#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from logging import getLogger

from HTTPRequest import HTTPRequest
from HTTPDownload import HTTPDownload

class Browser(object):

    __slots__ = ("log", "options", "bucket", "cj", "_size", "http", "dl")

    def __init__(self, bucket=None, options={}):
        self.log = getLogger("log")

        self.options = options #holds pycurl options
        self.bucket = bucket

        self.cj = None # needs to be setted later
        self._size = 0

        self.http = HTTPRequest(self.cj, options)
        self.dl = None

    def setLastURL(self, val):
        self.http.lastURL = val

    # tunnel some attributes from HTTP Request to Browser
    lastEffectiveURL = property(lambda self: self.http.lastEffectiveURL)
    lastURL = property(lambda self: self.http.lastURL, setLastURL)
    code = property(lambda self: self.http.code)
    cookieJar = property(lambda self: self.cj)

    def setCookieJar(self, cj):
        self.cj = cj
        self.http.cj = cj

    def speed(self):
        if self.dl:
            return self.dl.speed
        return 0

    def size(self):
        if self._size:
            return self._size
        if self.dl:
            return self.dl.size
        return 0

    def arrived(self):
        if self.dl:
            return self.dl.arrived
        return 0

    def percent(self):
        if not self.size: return 0
        return (self.arrived * 100) / self.size

    def clearCookies(self):
        if self.cj:

    def clearReferer(self):
        self.http.lastURL = None

    def abortDownloads(self):
        self.http.abort = True
        if self.dl:
            self._size = self.dl.size
            self.dl.abort = True

    def httpDownload(self, url, filename, get={}, post={}, ref=True, cookies=True, chunks=1, resume=False,
                     progressNotify=None, disposition=False):
        """ this can also download ftp """
        self._size = 0
        self.dl = HTTPDownload(url, filename, get, post, self.lastEffectiveURL if ref else None,
                               self.cj if cookies else None, self.bucket, self.options, progressNotify, disposition)
        name = self.dl.download(chunks, resume)
        self._size = self.dl.size

        self.dl = None

        return name

    def load(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ retrieves page """
        return self.http.load(*args, **kwargs)

    def putHeader(self, name, value):
        """ add a header to the request """
        self.http.putHeader(name, value)

    def clearHeaders(self):

    def close(self):
        """ cleanup """
        if hasattr(self, "http"):
            del self.http
        if hasattr(self, "dl"):
            del self.dl
        if hasattr(self, "cj"):
            del self.cj

if __name__ == "__main__":
    browser = Browser()#proxies={"socks5": "localhost:5000"})
    ip = "http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp"
    #print browser.getPage(ip)
    #print browser.getRedirectLocation("http://google.com/")

    browser.httpDownload("http://speedtest.netcologne.de/test_10mb.bin", "test_10mb.bin")