depth = 0
for piece in pieces[:-1]:
if piece.startswith(''):
depth -= 1
if depth == 0: break
elif piece.startswith('<') and not piece.endswith('/>'):
depth += 1
pieces = pieces[1:-1]
# Ensure each piece is a str for Python 3
for (i, v) in enumerate(pieces):
if not isinstance(v, basestring):
pieces[i] = v.decode('utf-8')
output = ''.join(pieces)
if stripWhitespace:
output = output.strip()
if not expectingText: return output
# decode base64 content
if base64 and self.contentparams.get('base64', 0):
output = _base64decode(output)
except binascii.Error:
except binascii.Incomplete:
except TypeError:
# In Python 3, base64 takes and outputs bytes, not str
# This may not be the most correct way to accomplish this
output = _base64decode(output.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
# resolve relative URIs
if (element in self.can_be_relative_uri) and output:
output = self.resolveURI(output)
# decode entities within embedded markup
if not self.contentparams.get('base64', 0):
output = self.decodeEntities(element, output)
if self.lookslikehtml(output):
# remove temporary cruft from contentparams
del self.contentparams['mode']
except KeyError:
del self.contentparams['base64']
except KeyError:
is_htmlish = self.mapContentType(self.contentparams.get('type', 'text/html')) in self.html_types
# resolve relative URIs within embedded markup
if is_htmlish and RESOLVE_RELATIVE_URIS:
if element in self.can_contain_relative_uris:
output = _resolveRelativeURIs(output, self.baseuri, self.encoding, self.contentparams.get('type', 'text/html'))
# parse microformats
# (must do this before sanitizing because some microformats
# rely on elements that we sanitize)
if is_htmlish and element in ['content', 'description', 'summary']:
mfresults = _parseMicroformats(output, self.baseuri, self.encoding)
if mfresults:
for tag in mfresults.get('tags', []):
self._addTag(tag['term'], tag['scheme'], tag['label'])
for enclosure in mfresults.get('enclosures', []):
for xfn in mfresults.get('xfn', []):
self._addXFN(xfn['relationships'], xfn['href'], xfn['name'])
vcard = mfresults.get('vcard')
if vcard:
self._getContext()['vcard'] = vcard
# sanitize embedded markup
if is_htmlish and SANITIZE_HTML:
if element in self.can_contain_dangerous_markup:
output = _sanitizeHTML(output, self.encoding, self.contentparams.get('type', 'text/html'))
if self.encoding and type(output) != type(u''):
output = unicode(output, self.encoding)
# address common error where people take data that is already
# utf-8, presume that it is iso-8859-1, and re-encode it.
if self.encoding in ('utf-8', 'utf-8_INVALID_PYTHON_3') and type(output) == type(u''):
output = unicode(output.encode('iso-8859-1'), 'utf-8')
# map win-1252 extensions to the proper code points
if type(output) == type(u''):
output = u''.join([c in _cp1252.keys() and _cp1252[c] or c for c in output])
# categories/tags/keywords/whatever are handled in _end_category
if element == 'category':
return output
if element == 'title' and self.hasTitle:
return output
# store output in appropriate place(s)
if self.inentry and not self.insource:
if element == 'content':
self.entries[-1].setdefault(element, [])
contentparams = copy.deepcopy(self.contentparams)
contentparams['value'] = output
elif element == 'link':
if not self.inimage:
# query variables in urls in link elements are improperly
# converted from `?a=1&b=2` to `?a=1&b;=2` as if they're
# unhandled character references. fix this special case.
output = re.sub("&([A-Za-z0-9_]+);", "&\g<1>", output)
self.entries[-1][element] = output
if output:
self.entries[-1]['links'][-1]['href'] = output
if element == 'description':
element = 'summary'
self.entries[-1][element] = output
if self.incontent:
contentparams = copy.deepcopy(self.contentparams)
contentparams['value'] = output
self.entries[-1][element + '_detail'] = contentparams
elif (self.infeed or self.insource):# and (not self.intextinput) and (not self.inimage):
context = self._getContext()
if element == 'description':
element = 'subtitle'
context[element] = output
if element == 'link':
# fix query variables; see above for the explanation
output = re.sub("&([A-Za-z0-9_]+);", "&\g<1>", output)
context[element] = output
context['links'][-1]['href'] = output
elif self.incontent:
contentparams = copy.deepcopy(self.contentparams)
contentparams['value'] = output
context[element + '_detail'] = contentparams
return output
def pushContent(self, tag, attrsD, defaultContentType, expectingText):
self.incontent += 1
if self.lang: self.lang=self.lang.replace('_','-')
self.contentparams = FeedParserDict({
'type': self.mapContentType(attrsD.get('type', defaultContentType)),
'language': self.lang,
'base': self.baseuri})
self.contentparams['base64'] = self._isBase64(attrsD, self.contentparams)
self.push(tag, expectingText)
def popContent(self, tag):
value = self.pop(tag)
self.incontent -= 1
return value
# a number of elements in a number of RSS variants are nominally plain
# text, but this is routinely ignored. This is an attempt to detect
# the most common cases. As false positives often result in silent
# data loss, this function errs on the conservative side.
def lookslikehtml(self, s):
if self.version.startswith('atom'): return
if self.contentparams.get('type','text/html') != 'text/plain': return
# must have a close tag or a entity reference to qualify
if not (re.search(r'(\w+)>',s) or re.search("?\w+;",s)): return
# all tags must be in a restricted subset of valid HTML tags
if filter(lambda t: t.lower() not in _HTMLSanitizer.acceptable_elements,
re.findall(r'?(\w+)',s)): return
# all entities must have been defined as valid HTML entities
from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs
if filter(lambda e: e not in entitydefs.keys(),
re.findall(r'&(\w+);',s)): return
return 1
def _mapToStandardPrefix(self, name):
colonpos = name.find(':')
if colonpos <> -1:
prefix = name[:colonpos]
suffix = name[colonpos+1:]
prefix = self.namespacemap.get(prefix, prefix)
name = prefix + ':' + suffix
return name
def _getAttribute(self, attrsD, name):
return attrsD.get(self._mapToStandardPrefix(name))
def _isBase64(self, attrsD, contentparams):
if attrsD.get('mode', '') == 'base64':
return 1
if self.contentparams['type'].startswith('text/'):
return 0
if self.contentparams['type'].endswith('+xml'):
return 0
if self.contentparams['type'].endswith('/xml'):
return 0
return 1
def _itsAnHrefDamnIt(self, attrsD):
href = attrsD.get('url', attrsD.get('uri', attrsD.get('href', None)))
if href:
del attrsD['url']
except KeyError:
del attrsD['uri']
except KeyError:
attrsD['href'] = href
return attrsD
def _save(self, key, value, overwrite=False):
context = self._getContext()
if overwrite:
context[key] = value
context.setdefault(key, value)
def _start_rss(self, attrsD):
versionmap = {'0.91': 'rss091u',
'0.92': 'rss092',
'0.93': 'rss093',
'0.94': 'rss094'}
#If we're here then this is an RSS feed.
