDebug(season_links) self.packages.append(('%s: Season %s' % (self.name, season), season_links, 'Season %s' % season)) else: self.packages.append((self.package.name, self.getLinks(), self.package.folder)) def tvshow_number(self, number): if int(number) < 10: return '0%s' % number else: return number def name_tvshow(self, season, ep): return '%s S%sE%s' % (self.name, self.tvshow_number(season), self.tvshow_number(ep)) def getInfo(self, url): self.html = self.load(url) self.url_path = re.match(self.__pattern__, url).group(1) self.format = pattern_re = None if re.match(r'tvshows', self.url_path): self.format = 'tvshow' pattern_re = re.search(self.TVSHOW_URL_PATH_PATTERN, self.url_path) elif re.search(self.FILM_URL_PATH_PATTERN, self.url_path): self.format = 'film' pattern_re = re.search(self.FILM_URL_PATH_PATTERN, self.url_path) self.name = pattern_re.group('name') self.id = pattern_re.group('id') self.logDebug('URL Path: %s (ID: %s, Name: %s, Format: %s)' % (self.url_path, self.id, self.name, self.format)) def getInfoAndLinks(self, url): self.getInfo(url) return self.getLinks() ## This function returns the links for one episode as list def getLinks(self): accepted_hosters = re.findall(r'\b(\w+?)\b', self.getConfig('accepted_hosters')) firstN = self.getConfig('firstN') links = [] ## h_id: hoster_id of a possible hoster re_hoster_id_js = re.compile(r'links\[(\d+?)\].+ (.+?)</a>') re_hoster_id_html = re.compile(r'</td><td.*?<a href=".*?(\d{7}).*?".+? (.+?)</a>') ## I assume that the ID is 7 digits longs if re_hoster_id_js.search(self.html): re_hoster_id = re_hoster_id_js self.logDebug('Assuming that the ID can be found in a JavaScript section.') elif re_hoster_id_html.search(self.html): re_hoster_id = re_hoster_id_html self.logDebug('Assuming that the ID can be found in a HTML section.') count = defaultdict(int) for h_id, hoster in re_hoster_id.findall(self.html): # self.logDebug('Hoster %s' % hoster) if hoster in accepted_hosters: # self.logDebug('Accepted %s' % hoster) count[hoster] += 1 if count[hoster] <= firstN: if h_id != self.id: self.html = self.load('%s/tvshows-%s-%s.html' % (self.BASE_URL, h_id, self.name)) else: self.logDebug('This is already the right ID') try: url = re.search(r'<a target="_blank" href="(http://.*?)"', self.html).group(1) self.logDebug('id: %s, %s: %s' % (h_id, hoster, url)) links.append(url) except: self.logDebug('Failed to find the URL') self.logDebug(links) return links