#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re
from types import MethodType

from module.plugins.MultiHoster import MultiHoster as MultiHosterAccount, normalize
from module.plugins.Addon import Addon, AddEventListener
from module.plugins.PluginManager import PluginTuple

class MultiHoster(Addon):
    __version__ = "0.1"
    __internal__ = True
    __description__ = "Gives ability to use MultiHoster services. You need to add your account first."
    __config__ = []
    __author_mail__ = ("pyLoad Team",)
    __author_mail__ = ("support@pyload.org",)

    #TODO: multiple accounts - multihoster / config options

    def init(self):

        # overwritten plugins
        self.plugins = {}

    def addHoster(self, account):

        self.logDebug("New MultiHoster %s" % account.__name__)

        pluginMap = {}
        for name in self.core.pluginManager.getPlugins("hoster").keys():
            pluginMap[name.lower()] = name

        supported = []
        new_supported = []

        for hoster in account.getHosterList():
            name = normalize(hoster)

            if name in pluginMap:

        if not supported and not new_supported:
            account.logError(_("No Hoster loaded"))

        klass = self.core.pluginManager.getPluginClass(account.__name__)

        # inject plugin plugin
        account.logDebug("Overwritten Hosters: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(supported)))
        for hoster in supported:
            self.plugins[hoster] = klass

        account.logDebug("New Hosters: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(new_supported)))

        # create new regexp
        regexp = r".*(%s).*" % "|".join([klass.__pattern__] + [x.replace(".", "\\.") for x in new_supported])

        # recreate plugin tuple for new regexp
        hoster = self.core.pluginManager.getPlugins("hoster")
        p = hoster[account.__name__]
        new = PluginTuple(p.version, re.compile(regexp), p.deps, p.user, p.path)
        hoster[account.__name__] = new

    def refreshAccounts(self, plugin=None, user=None):

        self.plugins = {}

        for name, account in self.core.accountManager.iterAccounts():
            if isinstance(account, MultiHosterAccount) and account.isUsable():

    def refreshAccount(self, plugin, user):

        account = self.core.accountManager.getAccount(plugin, user)
        if isinstance(account, MultiHosterAccount) and account.isUsable():

    def activate(self):

        # new method for plugin manager
        def getPlugin(self2, name):
            if name in self.plugins:
                return self.plugins[name]
            return self2.getPluginClass(name)

        pm = self.core.pluginManager
        pm.getPlugin = MethodType(getPlugin, pm, object)

    def deactivate(self):
        #restore state
        pm = self.core.pluginManager
        pm.getPlugin = pm.getPluginClass