#If we don't have a version or have a version that starts with something
#other than RSS then there's been a mistake. Correct it.
if not self.version or not self.version.startswith('rss'):
attr_version = attrsD.get('version', '')
version = versionmap.get(attr_version)
if version:
self.version = version
elif attr_version.startswith('2.'):
self.version = 'rss20'
self.version = 'rss'
def _start_dlhottitles(self, attrsD):
self.version = 'hotrss'
def _start_channel(self, attrsD):
self.infeed = 1
_start_feedinfo = _start_channel
def _cdf_common(self, attrsD):
if attrsD.has_key('lastmod'):
self.elementstack[-1][-1] = attrsD['lastmod']
if attrsD.has_key('href'):
self.elementstack[-1][-1] = attrsD['href']
def _start_feed(self, attrsD):
self.infeed = 1
versionmap = {'0.1': 'atom01',
'0.2': 'atom02',
'0.3': 'atom03'}
if not self.version:
attr_version = attrsD.get('version')
version = versionmap.get(attr_version)
if version:
self.version = version
self.version = 'atom'
def _end_channel(self):
self.infeed = 0
_end_feed = _end_channel
def _start_image(self, attrsD):
context = self._getContext()
if not self.inentry:
context.setdefault('image', FeedParserDict())
self.inimage = 1
self.hasTitle = 0
self.push('image', 0)
def _end_image(self):
self.inimage = 0
def _start_textinput(self, attrsD):
context = self._getContext()
context.setdefault('textinput', FeedParserDict())
self.intextinput = 1
self.hasTitle = 0
self.push('textinput', 0)
_start_textInput = _start_textinput
def _end_textinput(self):
self.intextinput = 0
_end_textInput = _end_textinput
def _start_author(self, attrsD):
self.inauthor = 1
self.push('author', 1)
# Append a new FeedParserDict when expecting an author
context = self._getContext()
context.setdefault('authors', [])
_start_managingeditor = _start_author
_start_dc_author = _start_author
_start_dc_creator = _start_author
_start_itunes_author = _start_author
def _end_author(self):
self.inauthor = 0
_end_managingeditor = _end_author
_end_dc_author = _end_author
_end_dc_creator = _end_author
_end_itunes_author = _end_author
def _start_itunes_owner(self, attrsD):
self.inpublisher = 1
self.push('publisher', 0)
def _end_itunes_owner(self):
self.inpublisher = 0
def _start_contributor(self, attrsD):
self.incontributor = 1
context = self._getContext()
context.setdefault('contributors', [])
self.push('contributor', 0)
def _end_contributor(self):
self.incontributor = 0
def _start_dc_contributor(self, attrsD):
self.incontributor = 1
context = self._getContext()
context.setdefault('contributors', [])
self.push('name', 0)
def _end_dc_contributor(self):
self.incontributor = 0
def _start_name(self, attrsD):
self.push('name', 0)
_start_itunes_name = _start_name
def _end_name(self):
value = self.pop('name')
if self.inpublisher:
self._save_author('name', value, 'publisher')
elif self.inauthor:
self._save_author('name', value)
elif self.incontributor:
self._save_contributor('name', value)
elif self.intextinput:
context = self._getContext()
context['name'] = value
_end_itunes_name = _end_name
def _start_width(self, attrsD):
self.push('width', 0)
def _end_width(self):
value = self.pop('width')
value = int(value)
value = 0
if self.inimage:
context = self._getContext()
context['width'] = value
def _start_height(self, attrsD):
self.push('height', 0)
def _end_height(self):
value = self.pop('height')
value = int(value)
value = 0
if self.inimage:
context = self._getContext()
context['height'] = value
def _start_url(self, attrsD):
self.push('href', 1)
_start_homepage = _start_url
_start_uri = _start_url
def _end_url(self):
value = self.pop('href')
if self.inauthor:
self._save_author('href', value)
elif self.incontributor:
self._save_contributor('href', value)
_end_homepage = _end_url
_end_uri = _end_url
def _start_email(self, attrsD):
self.push('email', 0)
_start_itunes_email = _start_email
def _end_email(self):
value = self.pop('email')
if self.inpublisher:
self._save_author('email', value, 'publisher')
elif self.inauthor:
self._save_author('email', value)
elif self.incontributor:
self._save_contributor('email', value)
_end_itunes_email = _end_email
def _getContext(self):
if self.insource:
context = self.sourcedata
elif self.inimage and self.feeddata.has_key('image'):
context = self.feeddata['image']
elif self.intextinput:
context = self.feeddata['textinput']
elif self.inentry:
context = self.entries[-1]
context = self.feeddata
return context
def _save_author(self, key, value, prefix='author'):
context = self._getContext()
context.setdefault(prefix + '_detail', FeedParserDict())
context[prefix + '_detail'][key] = value
context.setdefault('authors', [FeedParserDict()])
context['authors'][-1][key] = value
def _save_contributor(self, key, value):
context = self._getContext()
context.setdefault('contributors', [FeedParserDict()])
context['contributors'][-1][key] = value
def _sync_author_detail(self, key='author'):
context = self._getContext()
detail = context.get('%s_detail' % key)
if detail:
name = detail.get('name')
email = detail.get('email')
if name and email:
context[key] = '%s (%s)' % (name, email)
elif name:
context[key] = name
elif email:
context[key] = email
author, email = context.get(key), None
if not author: return
emailmatch = re.search(r'''(([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.\+]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?))(\?subject=\S+)?''', author)
if emailmatch:
email = emailmatch.group(0)
# probably a better way to do the following, but it passes all the tests
author = author.replace(email, '')
author = author.replace('()', '')
author = author.replace('<>', '')
author = author.replace('<>', '')
author = author.strip()
if author and (author[0] == '('):
author = author[1:]
if author and (author[-1] == ')'):
author = author[:-1]
author = author.strip()
if author or email:
context.setdefault('%s_detail' % key, FeedParserDict())
if author:
context['%s_detail' % key]['name'] = author
if email:
context['%s_detail' % key]['email'] = email
def _start_subtitle(self, attrsD):
self.pushContent('subtitle', attrsD, 'text/plain', 1)
_start_tagline = _start_subtitle
_start_itunes_subtitle = _start_subtitle
def _end_subtitle(self):
_end_tagline = _end_subtitle
_end_itunes_subtitle = _end_subtitle
def _start_rights(self, attrsD):
self.pushContent('rights', attrsD, 'text/plain', 1)
_start_dc_rights = _start_rights
_start_copyright = _start_rights
def _end_rights(self):
_end_dc_rights = _end_rights
_end_copyright = _end_rights
def _start_item(self, attrsD):
self.push('item', 0)
self.inentry = 1
self.guidislink = 0
self.hasTitle = 0
id = self._getAttribute(attrsD, 'rdf:about')
if id:
context = self._getContext()
context['id'] = id
_start_entry = _start_item
_start_product = _start_item
def _end_item(self):
self.inentry = 0
_end_entry = _end_item
def _start_dc_language(self, attrsD):
self.push('language', 1)
_start_language = _start_dc_language
def _end_dc_language(self):
self.lang = self.pop('language')
_end_language = _end_dc_language
def _start_dc_publisher(self, attrsD):
self.push('publisher', 1)
_start_webmaster = _start_dc_publisher
def _end_dc_publisher(self):
_end_webmaster = _end_dc_publisher
def _start_published(self, attrsD):
self.push('published', 1)
_start_dcterms_issued = _start_published
_start_issued = _start_published
def _end_published(self):
value = self.pop('published')
self._save('published_parsed', _parse_date(value), overwrite=True)
_end_dcterms_issued = _end_published
_end_issued = _end_published
def _start_updated(self, attrsD):
self.push('updated', 1)
_start_modified = _start_updated
_start_dcterms_modified = _start_updated
_start_pubdate = _start_updated
_start_dc_date = _start_updated
_start_lastbuilddate = _start_updated
def _end_updated(self):
value = self.pop('updated')
parsed_value = _parse_date(value)
self._save('updated_parsed', parsed_value, overwrite=True)
_end_modified = _end_updated
_end_dcterms_modified = _end_updated
_end_pubdate = _end_updated
_end_dc_date = _end_updated
_end_lastbuilddate = _end_updated
def _start_created(self, attrsD):
self.push('created', 1)
_start_dcterms_created = _start_created
def _end_created(self):
value = self.pop('created')
