# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import time from module.plugins.internal.Account import Account from module.PyFile import PyFile from module.plugins.captcha.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha class NitroflareCom(Account): __name__ = "NitroflareCom" __type__ = "account" __version__ = "0.16" __status__ = "testing" __description__ = """Nitroflare.com account plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "vuolter@gmail.com" ), ("GammaC0de", "nitzo2001[AT]yahoo[DOT]com")] VALID_UNTIL_PATTERN = r'>Time Left</label><strong>(.+?)</' TRAFFIC_LEFT_PATTERN = r'>Your Daily Limit</label><strong>(?P<S1>[\d.,]+) (?P<U1>[\w^_]+ )?/ (?P<S2>[\d.,]+) (?P<U2>[\w^_]+)' LOGIN_FAIL_PATTERN = r'<ul class="errors">\s*<li>' TOKEN_PATTERN = r'name="token" value="(.+?)"' def grab_info(self, user, password, data): validuntil = -1 trafficleft = None premium = False html = self.load("https://nitroflare.com/member", get={'s': "premium"}) m = re.search(self.VALID_UNTIL_PATTERN, html) if m is not None: expiredate = m.group(1).strip() self.log_debug("Time Left: " + expiredate) try: validuntil = sum(int(v) * {'day': 24 * 3600, 'hour': 3600, 'minute': 60}[u.lower()] for v, u in re.findall(r'(\d+)\s*(day|hour|minute)', expiredate, re.I)) except Exception, e: self.log_error(e, trace=True) else: self.log_debug("Valid until: %s" % validuntil) if validuntil: validuntil += time.time() premium = True else: validuntil = -1 m = re.search(self.TRAFFIC_LEFT_PATTERN, html) if m is not None: try: trafficleft = self.parse_traffic(m.group('S2'), m.group('U2')) - self.parse_traffic(m.group('S1'), m.group('U1') or "B") except Exception, e: self.log_error(e, trace=True) else: self.log_debug("TRAFFIC_LEFT_PATTERN not found") return {'validuntil' : validuntil, 'trafficleft': trafficleft, 'premium' : premium} def signin(self, user, password, data): login_url = "https://nitroflare.com/login" self.data = self.load(login_url) if "document.location.href='logout'" in self.data: self.skip_login() post_data = {'login' : "", 'email' : user, 'password': password} # dummy pyfile pyfile = PyFile(self.pyload.files, -1, login_url, login_url, 0, 0, "", self.classname, -1, -1) pyfile.plugin = self self.captcha = ReCaptcha(pyfile) captcha_key = self.captcha.detect_key() if captcha_key: response, challenge = self.captcha.challenge() post_data['g-recaptcha-response'] = response token = re.search(self.TOKEN_PATTERN, self.data).group(1) post_data['token'] = token self.data = self.load(login_url, post=post_data) if re.search(self.LOGIN_FAIL_PATTERN, self.data): self.fail_login() """ @NOTE: below are methods necessary for captcha to work with account plugins """ def check_status(self): pass def retry_captcha(self, attemps=10, wait=1, msg=_("Max captcha retries reached")): self.captcha.invalid() self.fail_login(msg="Invalid captcha")