# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re

from module.plugins.internal.SimpleCrypter import SimpleCrypter
from module.plugins.internal.misc import json, uniqify

class ImgurCom(SimpleCrypter):
    __name__    = "ImgurCom"
    __type__    = "crypter"
    __version__ = "0.59"
    __status__  = "testing"

    __pattern__ = r'https?://(?:www\.|m\.)?imgur\.com/(a|gallery|)/?\w{5,7}'
    __config__  = [("activated"         , "bool"          , "Activated"                                        , True     ),
                   ("use_premium"       , "bool"          , "Use premium account if available"                 , True     ),
                   ("folder_per_package", "Default;Yes;No", "Create folder for each package"                   , "Default"),
                   ("max_wait"          , "int"           , "Reconnect if waiting time is greater than minutes", 10       )]

    __description__ = """Imgur.com decrypter plugin"""
    __license__     = "GPLv3"
    __authors__     = [("nath_schwarz", "nathan.notwhite@gmail.com" ),
                       ("nippey",       "matthias.nippert@gmail.com")]

    NAME_PATTERN = r'(?P<N>.+?) - .*?Imgur'
    LINK_PATTERN = r'i\.imgur\.com/\w{7}s?\.(?:jpeg|jpg|png|gif|apng)'
    """ Imgur may only show the first 10 images of a gallery. The remaining bits may be found here: """
    GALLERY_JSON = "http://imgur.com/ajaxalbums/getimages/%s/hit.json?all=true"

    def sanitize(self,name):
        """ Turn Imgur Gallery title into a safe Package and Folder name """
        keepcharacters = (' ','\t','.','_')
        replacecharacters = (' ','\t')
        return "".join(c if c not in replacecharacters else '_' for c in name.strip() if c.isalnum() or c in keepcharacters).strip('_')

    def get_ids_from_json(self):
        """ Check the embedded JSON and if needed the external JSON for more images """
        # Greedy re should match the closing bracket of json assuming JSON data is placed on a single line
        m = re.search(r"\simage\s+:\s+({.*})", self.data)
        if m:
            embedded_json = json.loads(m.group(1))
            # Extract some metadata (ID, Title, NumImages)
            gallery_id = embedded_json['hash']
            self.gallery_name = self.sanitize(_("%s_%s") % (gallery_id, embedded_json['title']))
            self.total_num_images = int(embedded_json['num_images'])

            # Extract images
            images = dict([(e['hash'], e['ext']) for e in embedded_json['album_images']['images']])

            self.log_debug(_("Found %s of %s expected links in embedded JSON") % (len(images), self.total_num_images))
            # Depeding on the gallery, the embedded JSON may not contain all image information, then we also try the external JSON
            # If this doesn't help either (which is possible),... TODO: Find out what to do
            if len(images) < self.total_num_images:
                external_json = json.loads(self.load(self.GALLERY_JSON % gallery_id))

                    images = dict([(e['hash'], e['ext']) for e in external_json['data']['images']])
                    self.log_debug(_("Found %s of %s expected links in external JSON") % (len(images), self.total_num_images))

                except (KeyError, TypeError):
                    self.log_debug(_("Could not extract links from external JSON"))
                    # It is possible that the returned JSON contains an empty 'data' section. We ignore it then.

            return images

        self.log_debug(_("Could not find embedded JSON"))

        return {}

    def get_indirect_links(self, links_direct):
        """ Try to find a list of all images and add those we didn't find already """
        # Extract IDs of known direct links
        ids_direct = set([l for link in links_direct for l in re.findall(r'(\w{7})', link)])
        # Get filename extensions for new IDs
        ids_json = self.get_ids_from_json()
        ids_indirect = [id for id in ids_json.keys() if id not in ids_direct]

        # No additional images found
        if len(ids_indirect) == 0 :
            return []
        # Translate new IDs to Direct-URLs
        return map(lambda id: "http://i.imgur.com/%s%s" % (id, ids_json[id]), ids_indirect)

    def setup(self):
        self.gallery_name     = None
        self.total_num_images = 0

    def get_links(self):
        """ Extract embedded links from HTML // then check if there are further images which will be lazy-loaded """

        f = lambda url: "http://" + re.sub(r'(\w{7})s\.', r'\1.', url)
        direct_links = uniqify(map(f, re.findall(self.LINK_PATTERN, self.data)))

        # Imgur Galleryies may contain more images than initially shown. Find the rest now!
            indirect_links = self.get_indirect_links(direct_links)
            self.log_debug(_("Found %s additional links") % (len(indirect_links)))

        except (TypeError, KeyError, ValueError), e:
            # Fail gracefull as we already had some success
            self.log_error(_("Processing of additional links unsuccessful - %s: %s") % (type(e).__name__, str(e)))
            indirect_links = []

        # Check if all images were found and inform the user
        num_images_found = len(direct_links) + len(indirect_links)
        if num_images_found < self.total_num_images:
            self.log_error(_("Could not save all images of this gallery: %s/%s") % (num_images_found, self.total_num_images))
        # If we could extract a name, use this to create a specific package
        if self.gallery_name:
            self.packages.append((self.gallery_name, direct_links + indirect_links, self.gallery_name))
            return []

            return direct_links + indirect_links