self._save('created_parsed', _parse_date(value), overwrite=True)
_end_dcterms_created = _end_created
def _start_expirationdate(self, attrsD):
self.push('expired', 1)
def _end_expirationdate(self):
self._save('expired_parsed', _parse_date(self.pop('expired')), overwrite=True)
def _start_cc_license(self, attrsD):
context = self._getContext()
value = self._getAttribute(attrsD, 'rdf:resource')
attrsD = FeedParserDict()
if value: attrsD['href']=value
context.setdefault('links', []).append(attrsD)
def _start_creativecommons_license(self, attrsD):
self.push('license', 1)
_start_creativeCommons_license = _start_creativecommons_license
def _end_creativecommons_license(self):
value = self.pop('license')
context = self._getContext()
attrsD = FeedParserDict()
if value: attrsD['href']=value
context.setdefault('links', []).append(attrsD)
del context['license']
_end_creativeCommons_license = _end_creativecommons_license
def _addXFN(self, relationships, href, name):
context = self._getContext()
xfn = context.setdefault('xfn', [])
value = FeedParserDict({'relationships': relationships, 'href': href, 'name': name})
if value not in xfn:
def _addTag(self, term, scheme, label):
context = self._getContext()
tags = context.setdefault('tags', [])
if (not term) and (not scheme) and (not label): return
value = FeedParserDict({'term': term, 'scheme': scheme, 'label': label})
if value not in tags:
def _start_category(self, attrsD):
if _debug: sys.stderr.write('entering _start_category with %s\n' % repr(attrsD))
term = attrsD.get('term')
scheme = attrsD.get('scheme', attrsD.get('domain'))
label = attrsD.get('label')
self._addTag(term, scheme, label)
self.push('category', 1)
_start_dc_subject = _start_category
_start_keywords = _start_category
def _start_media_category(self, attrsD):
attrsD.setdefault('scheme', 'http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/category_schema')
def _end_itunes_keywords(self):
for term in self.pop('itunes_keywords').split():
self._addTag(term, 'http://www.itunes.com/', None)
def _start_itunes_category(self, attrsD):
self._addTag(attrsD.get('text'), 'http://www.itunes.com/', None)
self.push('category', 1)
def _end_category(self):
value = self.pop('category')
if not value: return
context = self._getContext()
tags = context['tags']
if value and len(tags) and not tags[-1]['term']:
tags[-1]['term'] = value
self._addTag(value, None, None)
_end_dc_subject = _end_category
_end_keywords = _end_category
_end_itunes_category = _end_category
_end_media_category = _end_category
def _start_cloud(self, attrsD):
self._getContext()['cloud'] = FeedParserDict(attrsD)
def _start_link(self, attrsD):
attrsD.setdefault('rel', 'alternate')
if attrsD['rel'] == 'self':
attrsD.setdefault('type', 'application/atom+xml')
attrsD.setdefault('type', 'text/html')
context = self._getContext()
attrsD = self._itsAnHrefDamnIt(attrsD)
if attrsD.has_key('href'):
attrsD['href'] = self.resolveURI(attrsD['href'])
expectingText = self.infeed or self.inentry or self.insource
context.setdefault('links', [])
if not (self.inentry and self.inimage):
if attrsD.has_key('href'):
expectingText = 0
if (attrsD.get('rel') == 'alternate') and (self.mapContentType(attrsD.get('type')) in self.html_types):
context['link'] = attrsD['href']
self.push('link', expectingText)
_start_producturl = _start_link
def _end_link(self):
value = self.pop('link')
context = self._getContext()
_end_producturl = _end_link
def _start_guid(self, attrsD):
self.guidislink = (attrsD.get('ispermalink', 'true') == 'true')
self.push('id', 1)
def _end_guid(self):
value = self.pop('id')
self._save('guidislink', self.guidislink and not self._getContext().has_key('link'))
if self.guidislink:
# guid acts as link, but only if 'ispermalink' is not present or is 'true',
# and only if the item doesn't already have a link element
self._save('link', value)
def _start_title(self, attrsD):
if self.svgOK: return self.unknown_starttag('title', attrsD.items())
self.pushContent('title', attrsD, 'text/plain', self.infeed or self.inentry or self.insource)
_start_dc_title = _start_title
_start_media_title = _start_title
def _end_title(self):
if self.svgOK: return
value = self.popContent('title')
if not value: return
context = self._getContext()
self.hasTitle = 1
_end_dc_title = _end_title
def _end_media_title(self):
hasTitle = self.hasTitle
self.hasTitle = hasTitle
def _start_description(self, attrsD):
context = self._getContext()
if context.has_key('summary'):
self._summaryKey = 'content'
self.pushContent('description', attrsD, 'text/html', self.infeed or self.inentry or self.insource)
_start_dc_description = _start_description
def _start_abstract(self, attrsD):
self.pushContent('description', attrsD, 'text/plain', self.infeed or self.inentry or self.insource)
def _end_description(self):
if self._summaryKey == 'content':
value = self.popContent('description')
self._summaryKey = None
_end_abstract = _end_description
_end_dc_description = _end_description
def _start_info(self, attrsD):
self.pushContent('info', attrsD, 'text/plain', 1)
_start_feedburner_browserfriendly = _start_info
def _end_info(self):
_end_feedburner_browserfriendly = _end_info
def _start_generator(self, attrsD):
if attrsD:
attrsD = self._itsAnHrefDamnIt(attrsD)
if attrsD.has_key('href'):
attrsD['href'] = self.resolveURI(attrsD['href'])
self._getContext()['generator_detail'] = FeedParserDict(attrsD)
self.push('generator', 1)
def _end_generator(self):
value = self.pop('generator')
context = self._getContext()
if context.has_key('generator_detail'):
context['generator_detail']['name'] = value
def _start_admin_generatoragent(self, attrsD):
self.push('generator', 1)
value = self._getAttribute(attrsD, 'rdf:resource')
if value:
self._getContext()['generator_detail'] = FeedParserDict({'href': value})
def _start_admin_errorreportsto(self, attrsD):
self.push('errorreportsto', 1)
value = self._getAttribute(attrsD, 'rdf:resource')
if value:
def _start_summary(self, attrsD):
context = self._getContext()
if context.has_key('summary'):
self._summaryKey = 'content'
self._summaryKey = 'summary'
self.pushContent(self._summaryKey, attrsD, 'text/plain', 1)
_start_itunes_summary = _start_summary
def _end_summary(self):
if self._summaryKey == 'content':
self.popContent(self._summaryKey or 'summary')
self._summaryKey = None
_end_itunes_summary = _end_summary
def _start_enclosure(self, attrsD):
attrsD = self._itsAnHrefDamnIt(attrsD)
context = self._getContext()
context.setdefault('links', []).append(FeedParserDict(attrsD))
def _start_source(self, attrsD):
if 'url' in attrsD:
# This means that we're processing a source element from an RSS 2.0 feed
self.sourcedata['href'] = attrsD[u'url']
self.push('source', 1)
self.insource = 1
self.hasTitle = 0
def _end_source(self):
self.insource = 0
value = self.pop('source')
if value:
self.sourcedata['title'] = value
self._getContext()['source'] = copy.deepcopy(self.sourcedata)
def _start_content(self, attrsD):
self.pushContent('content', attrsD, 'text/plain', 1)
src = attrsD.get('src')
if src:
self.contentparams['src'] = src
self.push('content', 1)
def _start_prodlink(self, attrsD):
self.pushContent('content', attrsD, 'text/html', 1)
def _start_body(self, attrsD):
self.pushContent('content', attrsD, 'application/xhtml+xml', 1)
_start_xhtml_body = _start_body
def _start_content_encoded(self, attrsD):
self.pushContent('content', attrsD, 'text/html', 1)
_start_fullitem = _start_content_encoded
def _end_content(self):
copyToSummary = self.mapContentType(self.contentparams.get('type')) in (['text/plain'] + self.html_types)
value = self.popContent('content')
if copyToSummary:
self._save('summary', value)
_end_body = _end_content
_end_xhtml_body = _end_content
_end_content_encoded = _end_content
_end_fullitem = _end_content
_end_prodlink = _end_content
def _start_itunes_image(self, attrsD):
self.push('itunes_image', 0)
if attrsD.get('href'):
self._getContext()['image'] = FeedParserDict({'href': attrsD.get('href')})
_start_itunes_link = _start_itunes_image
def _end_itunes_block(self):
value = self.pop('itunes_block', 0)
self._getContext()['itunes_block'] = (value == 'yes') and 1 or 0
def _end_itunes_explicit(self):
value = self.pop('itunes_explicit', 0)
