# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import binascii import re import pycurl from Crypto.Cipher import AES from module.plugins.internal.Crypter import Crypter, create_getInfo from module.plugins.internal.utils import html_unescape class LinkCryptWs(Crypter): __name__ = "LinkCryptWs" __type__ = "crypter" __version__ = "0.13" __status__ = "testing" __pattern__ = r'http://(?:www\.)?linkcrypt\.ws/(dir|container)/(?P\w+)' __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", True)] __description__ = """LinkCrypt.ws decrypter plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("kagenoshin", "kagenoshin[AT]gmx[DOT]ch"), ("glukgluk", None), ("Gummibaer", None)] CRYPTED_KEY = "crypted" JK_KEY = "jk" def setup(self): self.links = [] self.sources = ['cnl', 'web', 'dlc', 'rsdf', 'ccf'] def prepare(self): #: Init self.fileid = re.match(self.__pattern__, self.pyfile.url).group('ID') self.req.cj.setCookie("linkcrypt.ws", "language", "en") #: Request package self.req.http.c.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko") #: Better chance to not get those key-captchas self.data = self.load(self.pyfile.url) self.data = self.load(self.pyfile.url) def decrypt(self, pyfile): if not self.js: self.fail(_("Missing JS Engine")) self.prepare() if not self.is_online(): self.offline() if self.is_key_captcha_protected(): self.retry(8, 15, _("Can't handle Key-Captcha")) if self.is_captcha_protected(): self.unlock_captcha_protection() self.handle_captcha_errors() #: Check for protection if self.is_password_protected(): self.unlock_password_protection() self.handle_errors() #: Get unrar password self.getunrarpw() #: Get package name and folder package_name, folder_name = self.get_package_info() #: Get the container definitions from script section self.get_container_html() #: Extract package links for type in self.sources: links = self.handle_link_source(type) if links: self.links.extend(links) break if self.links: self.packages = [(package_name, self.links, folder_name)] def is_online(self): if "Linkcrypt.ws // Error 404" in self.data: self.log_debug("Folder doesn't exist anymore") return False else: return True def is_password_protected(self): if "Authorizing" in self.data: self.log_debug("Links are password protected") return True else: return False def is_captcha_protected(self): if 'id="captcha">' in self.data: self.log_debug("Links are captcha protected") return True else: return False def is_key_captcha_protected(self): if re.search(r'>If the folder does not open after klick on <', self.data, re.I): return True else: return False def unlock_password_protection(self): password = self.get_password() if password: self.log_debug("Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % password) self.data = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={'password': password, 'x': "0", 'y': "0"}) else: self.fail(_("Folder is password protected")) def unlock_captcha_protection(self): captcha_url = re.search(r']*?>.*?<\s*?input.*?src="(.+?)"', self.data, re.I | re.S).group(1) captcha_code = self.captcha.decrypt(captcha_url, input_type="gif", output_type='positional') self.data = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={'x': captcha_code[0], 'y': captcha_code[1]}) def get_package_info(self): name = self.pyfile.package().name folder = self.pyfile.package().folder self.log_debug("Defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s] for package" % (name, folder)) return name, folder def getunrarpw(self): sitein = self.data indexi = sitein.find("|source|") + 8 indexe = sitein.find("|", indexi) unrarpw = sitein[indexi:indexe] if unrarpw not in ("Password", "Dateipasswort"): self.log_debug("File password set to: [%s]"% unrarpw) self.pyfile.package().password = unrarpw def handle_errors(self): if self.is_password_protected(): self.fail(_("Wrong password")) def handle_captcha_errors(self): if "Your choice was wrong" in self.data: self.retry_captcha() else: self.captcha.correct() def handle_link_source(self, type): if type == "cnl": return self.handle_CNL2() elif type == "web": return self.handle_web_links() elif type in ('rsdf', 'ccf', 'dlc'): return self.handle_container(type) else: self.fail(_("Unknown source type: %s") % type) #@TODO: Replace with self.error in 0.4.10 def handle_web_links(self): self.log_debug("Search for Web links ") package_links = [] pattern = r'
]*?>.*?]*?value="(.+?)"[^>]*?name="file"' ids = re.findall(pattern, self.data, re.I | re.S) self.log_debug("Decrypting %d Web links" % len(ids)) for idx, weblink_id in enumerate(ids): try: res = self.load("http://linkcrypt.ws/out.html", post = {'file':weblink_id}) indexs = res.find("window.location =") + 19 indexe = res.find('"', indexs) link2 = res[indexs:indexe] link2 = html_unescape(link2) package_links.append(link2) except Exception, detail: self.log_debug("Error decrypting Web link %s, %s" % (weblink_id, detail)) return package_links def get_container_html(self): self.container_html = [] script = re.search(r']*?>(.*?)