#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: RaNaN """ from os import remove, stat from os.path import exists from time import sleep from re import search from logging import getLogger import pycurl from HTTPRequest import HTTPRequest class WrongFormat(Exception): pass class ChunkInfo(): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.size = 0 self.resume = False self.chunks = [] def __repr__(self): ret = "ChunkInfo: %s, %s\n" % (self.name, self.size) for i, c in enumerate(self.chunks): ret += "%s# %s\n" % (i, c[1]) return ret def setSize(self, size): self.size = int(size) def addChunk(self, name, range): self.chunks.append((name, range)) def clear(self): self.chunks = [] def createChunks(self, chunks): self.clear() chunk_size = self.size / chunks current = 0 for i in range(chunks): end = self.size - 1 if (i == chunks - 1) else current + chunk_size self.addChunk("%s.chunk%s" % (self.name, i), (current, end)) current += chunk_size + 1 def save(self): fh = open("%s.chunks" % self.name, "w") fh.write("name:%s\n" % self.name) fh.write("size:%s\n" % self.size) for i, c in enumerate(self.chunks): fh.write("#%d:\n" % i) fh.write("\tname:%s\n" % c[0]) fh.write("\trange:%i-%i\n" % c[1]) fh.close() @staticmethod def load(name): if not exists("%s.chunks" % name): raise IOError() fh = open("%s.chunks" % name, "r") name = fh.readline()[:-1] size = fh.readline()[:-1] if name.startswith("name:") and size.startswith("size:"): name = name[5:] size = size[5:] else: fh.close() raise WrongFormat() ci = ChunkInfo(name) ci.loaded = True ci.setSize(size) while True: if not fh.readline(): #skip line break name = fh.readline()[1:-1] range = fh.readline()[1:-1] if name.startswith("name:") and range.startswith("range:"): name = name[5:] range = range[6:].split("-") else: raise WrongFormat() ci.addChunk(name, (long(range[0]), long(range[1]))) fh.close() return ci def remove(self): if exists("%s.chunks" % self.name): remove("%s.chunks" % self.name) def getCount(self): return len(self.chunks) def getChunkName(self, index): return self.chunks[index][0] def getChunkRange(self, index): return self.chunks[index][1] class HTTPChunk(HTTPRequest): def __init__(self, id, parent, range=None, resume=False): self.id = id self.p = parent # HTTPDownload instance self.range = range # tuple (start, end) self.resume = resume self.arrived = 0 self.lastURL = self.p.referer self.c = pycurl.Curl() self.header = "" self.headerParsed = False #indicates if the header has been processed self.fp = None #file handle self.initHandle() self.setInterface(self.p.options["interface"], self.p.options["proxies"], self.p.options["ipv6"]) self.BOMChecked = False # check and remove byte order mark self.log = getLogger("log") @property def cj(self): return self.p.cj def getHandle(self): """ returns a Curl handle ready to use for perform/multiperform """ self.setRequestContext(self.p.url, self.p.get, self.p.post, self.p.referer, self.p.cj) self.c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, self.writeBody) self.c.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, self.writeHeader) # request one byte more, since some servers in russia seems to have a defect arihmetic unit if self.resume: self.fp = open(self.p.info.getChunkName(self.id), "ab") self.arrived = self.fp.tell() if not self.arrived: self.arrived = stat(self.p.info.getChunkName(self.id)).st_size if self.range: #do nothing if chunk already finished if self.arrived + self.range[0] >= self.range[1]: return None if self.id == len(self.p.info.chunks) - 1: #as last chunk dont set end range, so we get everything range = "%i-" % (self.arrived + self.range[0]) else: range = "%i-%i" % (self.arrived + self.range[0], min(self.range[1] + 1, self.p.size - 1)) self.log.debug("Chunked resume with range %s" % range) self.c.setopt(pycurl.RANGE, range) else: self.log.debug("Resume File from %i" % self.arrived) self.c.setopt(pycurl.RESUME_FROM, self.arrived) else: if self.range: if self.id == len(self.p.info.chunks) - 1: # see above range = "%i-" % self.range[0] else: range = "%i-%i" % (self.range[0], min(self.range[1] + 1, self.p.size - 1)) self.log.debug("Chunked with range %s" % range) self.c.setopt(pycurl.RANGE, range) self.fp = open(self.p.info.getChunkName(self.id), "wb") return self.c def writeHeader(self, buf): self.header += buf #@TODO forward headers?, this is possibly unneeeded, when we just parse valid 200 headers # as first chunk, we will parse the headers if not self.range and self.header.endswith("\r\n\r\n"): self.parseHeader() elif not self.range and buf.startswith("150") and "data connection" in buf: #ftp file size parsing size = search(r"(\d+) bytes", buf) if size: self.p.size = int(size.group(1)) self.p.chunkSupport = True self.headerParsed = True def writeBody(self, buf): #ignore BOM, it confuses unrar if not self.BOMChecked: if [ord(b) for b in buf[:3]] == [239, 187, 191]: buf = buf[3:] self.BOMChecked = True size = len(buf) self.arrived += size self.fp.write(buf) if self.p.bucket: sleep(self.p.bucket.consumed(size)) elif size < 5000: #@TODO nice to have: traffic sharping algr. which calculates sleep time to reduce cpu load #sleep if chunk size gets low, to avoid many function calls and hope chunksize gets bigger sleep(0.007) if self.range and self.arrived > (self.range[1] - self.range[0]): return 0 #close if we have enough data def parseHeader(self): """parse data from recieved header""" for orgline in self.header.splitlines(): line = orgline.strip().lower() if line.startswith("accept-ranges") and "bytes" in line: self.p.chunkSupport = True if line.startswith("content-disposition") and "filename=" in line: name = orgline.partition("filename=")[2] name = name.replace('"', "").replace("'", "").replace(";", "").strip() self.p.nameDisposition = name self.log.debug("Content-Disposition: %s" % name) if not self.resume and line.startswith("content-length"): self.p.size = int(line.split(":")[1]) self.headerParsed = True def close(self): """ closes everything, unusable after this """ if self.fp: self.fp.close() self.c.close() if hasattr(self, "p"): del self.p