# Convert 'yes' -> True, 'clean' to False, and any other value to None
# False and None both evaluate as False, so the difference can be ignored
# by applications that only need to know if the content is explicit.
self._getContext()['itunes_explicit'] = (None, False, True)[(value == 'yes' and 2) or value == 'clean' or 0]
def _start_media_content(self, attrsD):
context = self._getContext()
context.setdefault('media_content', [])
def _start_media_thumbnail(self, attrsD):
context = self._getContext()
context.setdefault('media_thumbnail', [])
self.push('url', 1) # new
def _end_media_thumbnail(self):
url = self.pop('url')
context = self._getContext()
if url is not None and len(url.strip()) != 0:
if not context['media_thumbnail'][-1].has_key('url'):
context['media_thumbnail'][-1]['url'] = url
def _start_media_player(self, attrsD):
self.push('media_player', 0)
self._getContext()['media_player'] = FeedParserDict(attrsD)
def _end_media_player(self):
value = self.pop('media_player')
context = self._getContext()
context['media_player']['content'] = value
def _start_newlocation(self, attrsD):
self.push('newlocation', 1)
def _end_newlocation(self):
url = self.pop('newlocation')
context = self._getContext()
# don't set newlocation if the context isn't right
if context is not self.feeddata:
context['newlocation'] = _makeSafeAbsoluteURI(self.baseuri, url.strip())
class _StrictFeedParser(_FeedParserMixin, xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self, baseuri, baselang, encoding):
if _debug: sys.stderr.write('trying StrictFeedParser\n')
_FeedParserMixin.__init__(self, baseuri, baselang, encoding)
self.bozo = 0
self.exc = None
self.decls = {}
def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri):
self.trackNamespace(prefix, uri)
if uri == 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink':
self.decls['xmlns:'+prefix] = uri
def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs):
namespace, localname = name
lowernamespace = str(namespace or '').lower()
if lowernamespace.find('backend.userland.com/rss') <> -1:
# match any backend.userland.com namespace
namespace = 'http://backend.userland.com/rss'
lowernamespace = namespace
if qname and qname.find(':') > 0:
givenprefix = qname.split(':')[0]
givenprefix = None
prefix = self._matchnamespaces.get(lowernamespace, givenprefix)
if givenprefix and (prefix is None or (prefix == '' and lowernamespace == '')) and not self.namespacesInUse.has_key(givenprefix):
raise UndeclaredNamespace, "'%s' is not associated with a namespace" % givenprefix
localname = str(localname).lower()
# qname implementation is horribly broken in Python 2.1 (it
# doesn't report any), and slightly broken in Python 2.2 (it
# doesn't report the xml: namespace). So we match up namespaces
# with a known list first, and then possibly override them with
# the qnames the SAX parser gives us (if indeed it gives us any
# at all). Thanks to MatejC for helping me test this and
# tirelessly telling me that it didn't work yet.
attrsD, self.decls = self.decls, {}
if localname=='math' and namespace=='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML':
if localname=='svg' and namespace=='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg':
if prefix:
localname = prefix.lower() + ':' + localname
elif namespace and not qname: #Expat
for name,value in self.namespacesInUse.items():
if name and value == namespace:
localname = name + ':' + localname
if _debug: sys.stderr.write('startElementNS: qname = %s, namespace = %s, givenprefix = %s, prefix = %s, attrs = %s, localname = %s\n' % (qname, namespace, givenprefix, prefix, attrs.items(), localname))
for (namespace, attrlocalname), attrvalue in attrs._attrs.items():
lowernamespace = (namespace or '').lower()
prefix = self._matchnamespaces.get(lowernamespace, '')
if prefix:
attrlocalname = prefix + ':' + attrlocalname
attrsD[str(attrlocalname).lower()] = attrvalue
for qname in attrs.getQNames():
attrsD[str(qname).lower()] = attrs.getValueByQName(qname)
self.unknown_starttag(localname, attrsD.items())
def characters(self, text):
def endElementNS(self, name, qname):
namespace, localname = name
lowernamespace = str(namespace or '').lower()
if qname and qname.find(':') > 0:
givenprefix = qname.split(':')[0]
givenprefix = ''
prefix = self._matchnamespaces.get(lowernamespace, givenprefix)
if prefix:
localname = prefix + ':' + localname
elif namespace and not qname: #Expat
for name,value in self.namespacesInUse.items():
if name and value == namespace:
localname = name + ':' + localname
localname = str(localname).lower()
def error(self, exc):
self.bozo = 1
self.exc = exc
def fatalError(self, exc):
raise exc
class _BaseHTMLProcessor(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
special = re.compile('''[<>'"]''')
bare_ampersand = re.compile("&(?!#\d+;|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;|\w+;)")
elements_no_end_tag = [
'area', 'base', 'basefont', 'br', 'col', 'command', 'embed', 'frame',
'hr', 'img', 'input', 'isindex', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param',
'source', 'track', 'wbr'
def __init__(self, encoding, _type):
self.encoding = encoding
self._type = _type
if _debug: sys.stderr.write('entering BaseHTMLProcessor, encoding=%s\n' % self.encoding)
def reset(self):
self.pieces = []
def _shorttag_replace(self, match):
tag = match.group(1)
if tag in self.elements_no_end_tag:
return '<' + tag + ' />'
return '<' + tag + '>' + tag + '>'
def parse_starttag(self,i):
j=sgmllib.SGMLParser.parse_starttag(self, i)
if self._type == 'application/xhtml+xml':
if j>2 and self.rawdata[j-2:j]=='/>':
return j
def feed(self, data):
data = re.compile(r'', self._shorttag_replace, data) # bug [ 1399464 ] Bad regexp for _shorttag_replace
data = re.sub(r'<([^<>\s]+?)\s*/>', self._shorttag_replace, data)
data = data.replace(''', "'")
data = data.replace('"', '"')
if bytes is str:
raise NameError
self.encoding = self.encoding + '_INVALID_PYTHON_3'
except NameError:
if self.encoding and type(data) == type(u''):
data = data.encode(self.encoding)
sgmllib.SGMLParser.feed(self, data)
def normalize_attrs(self, attrs):
if not attrs: return attrs
# utility method to be called by descendants
attrs = dict([(k.lower(), v) for k, v in attrs]).items()
attrs = [(k, k in ('rel', 'type') and v.lower() or v) for k, v in attrs]
return attrs
def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
# called for each start tag
# attrs is a list of (attr, value) tuples
# e.g. for
, tag='pre', attrs=[('class', 'screen')]
if _debug: sys.stderr.write('_BaseHTMLProcessor, unknown_starttag, tag=%s\n' % tag)
uattrs = []
if attrs:
for key, value in attrs:
value = self.bare_ampersand.sub("&", value)
# thanks to Kevin Marks for this breathtaking hack to deal with (valid) high-bit attribute values in UTF-8 feeds
if type(value) != type(u''):
value = unicode(value, self.encoding)
value = unicode(value, 'iso-8859-1')
# Currently, in Python 3 the key is already a str, and cannot be decoded again
uattrs.append((unicode(key, self.encoding), value))
except TypeError:
uattrs.append((key, value))
strattrs = u''.join([u' %s="%s"' % (key, value) for key, value in uattrs])
if self.encoding:
if tag in self.elements_no_end_tag:
self.pieces.append('<%(tag)s%(strattrs)s />' % locals())
self.pieces.append('<%(tag)s%(strattrs)s>' % locals())
def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
# called for each end tag, e.g. for
, tag will be 'pre'
# Reconstruct the original end tag.
if tag not in self.elements_no_end_tag:
self.pieces.append("%(tag)s>" % locals())
def handle_charref(self, ref):
# called for each character reference, e.g. for ' ', ref will be '160'
# Reconstruct the original character reference.
if ref.startswith('x'):
value = unichr(int(ref[1:],16))
value = unichr(int(ref))
if value in _cp1252.keys():
self.pieces.append('%s;' % hex(ord(_cp1252[value]))[1:])
self.pieces.append('%(ref)s;' % locals())
def handle_entityref(self, ref):
# called for each entity reference, e.g. for '©', ref will be 'copy'
# Reconstruct the original entity reference.
if name2codepoint.has_key(ref):
self.pieces.append('&%(ref)s;' % locals())
self.pieces.append('&%(ref)s' % locals())
def handle_data(self, text):
# called for each block of plain text, i.e. outside of any tag and
# not containing any character or entity references
# Store the original text verbatim.
if _debug: sys.stderr.write('_BaseHTMLProcessor, handle_data, text=%s\n' % text)
def handle_comment(self, text):
