# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . @author: RaNaN """ import sys from time import time, sleep from random import randint from module.utils import decode from module.utils.fs import exists, makedirs, join, remove # TODO # more attributes if needed # get rid of catpcha & container plugins ?! (move to crypter & internals) # adapt old plugins as needed class Fail(Exception): """ raised when failed """ class Retry(Exception): """ raised when start again from beginning """ class Abort(Exception): """ raised when aborted """ class Base(object): """ The Base plugin class with all shared methods and every possible attribute for plugin definition. """ __version__ = "0.1" #: Regexp pattern which will be matched for download/crypter plugins __pattern__ = r"" #: Internal addon plugin which is always loaded __internal__ = False #: Config definition: list of (name, type, verbose_name, default_value) or #: (name, type, verbose_name, short_description, default_value) __config__ = list() #: Short description, one liner __description__ = "" #: More detailed text __long_description__ = """""" #: List of needed modules __dependencies__ = tuple() #: Used to assign a category to addon plugins __category__ = "" #: Tags to categorize the plugin, see documentation for further info __tags__ = tuple() #: Base64 encoded .png icon, please don't use sizes above ~3KB __icon__ = "" #: Alternative, link to png icon __icon_url__ = "" #: Url with general information/support/discussion __url__ = "" #: Url to term of content, user is accepting these when using the plugin __toc_url__ = "" #: Url to service (to buy premium) for accounts __ref_url__ = "" __author_name__ = tuple() __author_mail__ = tuple() def __init__(self, core): self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ #: Core instance self.core = core #: logging instance self.log = core.log #: core config self.config = core.config #: :class:`EventManager` self.evm = core.eventManager #: :class:`InteractionManager` self.im = core.interactionManager #: last interaction task self.task = None def logInfo(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Print args to log at specific level :param args: Arbitrary object which should be logged :param kwargs: sep=(how to separate arguments), default = " | " """ self._log("info", *args, **kwargs) def logWarning(self, *args, **kwargs): self._log("warning", *args, **kwargs) def logError(self, *args, **kwargs): self._log("error", *args, **kwargs) def logDebug(self, *args, **kwargs): self._log("debug", *args, **kwargs) def _log(self, level, *args, **kwargs): if "sep" in kwargs: sep = "%s" % kwargs["sep"] else: sep = " | " strings = [] for obj in args: if type(obj) == unicode: strings.append(obj) elif type(obj) == str: strings.append(decode(obj)) else: strings.append(str(obj)) getattr(self.log, level)("%s: %s" % (self.__name__, sep.join(strings))) def setConfig(self, option, value): """ Set config value for current plugin """ self.core.config.set(self.__name__, option, value) def getConf(self, option): """ see `getConfig` """ return self.core.config.get(self.__name__, option) def getConfig(self, option): """ Returns config value for current plugin """ return self.getConf(option) def setStorage(self, key, value): """ Saves a value persistently to the database """ self.core.db.setStorage(self.__name__, key, value) def store(self, key, value): """ same as `setStorage` """ self.core.db.setStorage(self.__name__, key, value) def getStorage(self, key=None, default=None): """ Retrieves saved value or dict of all saved entries if key is None """ if key is not None: return self.core.db.getStorage(self.__name__, key) or default return self.core.db.getStorage(self.__name__, key) def retrieve(self, *args, **kwargs): """ same as `getStorage` """ return self.getStorage(*args, **kwargs) def delStorage(self, key): """ Delete entry in db """ self.core.db.delStorage(self.__name__, key) def shell(self): """ open ipython shell """ if self.core.debug: from IPython import embed #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences sys.stdout = sys._stdout embed() def abort(self): """ Check if plugin is in an abort state, is overwritten by subtypes""" return False def checkAbort(self): """ Will be overwritten to determine if control flow should be aborted """ if self.abort: raise Abort() def load(self, url, get={}, post={}, ref=True, cookies=True, just_header=False, decode=False): """Load content at url and returns it :param url: url as string :param get: GET as dict :param post: POST as dict, list or string :param ref: Set HTTP_REFERER header :param cookies: use saved cookies :param just_header: if True only the header will be retrieved and returned as dict :param decode: Whether to decode the output according to http header, should be True in most cases :return: Loaded content """ if not hasattr(self, "req"): raise Exception("Plugin type does not have Request attribute.") self.checkAbort() res = self.req.load(url, get, post, ref, cookies, just_header, decode=decode) if self.core.debug: from inspect import currentframe frame = currentframe() if not exists(join("tmp", self.__name__)): makedirs(join("tmp", self.__name__)) f = open( join("tmp", self.__name__, "%s_line%s.dump.html" % (frame.f_back.f_code.co_name, frame.f_back.f_lineno)) , "wb") del frame # delete the frame or it wont be cleaned try: tmp = res.encode("utf8") except: tmp = res f.write(tmp) f.close() if just_header: #parse header header = {"code": self.req.code} for line in res.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if not line or ":" not in line: continue key, none, value = line.partition(":") key = key.lower().strip() value = value.strip() if key in header: if type(header[key]) == list: header[key].append(value) else: header[key] = [header[key], value] else: header[key] = value res = header return res def invalidTask(self): if self.task: self.task.invalid() def invalidCaptcha(self): self.logDebug("Deprecated method .invalidCaptcha, use .invalidTask") self.invalidTask() def correctTask(self): if self.task: self.task.correct() def correctCaptcha(self): self.logDebug("Deprecated method .correctCaptcha, use .correctTask") self.correctTask() def decryptCaptcha(self, url, get={}, post={}, cookies=False, forceUser=False, imgtype='jpg', result_type='textual'): """ Loads a captcha and decrypts it with ocr, plugin, user input :param url: url of captcha image :param get: get part for request :param post: post part for request :param cookies: True if cookies should be enabled :param forceUser: if True, ocr is not used :param imgtype: Type of the Image :param result_type: 'textual' if text is written on the captcha\ or 'positional' for captcha where the user have to click\ on a specific region on the captcha :return: result of decrypting """ img = self.load(url, get=get, post=post, cookies=cookies) id = ("%.2f" % time())[-6:].replace(".", "") temp_file = open(join("tmp", "tmpCaptcha_%s_%s.%s" % (self.__name__, id, imgtype)), "wb") temp_file.write(img) temp_file.close() name = "%sOCR" % self.__name__ has_plugin = name in self.core.pluginManager.getPlugins("internal") if self.core.captcha: OCR = self.core.pluginManager.loadClass("internal", name) else: OCR = None if OCR and not forceUser: sleep(randint(3000, 5000) / 1000.0) self.checkAbort() ocr = OCR() result = ocr.get_captcha(temp_file.name) else: task = self.im.newCaptchaTask(img, imgtype, temp_file.name, result_type) self.task = task self.im.handleTask(task) while task.isWaiting(): if self.abort(): self.im.removeTask(task) raise Abort() sleep(1) #TODO self.im.removeTask(task) if task.error and has_plugin: #ignore default error message since the user could use OCR self.fail(_("Pil and tesseract not installed and no Client connected for captcha decrypting")) elif task.error: self.fail(task.error) elif not task.result: self.fail(_("No captcha result obtained in appropriate time by any of the plugins.")) result = task.result self.log.debug("Received captcha result: %s" % str(result)) if not self.core.debug: try: remove(temp_file.name) except: pass return result def fail(self, reason): """ fail and give reason """ raise Fail(reason)