#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: RaNaN """ from os import remove from os.path import exists from time import sleep from re import search from logging import getLogger import pycurl from HTTPRequest import HTTPRequest class WrongFormat(Exception): pass class ChunkInfo(): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.size = 0 self.resume = False self.chunks = [] def __repr__(self): ret = "ChunkInfo: %s, %s\n" % (self.name, self.size) for i, c in enumerate(self.chunks): ret += "%s# %s\n" % (i, c[1]) return ret def setSize(self, size): self.size = int(size) def addChunk(self, name, range): self.chunks.append((name, range)) def clear(self): self.chunks = [] def createChunks(self, chunks): self.clear() chunk_size = self.size / chunks current = 0 for i in range(chunks): end = self.size - 1 if (i == chunks - 1) else current + chunk_size self.addChunk("%s.chunk%s" % (self.name, i), (current, end)) current += chunk_size + 1 def save(self): fh = open("%s.chunks" % self.name, "w") fh.write("name:%s\n" % self.name) fh.write("size:%s\n" % self.size) for i, c in enumerate(self.chunks): fh.write("#%d:\n" % i) fh.write("\tname:%s\n" % c[0]) fh.write("\trange:%i-%i\n" % c[1]) fh.close() @staticmethod def load(name): if not exists("%s.chunks" % name): raise IOError() fh = open("%s.chunks" % name, "r") name = fh.readline()[:-1] size = fh.readline()[:-1] if name.startswith("name:") and size.startswith("size:"): name = name[5:] size = size[5:] else: fh.close() raise WrongFormat() ci = ChunkInfo(name) ci.loaded = True ci.setSize(size) while True: if not fh.readline(): #skip line break name = fh.readline()[1:-1] range = fh.readline()[1:-1] if name.startswith("name:") and range.startswith("range:"): name = name[5:] range = range[6:].split("-") else: raise WrongFormat() ci.addChunk(name, (long(range[0]), long(range[1]))) fh.close() return ci def remove(self): if exists("%s.chunks" % self.name): remove("%s.chunks" % self.name) def getCount(self): return len(self.chunks) def getChunkName(self, index): return self.chunks[index][0] def getChunkRange(self, index): return self.chunks[index][1] class HTTPChunk(HTTPRequest): def __init__(self, id, parent, range=None, resume=False): self.id = id self.p = parent # HTTPDownload instance self.range = range # tuple (start, end) self.resume = resume self.arrived = 0 self.lastURL = self.p.referer self.c = pycurl.Curl() self.header = "" self.headerParsed = False #indicates if the header has been processed self.fp = None #file handle self.initHandle() self.setInterface(self.p.options["interface"], self.p.options["proxies"], self.p.options["ipv6"]) self.BOMChecked = False # check and remove byte order mark self.log = getLogger("log") @property def cj(self): return self.p.cj def getHandle(self): """ returns a Curl handle ready to use for perform/multiperform """ self.setRequestContext(self.p.url, self.p.get, self.p.post, self.p.referer, self.p.cj) self.c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, self.writeBody) self.c.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, self.writeHeader) # request one byte more, since some servers in russia seems to have a defect arihmetic unit if self.resume: self.fp = open(self.p.info.getChunkName(self.id), "ab") self.arrived = self.fp.tell() if self.range: #do nothing if chunk already finished if self.arrived + self.range[0] >= self.range[1]: return None if self.id == len(self.p.info.chunks) - 1: #as last chunk dont set end range, so we get everything range = "%i-" % (self.arrived + self.range[0]) else: range = "%i-%i" % (self.arrived + self.range[0], min(self.range[1] + 1, self.p.size - 1)) self.log.debug("Chunked resume with range %s" % range) self.c.setopt(pycurl.RANGE, range) else: self.log.debug("Resume File from %i" % self.arrived) self.c.setopt(pycurl.RESUME_FROM, self.arrived) else: if self.range: if self.id == len(self.p.info.chunks) - 1: # see above range = "%i-" % self.range[0] else: range = "%i-%i" % (self.range[0], min(self.range[1] + 1, self.p.size - 1)) self.log.debug("Chunked with range %s" % range) self.c.setopt(pycurl.RANGE, range) self.fp = open(self.p.info.getChunkName(self.id), "wb") return self.c def writeHeader(self, buf): self.header += buf #@TODO forward headers?, this is possibly unneeeded, when we just parse valid 200 headers # as first chunk, we will parse the headers if not self.range and self.header.endswith("\r\n\r\n"): self.parseHeader() elif not self.range and buf.startswith("150") and "data connection" in buf: #ftp file size parsing size = search(r"(\d+) bytes", buf) if size: self.p.size = int(size.group(1)) self.p.chunkSupport = True self.headerParsed = True def writeBody(self, buf): #ignore BOM, it confuses unrar if not self.BOMChecked: if [ord(b) for b in buf[:3]] == [239, 187, 191]: buf = buf[3:] self.BOMChecked = True size = len(buf) self.arrived += size self.fp.write(buf) if self.p.bucket: sleep(self.p.bucket.consumed(size)) elif size < 5000: #@TODO nice to have: traffic sharping algr. which calculates sleep time to reduce cpu load #sleep if chunk size gets low, to avoid many function calls and hope chunksize gets bigger sleep(0.007) if self.range and self.arrived > (self.range[1] - self.range[0]): return 0 #close if we have enough data def parseHeader(self): """parse data from recieved header""" for orgline in self.header.splitlines(): line = orgline.strip().lower() if line.startswith("accept-ranges") and "bytes" in line: self.p.chunkSupport = True if line.startswith("content-disposition") and "filename=" in line: name = orgline.partition("filename=")[2] name = name.replace('"', "").replace("'", "").replace(";", "").strip() self.p.nameDisposition = name self.log.debug("Content-Disposition: %s" % name) if not self.resume and line.startswith("content-length"): self.p.size = int(line.split(":")[1]) self.headerParsed = True def close(self): """ closes everything, unusable after this """ if self.fp: self.fp.close() self.c.close() if hasattr(self, "p"): del self.p