# called for each HTML comment, e.g.
# Reconstruct the original comment.
self.pieces.append('' % locals())
def handle_pi(self, text):
# called for each processing instruction, e.g.
# Reconstruct original processing instruction.
self.pieces.append('%(text)s>' % locals())
def handle_decl(self, text):
# called for the DOCTYPE, if present, e.g.
# Reconstruct original DOCTYPE
self.pieces.append('' % locals())
_new_declname_match = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z][-_.a-zA-Z0-9:]*\s*').match
def _scan_name(self, i, declstartpos):
rawdata = self.rawdata
n = len(rawdata)
if i == n:
return None, -1
m = self._new_declname_match(rawdata, i)
if m:
s = m.group()
name = s.strip()
if (i + len(s)) == n:
return None, -1 # end of buffer
return name.lower(), m.end()
# self.updatepos(declstartpos, i)
return None, -1
def convert_charref(self, name):
return '%s;' % name
def convert_entityref(self, name):
return '&%s;' % name
def output(self):
'''Return processed HTML as a single string'''
return ''.join([str(p) for p in self.pieces])
class _LooseFeedParser(_FeedParserMixin, _BaseHTMLProcessor):
def __init__(self, baseuri, baselang, encoding, entities):
_FeedParserMixin.__init__(self, baseuri, baselang, encoding)
_BaseHTMLProcessor.__init__(self, encoding, 'application/xhtml+xml')
def decodeEntities(self, element, data):
data = data.replace('<', '<')
data = data.replace('<', '<')
data = data.replace('<', '<')
data = data.replace('>', '>')
data = data.replace('>', '>')
data = data.replace('>', '>')
data = data.replace('&', '&')
data = data.replace('&', '&')
data = data.replace('"', '"')
data = data.replace('"', '"')
data = data.replace(''', ''')
data = data.replace(''', ''')
if self.contentparams.has_key('type') and not self.contentparams.get('type', 'xml').endswith('xml'):
data = data.replace('<', '<')
data = data.replace('>', '>')
data = data.replace('&', '&')
data = data.replace('"', '"')
data = data.replace(''', "'")
return data
def strattrs(self, attrs):
return ''.join([' %s="%s"' % (n,v.replace('"','"')) for n,v in attrs])
class _MicroformatsParser:
DATE = 2
URI = 3
NODE = 4
known_xfn_relationships = ['contact', 'acquaintance', 'friend', 'met', 'co-worker', 'coworker', 'colleague', 'co-resident', 'coresident', 'neighbor', 'child', 'parent', 'sibling', 'brother', 'sister', 'spouse', 'wife', 'husband', 'kin', 'relative', 'muse', 'crush', 'date', 'sweetheart', 'me']
known_binary_extensions = ['zip','rar','exe','gz','tar','tgz','tbz2','bz2','z','7z','dmg','img','sit','sitx','hqx','deb','rpm','bz2','jar','rar','iso','bin','msi','mp2','mp3','ogg','ogm','mp4','m4v','m4a','avi','wma','wmv']
def __init__(self, data, baseuri, encoding):
self.document = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(data)
self.baseuri = baseuri
self.encoding = encoding
if type(data) == type(u''):
data = data.encode(encoding)
self.tags = []
self.enclosures = []
self.xfn = []
self.vcard = None
def vcardEscape(self, s):
if type(s) in (type(''), type(u'')):
s = s.replace(',', '\\,').replace(';', '\\;').replace('\n', '\\n')
return s
def vcardFold(self, s):
s = re.sub(';+$', '', s)
sFolded = ''
iMax = 75
sPrefix = ''
while len(s) > iMax:
sFolded += sPrefix + s[:iMax] + '\n'
s = s[iMax:]
sPrefix = ' '
iMax = 74
sFolded += sPrefix + s
return sFolded
def normalize(self, s):
return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', s).strip()
def unique(self, aList):
results = []
for element in aList:
if element not in results:
return results
def toISO8601(self, dt):
return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', dt)
def getPropertyValue(self, elmRoot, sProperty, iPropertyType=4, bAllowMultiple=0, bAutoEscape=0):
all = lambda x: 1
sProperty = sProperty.lower()
bFound = 0
bNormalize = 1
propertyMatch = {'class': re.compile(r'\b%s\b' % sProperty)}
if bAllowMultiple and (iPropertyType != self.NODE):
snapResults = []
containers = elmRoot(['ul', 'ol'], propertyMatch)
for container in containers:
bFound = (len(snapResults) != 0)
if not bFound:
snapResults = elmRoot(all, propertyMatch)
bFound = (len(snapResults) != 0)
if (not bFound) and (sProperty == 'value'):
snapResults = elmRoot('pre')
bFound = (len(snapResults) != 0)
bNormalize = not bFound
if not bFound:
snapResults = [elmRoot]
bFound = (len(snapResults) != 0)
arFilter = []
if sProperty == 'vcard':
snapFilter = elmRoot(all, propertyMatch)
for node in snapFilter:
if node.findParent(all, propertyMatch):
arResults = []
for node in snapResults:
if node not in arFilter:
bFound = (len(arResults) != 0)
if not bFound:
if bAllowMultiple: return []
elif iPropertyType == self.STRING: return ''
elif iPropertyType == self.DATE: return None
elif iPropertyType == self.URI: return ''
elif iPropertyType == self.NODE: return None
else: return None
arValues = []
for elmResult in arResults:
sValue = None
if iPropertyType == self.NODE:
if bAllowMultiple:
return elmResult
sNodeName = elmResult.name.lower()
if (iPropertyType == self.EMAIL) and (sNodeName == 'a'):
sValue = (elmResult.get('href') or '').split('mailto:').pop().split('?')[0]
if sValue:
sValue = bNormalize and self.normalize(sValue) or sValue.strip()
if (not sValue) and (sNodeName == 'abbr'):
sValue = elmResult.get('title')
if sValue:
sValue = bNormalize and self.normalize(sValue) or sValue.strip()
if (not sValue) and (iPropertyType == self.URI):
if sNodeName == 'a': sValue = elmResult.get('href')
elif sNodeName == 'img': sValue = elmResult.get('src')
elif sNodeName == 'object': sValue = elmResult.get('data')
if sValue:
sValue = bNormalize and self.normalize(sValue) or sValue.strip()
if (not sValue) and (sNodeName == 'img'):
sValue = elmResult.get('alt')
if sValue:
sValue = bNormalize and self.normalize(sValue) or sValue.strip()
if not sValue:
sValue = elmResult.renderContents()
sValue = re.sub(r'<\S[^>]*>', '', sValue)
sValue = sValue.replace('\r\n', '\n')
sValue = sValue.replace('\r', '\n')
if sValue:
sValue = bNormalize and self.normalize(sValue) or sValue.strip()
if not sValue: continue
if iPropertyType == self.DATE:
sValue = _parse_date_iso8601(sValue)
if bAllowMultiple:
arValues.append(bAutoEscape and self.vcardEscape(sValue) or sValue)
return bAutoEscape and self.vcardEscape(sValue) or sValue
return arValues
def findVCards(self, elmRoot, bAgentParsing=0):
sVCards = ''
if not bAgentParsing:
arCards = self.getPropertyValue(elmRoot, 'vcard', bAllowMultiple=1)
arCards = [elmRoot]
for elmCard in arCards:
arLines = []
def processSingleString(sProperty):
sValue = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, sProperty, self.STRING, bAutoEscape=1).decode(self.encoding)
if sValue:
arLines.append(self.vcardFold(sProperty.upper() + ':' + sValue))
return sValue or u''
def processSingleURI(sProperty):
sValue = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, sProperty, self.URI)
if sValue:
sContentType = ''
sEncoding = ''
sValueKey = ''
if sValue.startswith('data:'):
sEncoding = ';ENCODING=b'
sContentType = sValue.split(';')[0].split('/').pop()
sValue = sValue.split(',', 1).pop()
elmValue = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, sProperty)
if elmValue:
if sProperty != 'url':
sValueKey = ';VALUE=uri'
sContentType = elmValue.get('type', '').strip().split('/').pop().strip()
sContentType = sContentType.upper()
if sContentType == 'OCTET-STREAM':
sContentType = ''
if sContentType:
sContentType = ';TYPE=' + sContentType.upper()
arLines.append(self.vcardFold(sProperty.upper() + sEncoding + sContentType + sValueKey + ':' + sValue))
def processTypeValue(sProperty, arDefaultType, arForceType=None):
arResults = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, sProperty, bAllowMultiple=1)
for elmResult in arResults:
arType = self.getPropertyValue(elmResult, 'type', self.STRING, 1, 1)
if arForceType:
arType = self.unique(arForceType + arType)
if not arType:
arType = arDefaultType
