# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: mkaay, RaNaN """ import re import sys from os import listdir from os import makedirs from os.path import isfile from os.path import join from os.path import exists from os.path import abspath from sys import version_info from itertools import chain try: from ast import literal_eval except ImportError: # python 2.5 from module.SafeEval import safe_eval as literal_eval IGNORE = ["FreakshareNet", "SpeedManager"] #ignore this plugins in homefolder, add deleted plugins here class PluginManager(): def __init__(self, core): self.core = core #self.config = self.core.config self.log = core.log self.crypterPlugins = {} self.containerPlugins = {} self.hosterPlugins = {} self.captchaPlugins = {} self.accountPlugins = {} self.hookPlugins = {} self.createHomeDirs() self.createIndex() #@TODO plugin updater #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def createHomeDirs(self): """create homedirectories containing plugins""" #@TODO implement... pass def createIndex(self): """create information for all plugins available""" sys.path.append(abspath("")) if not exists("userplugins"): makedirs("userplugins") if not exists(join("userplugins", "__init__.py")): f = open(join("userplugins", "__init__.py"), "wb") f.close() self.rePattern = re.compile(r'__pattern__.*=.*r("|\')([^"\']+)') self.reVersion = re.compile(r'__version__.*=.*("|\')([0-9.]+)') self.reConfig = re.compile(r'__config__.*=.*\[([^\]]+)', re.MULTILINE) self.crypterPlugins = self.parse(_("Crypter"), "crypter", pattern=True) self.containerPlugins = self.parse(_("Container"), "container", pattern=True) self.hosterPlugins = self.parse(_("Hoster") ,"hoster", pattern=True) self.captchaPlugins = self.parse(_("Captcha"), "captcha") self.accountPlugins = self.parse(_("Account"), "accounts", create=True) self.hookPlugins = self.parse(_("Hook"), "hooks") self.log.debug(_("created index of plugins")) def parse(self, typ, folder, create=False, pattern=False, home={}): """ returns dict with information home contains parsed plugins from module. { name : {path, version, config, (pattern, re), (plugin, class)} } """ plugins = {} if home: pfolder = join("userplugins", folder) if not exists(pfolder): makedirs(pfolder) if not exists(join(pfolder, "__init__.py")): f = open(join(pfolder, "__init__.py"), "wb") f.close() else: pfolder = join(pypath, "module", "plugins", folder) for f in listdir(pfolder): if (isfile(join(pfolder, f)) and f.endswith(".py") or f.endswith("_25.pyc") or f.endswith("_26.pyc") or f.endswith("_27.pyc")) and not f.startswith("_"): data = open(join(pfolder, f)) content = data.read() data.close() if f.endswith("_25.pyc") and not version_info[0:2] == (2, 5): continue elif f.endswith("_26.pyc") and not version_info[0:2] == (2, 6): continue elif f.endswith("_27.pyc") and not version_info[0:2] == (2, 7): continue name = f[:-3] if name[-1] == "." : name = name[:-4] version = self.reVersion.findall(content) if version: version = float(version[0][1]) else: version = 0 if home and home.has_key(name): if home[name]["v"] >= version: continue plugins[name] = {} plugins[name]["v"] = version module = f.replace(".pyc","").replace(".py","") if home: if name in IGNORE: del plugins[name] continue path = "userplugins.%s.%s" % (folder, module) else: path = "module.plugins.%s.%s" % (folder, module) plugins[name]["name"] = module plugins[name]["path"] = path if pattern: pattern = self.rePattern.findall(content) if pattern: pattern = pattern[0][1] else: pattern = "^unmachtable$" plugins[name]["pattern"] = pattern try: plugins[name]["re"] = re.compile(pattern) except: self.log.error(_("%s has invalid pattern.") % name) config = self.reConfig.findall(content) if config: config = literal_eval(config[0].strip().replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")) if type(config[0]) == tuple: config = [list(x) for x in config] else: config = [list(config)] if folder == "hooks": config.append( ["load", "bool", "Load on startup", True if name not in ("XMPPInterface", "MultiHome") else False] ) for item in config: self.core.config.addPluginConfig([name]+item) if not home: temp = self.parse(typ, folder, create, pattern, plugins) plugins.update(temp) return plugins #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def parseUrls(self, urls): """parse plugins for given list of urls""" last = None res = [] # tupels of (url, plugin) for url in urls: if type(url) not in (str, unicode, buffer): continue found = False if last and last[1]["re"].match(url): res.append((url, last[0])) continue for name, value in chain(self.crypterPlugins.iteritems(), self.hosterPlugins.iteritems(), self.containerPlugins.iteritems() ): if value["re"].match(url): res.append((url, name)) last = (name, value) found = True break if not found: res.append((url, "BasePlugin")) return res #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getPlugin(self, name): """return plugin module from hoster|decrypter|container""" plugin = None if self.containerPlugins.has_key(name): plugin = self.containerPlugins[name] if self.crypterPlugins.has_key(name): plugin = self.crypterPlugins[name] if self.hosterPlugins.has_key(name): plugin = self.hosterPlugins[name] if plugin.has_key("module"): return plugin["module"] plugin["module"] = __import__(plugin["path"], globals(), locals(), [plugin["name"]] , -1) return plugin["module"] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getCaptchaPlugin(self, name): """return captcha modul if existent""" if self.captchaPlugins.has_key(name): plugin = self.captchaPlugins[name] if plugin.has_key("class"): return plugin["class"] module = __import__(plugin["path"], globals(), locals(), [plugin["name"]] , -1) plugin["class"] = getattr(module, name) return plugin["class"] return None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getAccountPlugin(self, name): """return account class if existent""" if self.accountPlugins.has_key(name): plugin = self.accountPlugins[name] if plugin.has_key("class"): return plugin["class"] module = __import__(plugin["path"], globals(), locals(), [plugin["name"]] , -1) plugin["class"] = getattr(module, plugin["name"]) return plugin["class"] return None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getAccountPlugins(self): """return list of account plugin names""" res = [] for name in self.accountPlugins.keys(): res.append(name) return res #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getHookPlugins(self): """return list of hook classes""" classes = [] for name, value in self.hookPlugins.iteritems(): if value.has_key("class"): classes.append(value["class"]) continue if not self.core.config.getPlugin(name, "load"): continue try: module = __import__(value["path"], globals(), locals(), [value["name"]] , -1) except Exception, e: self.log.error(_("Error importing %(name)s: %(msg)s") % {"name": name, "msg": str(e) }) self.log.error(_("You should fix dependicies or deactivate load on startup.")) continue pluginClass = getattr(module, name) value["class"] = pluginClass classes.append(pluginClass) return classes if __name__ == "__main__": _ = lambda x : x pypath = "/home/christian/Projekte/pyload-0.4/module/plugins" from time import time p = PluginManager(None) a = time() test = [ "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s" % x for x in range(0,100) ] print p.parseUrls(test) b = time() print b-a ,"s"