# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: godofdream """ import re import random from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter from module.common.json_layer import json_loads class C1neonCom(Crypter): __name__ = "C1neonCom" __type__ = "container" __pattern__ = r"http://(www\.)?c1neon.com/.*?" __version__ = "0.05" __config__ = [ ("changeNameS", "Packagename;Show;Season;Episode", "Rename Show by", "Show"), ("changeName", "Packagename;Movie", "Rename Movie by", "Movie"), ("useStreams", "bool", "Use Streams too", False), ("hosterListMode", "all;onlypreferred", "Use for hosters (if supported)", "all"), ("randomPreferred", "bool", "Randomize Preferred-List", False), ("hosterList", "str", "Preferred Hoster list (comma separated, no ending)", "2shared,Bayfiles,Netload,Rapidshare,Share-online"), ("ignoreList", "str", "Ignored Hoster list (comma separated, no ending)", "Megaupload") ] __description__ = """C1neon.Com Container Plugin""" __author_name__ = ("godofdream") __author_mail__ = ("soilfiction@gmail.com") VALUES_PATTERN = r"var subcats = (.*?)(;</script>|;var)" SHOW_PATTERN = r"title='(.*?)'" SERIE_PATTERN = r"<title>.*Serie.*</title>" def decrypt(self, pyfile): src = self.req.load(str(pyfile.url)) pattern = re.compile(self.VALUES_PATTERN, re.DOTALL) data = json_loads(re.search(pattern, src).group(1)) # Get package info links = [] Showname = re.search(self.SHOW_PATTERN, src) if Showname: Showname = Showname.group(1).decode("utf-8") else: Showname = self.pyfile.package().name if re.search(self.SERIE_PATTERN, src): for Season in data: self.logDebug("Season " + Season) for Episode in data[Season]: self.logDebug("Episode " + Episode) links.extend(self.getpreferred(data[Season][Episode])) if self.getConfig("changeNameS") == "Episode": self.packages.append((data[Season][Episode]['info']['name'].split("»")[0], links, data[Season][Episode]['info']['name'].split("»")[0])) links = [] if self.getConfig("changeNameS") == "Season": self.packages.append((Showname + " Season " + Season, links, Showname + " Season " + Season)) links = [] if self.getConfig("changeNameS") == "Show": if links == []: self.fail('Could not extract any links (Out of Date?)') else: self.packages.append((Showname, links, Showname)) elif self.getConfig("changeNameS") == "Packagename": if links == []: self.fail('Could not extract any links (Out of Date?)') else: self.core.files.addLinks(links, self.pyfile.package().id) else: for Movie in data: links.extend(self.getpreferred(data[Movie])) if self.getConfig("changeName") == "Movie": if links == []: self.fail('Could not extract any links (Out of Date?)') else: self.packages.append((Showname, links, Showname)) elif self.getConfig("changeName") == "Packagename": if links == []: self.fail('Could not extract any links (Out of Date?)') else: self.core.files.addLinks(links, self.pyfile.package().id) #selects the preferred hoster, after that selects any hoster (ignoring the one to ignore) #selects only one Hoster def getpreferred(self, hosterslist): hosterlist = {} if 'u' in hosterslist: hosterlist.update(hosterslist['u']) if ('d' in hosterslist): hosterlist.update(hosterslist['d']) if self.getConfig("useStreams") and 's' in hosterslist: hosterlist.update(hosterslist['s']) result = [] preferredList = self.getConfig("hosterList").strip().lower().replace('|',',').replace('.','').replace(';',',').split(',') if self.getConfig("randomPreferred") == True: random.shuffle(preferredList) for preferred in preferredList: for Hoster in hosterlist: if preferred == Hoster.split('<')[0].strip().lower().replace('.',''): for Part in hosterlist[Hoster]: self.logDebug("selected " + Part[3]) result.append(str(Part[3])) return result ignorelist = self.getConfig("ignoreList").strip().lower().replace('|',',').replace('.','').replace(';',',').split(',') if self.getConfig('hosterListMode') == "all": for Hoster in hosterlist: if Hoster.split('<')[0].strip().lower().replace('.','') not in ignorelist: for Part in hosterlist[Hoster]: self.logDebug("selected " + Part[3]) result.append(str(Part[3])) return result return result