sValue = self.getPropertyValue(elmResult, 'value', self.EMAIL, 0)
if sValue:
arLines.append(self.vcardFold(sProperty.upper() + ';TYPE=' + ','.join(arType) + ':' + sValue))
# must do this before all other properties because it is destructive
# (removes nested class="vcard" nodes so they don't interfere with
# this vcard's other properties)
arAgent = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'agent', bAllowMultiple=1)
for elmAgent in arAgent:
if re.compile(r'\bvcard\b').search(elmAgent.get('class')):
sAgentValue = self.findVCards(elmAgent, 1) + '\n'
sAgentValue = sAgentValue.replace('\n', '\\n')
sAgentValue = sAgentValue.replace(';', '\\;')
if sAgentValue:
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('AGENT:' + sAgentValue))
# Completely remove the agent element from the parse tree
sAgentValue = self.getPropertyValue(elmAgent, 'value', self.URI, bAutoEscape=1);
if sAgentValue:
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('AGENT;VALUE=uri:' + sAgentValue))
# FN (full name)
sFN = processSingleString('fn')
# N (name)
elmName = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'n')
if elmName:
sFamilyName = self.getPropertyValue(elmName, 'family-name', self.STRING, bAutoEscape=1)
sGivenName = self.getPropertyValue(elmName, 'given-name', self.STRING, bAutoEscape=1)
arAdditionalNames = self.getPropertyValue(elmName, 'additional-name', self.STRING, 1, 1) + self.getPropertyValue(elmName, 'additional-names', self.STRING, 1, 1)
arHonorificPrefixes = self.getPropertyValue(elmName, 'honorific-prefix', self.STRING, 1, 1) + self.getPropertyValue(elmName, 'honorific-prefixes', self.STRING, 1, 1)
arHonorificSuffixes = self.getPropertyValue(elmName, 'honorific-suffix', self.STRING, 1, 1) + self.getPropertyValue(elmName, 'honorific-suffixes', self.STRING, 1, 1)
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('N:' + sFamilyName + ';' +
sGivenName + ';' +
','.join(arAdditionalNames) + ';' +
','.join(arHonorificPrefixes) + ';' +
elif sFN:
# implied "N" optimization
# http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard#Implied_.22N.22_Optimization
arNames = self.normalize(sFN).split()
if len(arNames) == 2:
bFamilyNameFirst = (arNames[0].endswith(',') or
len(arNames[1]) == 1 or
((len(arNames[1]) == 2) and (arNames[1].endswith('.'))))
if bFamilyNameFirst:
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('N:' + arNames[0] + ';' + arNames[1]))
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('N:' + arNames[1] + ';' + arNames[0]))
sSortString = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'sort-string', self.STRING, bAutoEscape=1)
if sSortString:
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('SORT-STRING:' + sSortString))
arNickname = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'nickname', self.STRING, 1, 1)
if arNickname:
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('NICKNAME:' + ','.join(arNickname)))
dtBday = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'bday', self.DATE)
if dtBday:
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('BDAY:' + self.toISO8601(dtBday)))
# ADR (address)
arAdr = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'adr', bAllowMultiple=1)
for elmAdr in arAdr:
arType = self.getPropertyValue(elmAdr, 'type', self.STRING, 1, 1)
if not arType:
arType = ['intl','postal','parcel','work'] # default adr types, see RFC 2426 section 3.2.1
sPostOfficeBox = self.getPropertyValue(elmAdr, 'post-office-box', self.STRING, 0, 1)
sExtendedAddress = self.getPropertyValue(elmAdr, 'extended-address', self.STRING, 0, 1)
sStreetAddress = self.getPropertyValue(elmAdr, 'street-address', self.STRING, 0, 1)
sLocality = self.getPropertyValue(elmAdr, 'locality', self.STRING, 0, 1)
sRegion = self.getPropertyValue(elmAdr, 'region', self.STRING, 0, 1)
sPostalCode = self.getPropertyValue(elmAdr, 'postal-code', self.STRING, 0, 1)
sCountryName = self.getPropertyValue(elmAdr, 'country-name', self.STRING, 0, 1)
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('ADR;TYPE=' + ','.join(arType) + ':' +
sPostOfficeBox + ';' +
sExtendedAddress + ';' +
sStreetAddress + ';' +
sLocality + ';' +
sRegion + ';' +
sPostalCode + ';' +
processTypeValue('label', ['intl','postal','parcel','work'])
# TEL (phone number)
processTypeValue('tel', ['voice'])
processTypeValue('email', ['internet'], ['internet'])
# TZ (timezone)
# GEO (geographical information)
elmGeo = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'geo')
if elmGeo:
sLatitude = self.getPropertyValue(elmGeo, 'latitude', self.STRING, 0, 1)
sLongitude = self.getPropertyValue(elmGeo, 'longitude', self.STRING, 0, 1)
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('GEO:' + sLatitude + ';' + sLongitude))
# ORG (organization)
elmOrg = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'org')
if elmOrg:
sOrganizationName = self.getPropertyValue(elmOrg, 'organization-name', self.STRING, 0, 1)
if not sOrganizationName:
# implied "organization-name" optimization
# http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard#Implied_.22organization-name.22_Optimization
sOrganizationName = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'org', self.STRING, 0, 1)
if sOrganizationName:
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('ORG:' + sOrganizationName))
arOrganizationUnit = self.getPropertyValue(elmOrg, 'organization-unit', self.STRING, 1, 1)
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('ORG:' + sOrganizationName + ';' + ';'.join(arOrganizationUnit)))
arCategory = self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'category', self.STRING, 1, 1) + self.getPropertyValue(elmCard, 'categories', self.STRING, 1, 1)
if arCategory:
arLines.append(self.vcardFold('CATEGORIES:' + ','.join(arCategory)))
if arLines:
arLines = [u'BEGIN:vCard',u'VERSION:3.0'] + arLines + [u'END:vCard']
sVCards += u'\n'.join(arLines) + u'\n'
return sVCards.strip()
def isProbablyDownloadable(self, elm):
attrsD = elm.attrMap
if not attrsD.has_key('href'): return 0
linktype = attrsD.get('type', '').strip()
if linktype.startswith('audio/') or \
linktype.startswith('video/') or \
(linktype.startswith('application/') and not linktype.endswith('xml')):
return 1
path = urlparse.urlparse(attrsD['href'])[2]
if path.find('.') == -1: return 0
fileext = path.split('.').pop().lower()
return fileext in self.known_binary_extensions
def findTags(self):
all = lambda x: 1
for elm in self.document(all, {'rel': re.compile(r'\btag\b')}):
href = elm.get('href')
if not href: continue
urlscheme, domain, path, params, query, fragment = \
urlparse.urlparse(_urljoin(self.baseuri, href))
segments = path.split('/')
tag = segments.pop()
if not tag:
tag = segments.pop()
tagscheme = urlparse.urlunparse((urlscheme, domain, '/'.join(segments), '', '', ''))
if not tagscheme.endswith('/'):
tagscheme += '/'
self.tags.append(FeedParserDict({"term": tag, "scheme": tagscheme, "label": elm.string or ''}))
def findEnclosures(self):
all = lambda x: 1
enclosure_match = re.compile(r'\benclosure\b')
for elm in self.document(all, {'href': re.compile(r'.+')}):
if not enclosure_match.search(elm.get('rel', '')) and not self.isProbablyDownloadable(elm): continue
if elm.attrMap not in self.enclosures:
if elm.string and not elm.get('title'):
self.enclosures[-1]['title'] = elm.string
def findXFN(self):
all = lambda x: 1
for elm in self.document(all, {'rel': re.compile('.+'), 'href': re.compile('.+')}):
rels = elm.get('rel', '').split()
xfn_rels = []
for rel in rels:
if rel in self.known_xfn_relationships:
if xfn_rels:
self.xfn.append({"relationships": xfn_rels, "href": elm.get('href', ''), "name": elm.string})
def _parseMicroformats(htmlSource, baseURI, encoding):
if not BeautifulSoup: return
if _debug: sys.stderr.write('entering _parseMicroformats\n')
p = _MicroformatsParser(htmlSource, baseURI, encoding)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
# sgmllib throws this exception when performing lookups of tags
# with non-ASCII characters in them.
p.vcard = p.findVCards(p.document)
return {"tags": p.tags, "enclosures": p.enclosures, "xfn": p.xfn, "vcard": p.vcard}
class _RelativeURIResolver(_BaseHTMLProcessor):
relative_uris = [('a', 'href'),
('applet', 'codebase'),
('area', 'href'),
('blockquote', 'cite'),
('body', 'background'),
('del', 'cite'),
('form', 'action'),
('frame', 'longdesc'),
('frame', 'src'),
('iframe', 'longdesc'),
('iframe', 'src'),
('head', 'profile'),
('img', 'longdesc'),
('img', 'src'),
('img', 'usemap'),
('input', 'src'),
('input', 'usemap'),
('ins', 'cite'),
('link', 'href'),
('object', 'classid'),
('object', 'codebase'),
('object', 'data'),
('object', 'usemap'),
('q', 'cite'),
('script', 'src')]
def __init__(self, baseuri, encoding, _type):
_BaseHTMLProcessor.__init__(self, encoding, _type)
self.baseuri = baseuri
def resolveURI(self, uri):
return _makeSafeAbsoluteURI(_urljoin(self.baseuri, uri.strip()))
def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if _debug:
sys.stderr.write('tag: [%s] with attributes: [%s]\n' % (tag, str(attrs)))
attrs = self.normalize_attrs(attrs)
attrs = [(key, ((tag, key) in self.relative_uris) and self.resolveURI(value) or value) for key, value in attrs]
_BaseHTMLProcessor.unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs)
def _resolveRelativeURIs(htmlSource, baseURI, encoding, _type):
if _debug:
sys.stderr.write('entering _resolveRelativeURIs\n')
p = _RelativeURIResolver(baseURI, encoding, _type)
return p.output()
def _makeSafeAbsoluteURI(base, rel=None):
# bail if ACCEPTABLE_URI_SCHEMES is empty
return _urljoin(base, rel or u'')
if not base:
return rel or u''
if not rel:
if base.strip().split(':', 1)[0] not in ACCEPTABLE_URI_SCHEMES:
return u''
return base
uri = _urljoin(base, rel)
if uri.strip().split(':', 1)[0] not in ACCEPTABLE_URI_SCHEMES:
return u''
return uri
class _HTMLSanitizer(_BaseHTMLProcessor):
acceptable_elements = ['a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'area',
'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'b', 'big', 'blockquote', 'br', 'button',
'canvas', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup',
'command', 'datagrid', 'datalist', 'dd', 'del', 'details', 'dfn',
'dialog', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'event-source', 'fieldset',
'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'font', 'form', 'header', 'h1',
'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'hr', 'i', 'img', 'input', 'ins',
'keygen', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'm', 'map', 'menu', 'meter',
'multicol', 'nav', 'nextid', 'ol', 'output', 'optgroup', 'option',
'p', 'pre', 'progress', 'q', 's', 'samp', 'section', 'select',
'small', 'sound', 'source', 'spacer', 'span', 'strike', 'strong',
'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'textarea', 'time', 'tfoot',
'th', 'thead', 'tr', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'video', 'noscript']
acceptable_attributes = ['abbr', 'accept', 'accept-charset', 'accesskey',
'action', 'align', 'alt', 'autocomplete', 'autofocus', 'axis',
'background', 'balance', 'bgcolor', 'bgproperties', 'border',
'bordercolor', 'bordercolordark', 'bordercolorlight', 'bottompadding',
'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'ch', 'challenge', 'char', 'charoff',
'choff', 'charset', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'clear', 'color', 'cols',
'colspan', 'compact', 'contenteditable', 'controls', 'coords', 'data',
'datafld', 'datapagesize', 'datasrc', 'datetime', 'default', 'delay',
'dir', 'disabled', 'draggable', 'dynsrc', 'enctype', 'end', 'face', 'for',
'form', 'frame', 'galleryimg', 'gutter', 'headers', 'height', 'hidefocus',
'hidden', 'high', 'href', 'hreflang', 'hspace', 'icon', 'id', 'inputmode',
'ismap', 'keytype', 'label', 'leftspacing', 'lang', 'list', 'longdesc',
'loop', 'loopcount', 'loopend', 'loopstart', 'low', 'lowsrc', 'max',
'maxlength', 'media', 'method', 'min', 'multiple', 'name', 'nohref',
'noshade', 'nowrap', 'open', 'optimum', 'pattern', 'ping', 'point-size',
'prompt', 'pqg', 'radiogroup', 'readonly', 'rel', 'repeat-max',
'repeat-min', 'replace', 'required', 'rev', 'rightspacing', 'rows',
'rowspan', 'rules', 'scope', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'span', 'src',
'start', 'step', 'summary', 'suppress', 'tabindex', 'target', 'template',
'title', 'toppadding', 'type', 'unselectable', 'usemap', 'urn', 'valign',
'value', 'variable', 'volume', 'vspace', 'vrml', 'width', 'wrap',
unacceptable_elements_with_end_tag = ['script', 'applet', 'style']
acceptable_css_properties = ['azimuth', 'background-color',
'border-bottom-color', 'border-collapse', 'border-color',
'border-left-color', 'border-right-color', 'border-top-color', 'clear',
'color', 'cursor', 'direction', 'display', 'elevation', 'float', 'font',
'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight',
'height', 'letter-spacing', 'line-height', 'overflow', 'pause',
'pause-after', 'pause-before', 'pitch', 'pitch-range', 'richness',
'speak', 'speak-header', 'speak-numeral', 'speak-punctuation',
'speech-rate', 'stress', 'text-align', 'text-decoration', 'text-indent',
'unicode-bidi', 'vertical-align', 'voice-family', 'volume',
'white-space', 'width']
# survey of common keywords found in feeds
acceptable_css_keywords = ['auto', 'aqua', 'black', 'block', 'blue',
'bold', 'both', 'bottom', 'brown', 'center', 'collapse', 'dashed',
'dotted', 'fuchsia', 'gray', 'green', '!important', 'italic', 'left',
'lime', 'maroon', 'medium', 'none', 'navy', 'normal', 'nowrap', 'olive',
'pointer', 'purple', 'red', 'right', 'solid', 'silver', 'teal', 'top',
'transparent', 'underline', 'white', 'yellow']
valid_css_values = re.compile('^(#[0-9a-f]+|rgb\(\d+%?,\d*%?,?\d*%?\)?|' +
mathml_elements = ['annotation', 'annotation-xml', 'maction', 'math',
'merror', 'mfenced', 'mfrac', 'mi', 'mmultiscripts', 'mn', 'mo', 'mover', 'mpadded',
'mphantom', 'mprescripts', 'mroot', 'mrow', 'mspace', 'msqrt', 'mstyle',
'msub', 'msubsup', 'msup', 'mtable', 'mtd', 'mtext', 'mtr', 'munder',
'munderover', 'none', 'semantics']
mathml_attributes = ['actiontype', 'align', 'columnalign', 'columnalign',
'columnalign', 'close', 'columnlines', 'columnspacing', 'columnspan', 'depth',
'display', 'displaystyle', 'encoding', 'equalcolumns', 'equalrows',
'fence', 'fontstyle', 'fontweight', 'frame', 'height', 'linethickness',
'lspace', 'mathbackground', 'mathcolor', 'mathvariant', 'mathvariant',
'maxsize', 'minsize', 'open', 'other', 'rowalign', 'rowalign', 'rowalign',
'rowlines', 'rowspacing', 'rowspan', 'rspace', 'scriptlevel', 'selection',
'separator', 'separators', 'stretchy', 'width', 'width', 'xlink:href',
'xlink:show', 'xlink:type', 'xmlns', 'xmlns:xlink']
# svgtiny - foreignObject + linearGradient + radialGradient + stop
svg_elements = ['a', 'animate', 'animateColor', 'animateMotion',
'animateTransform', 'circle', 'defs', 'desc', 'ellipse', 'foreignObject',
'font-face', 'font-face-name', 'font-face-src', 'g', 'glyph', 'hkern',
'linearGradient', 'line', 'marker', 'metadata', 'missing-glyph', 'mpath',
'path', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'radialGradient', 'rect', 'set', 'stop',
'svg', 'switch', 'text', 'title', 'tspan', 'use']
# svgtiny + class + opacity + offset + xmlns + xmlns:xlink
svg_attributes = ['accent-height', 'accumulate', 'additive', 'alphabetic',
'arabic-form', 'ascent', 'attributeName', 'attributeType',
'baseProfile', 'bbox', 'begin', 'by', 'calcMode', 'cap-height',
'class', 'color', 'color-rendering', 'content', 'cx', 'cy', 'd', 'dx',
'dy', 'descent', 'display', 'dur', 'end', 'fill', 'fill-opacity',
'fill-rule', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-stretch', 'font-style',
'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'from', 'fx', 'fy', 'g1', 'g2',
'glyph-name', 'gradientUnits', 'hanging', 'height', 'horiz-adv-x',
'horiz-origin-x', 'id', 'ideographic', 'k', 'keyPoints', 'keySplines',
'keyTimes', 'lang', 'mathematical', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid',
'marker-start', 'markerHeight', 'markerUnits', 'markerWidth', 'max',
'min', 'name', 'offset', 'opacity', 'orient', 'origin',
'overline-position', 'overline-thickness', 'panose-1', 'path',
'pathLength', 'points', 'preserveAspectRatio', 'r', 'refX', 'refY',
'repeatCount', 'repeatDur', 'requiredExtensions', 'requiredFeatures',
'restart', 'rotate', 'rx', 'ry', 'slope', 'stemh', 'stemv',
'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'strikethrough-position',
'strikethrough-thickness', 'stroke', 'stroke-dasharray',
'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin',
'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width', 'systemLanguage',
'target', 'text-anchor', 'to', 'transform', 'type', 'u1', 'u2',
'underline-position', 'underline-thickness', 'unicode', 'unicode-range',
'units-per-em', 'values', 'version', 'viewBox', 'visibility', 'width',
'widths', 'x', 'x-height', 'x1', 'x2', 'xlink:actuate', 'xlink:arcrole',
'xlink:href', 'xlink:role', 'xlink:show', 'xlink:title', 'xlink:type',
'xml:base', 'xml:lang', 'xml:space', 'xmlns', 'xmlns:xlink', 'y', 'y1',
'y2', 'zoomAndPan']
svg_attr_map = None
svg_elem_map = None
acceptable_svg_properties = [ 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule',
'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin',
def reset(self):
self.unacceptablestack = 0
self.mathmlOK = 0
self.svgOK = 0
def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
acceptable_attributes = self.acceptable_attributes
keymap = {}
if not tag in self.acceptable_elements or self.svgOK:
if tag in self.unacceptable_elements_with_end_tag:
self.unacceptablestack += 1
# add implicit namespaces to html5 inline svg/mathml
if self._type.endswith('html'):
if not dict(attrs).get('xmlns'):
if tag=='svg':
attrs.append( ('xmlns','http://www.w3.org/2000/svg') )
if tag=='math':
attrs.append( ('xmlns','http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML') )
# not otherwise acceptable, perhaps it is MathML or SVG?
if tag=='math' and ('xmlns','http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML') in attrs:
self.mathmlOK += 1
if tag=='svg' and ('xmlns','http://www.w3.org/2000/svg') in attrs:
self.svgOK += 1
# chose acceptable attributes based on tag class, else bail
if self.mathmlOK and tag in self.mathml_elements:
acceptable_attributes = self.mathml_attributes
elif self.svgOK and tag in self.svg_elements:
# for most vocabularies, lowercasing is a good idea. Many
# svg elements, however, are camel case
if not self.svg_attr_map:
lower=[attr.lower() for attr in self.svg_attributes]
mix=[a for a in self.svg_attributes if a not in lower]
self.svg_attributes = lower
self.svg_attr_map = dict([(a.lower(),a) for a in mix])
lower=[attr.lower() for attr in self.svg_elements]
mix=[a for a in self.svg_elements if a not in lower]
self.svg_elements = lower
self.svg_elem_map = dict([(a.lower(),a) for a in mix])
acceptable_attributes = self.svg_attributes
tag = self.svg_elem_map.get(tag,tag)
keymap = self.svg_attr_map
elif not tag in self.acceptable_elements:
# declare xlink namespace, if needed
if self.mathmlOK or self.svgOK:
if filter(lambda (n,v): n.startswith('xlink:'),attrs):
if not ('xmlns:xlink','http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink') in attrs:
clean_attrs = []
for key, value in self.normalize_attrs(attrs):
if key in acceptable_attributes:
elif key=='style':
clean_value = self.sanitize_style(value)
if clean_value: clean_attrs.append((key,clean_value))
_BaseHTMLProcessor.unknown_starttag(self, tag, clean_attrs)
def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
if not tag in self.acceptable_elements:
if tag in self.unacceptable_elements_with_end_tag:
self.unacceptablestack -= 1
if self.mathmlOK and tag in self.mathml_elements:
if tag == 'math' and self.mathmlOK: self.mathmlOK -= 1
elif self.svgOK and tag in self.svg_elements:
tag = self.svg_elem_map.get(tag,tag)
if tag == 'svg' and self.svgOK: self.svgOK -= 1
_BaseHTMLProcessor.unknown_endtag(self, tag)
def handle_pi(self, text):
def handle_decl(self, text):
def handle_data(self, text):
if not self.unacceptablestack:
_BaseHTMLProcessor.handle_data(self, text)
def sanitize_style(self, style):
# disallow urls
style=re.compile('url\s*\(\s*[^\s)]+?\s*\)\s*').sub(' ',style)
# gauntlet
if not re.match("""^([:,;#%.\sa-zA-Z0-9!]|\w-\w|'[\s\w]+'|"[\s\w]+"|\([\d,\s]+\))*$""", style): return ''
# This replaced a regexp that used re.match and was prone to pathological back-tracking.
if re.sub("\s*[-\w]+\s*:\s*[^:;]*;?", '', style).strip(): return ''
clean = []
for prop,value in re.findall("([-\w]+)\s*:\s*([^:;]*)",style):
if not value: continue
if prop.lower() in self.acceptable_css_properties:
clean.append(prop + ': ' + value + ';')
elif prop.split('-')[0].lower() in ['background','border','margin','padding']:
for keyword in value.split():
if not keyword in self.acceptable_css_keywords and \
not self.valid_css_values.match(keyword):
clean.append(prop + ': ' + value + ';')
elif self.svgOK and prop.lower() in self.acceptable_svg_properties:
clean.append(prop + ': ' + value + ';')
return ' '.join(clean)
def _sanitizeHTML(htmlSource, encoding, _type):
p = _HTMLSanitizer(encoding, _type)
htmlSource = htmlSource.replace(''):
data = data.split('>', 1)[1]
if data.count('