#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: mkaay @author: RaNaN @version: v0.3.1 @list-version: v4 """ LIST_VERSION = 4 from threading import RLock from download_thread import Status import cPickle import re import module.Plugin from operator import concat from operator import attrgetter from os import sep from time import sleep from module.PullEvents import UpdateEvent, RemoveEvent, InsertEvent class NoSuchElementException(Exception): pass class File_List(object): def __init__(self, core): self.core = core self.lock = RLock() self.download_folder = self.core.config['general']['download_folder'] self.collector = self.pyLoadCollector(self) self.packager = self.pyLoadPackager(self) self.data = { "version": LIST_VERSION, "queue": [], "packages": [], "collector": [] } self.load() def load(self): self.lock.acquire() try: pkl_file = open('module' + sep + 'links.pkl', 'rb') obj = cPickle.load(pkl_file) except: obj = False if obj != False and obj['version'] == LIST_VERSION: packages = [] queue = [] collector = [] for n, pd in enumerate(obj["packages"]): p = PyLoadPackage() pd.get(p, self) packages.append(p) for pd in obj["queue"]: p = PyLoadPackage() pd.get(p, self) queue.append(p) for fd in obj["collector"]: f = PyLoadFile("", self) fd.get(f) collector.append(f) obj["packages"] = packages obj["queue"] = queue obj["collector"] = collector self.data = obj self.lock.release() if len(self.data["collector"]) > 0: self.core.logger.info(_("Found %s links in linkcollector") % len(self.data["collector"])) if len(self.data["packages"]) > 0: self.core.logger.info(_("Found %s unqueued packages") % len(self.data["packages"])) if len(self.data["queue"]) > 0: self.core.logger.info(_("Added %s packages to queue") % len(self.data["queue"])) def save(self): self.lock.acquire() pdata = { "version": LIST_VERSION, "queue": [], "packages": [], "collector": [] } pdata["packages"] = [PyLoadPackageData().set(x) for x in self.data["packages"]] pdata["queue"] = [PyLoadPackageData().set(x) for x in self.data["queue"]] pdata["collector"] = [PyLoadFileData().set(x) for x in self.data["collector"]] output = open('module' + sep + 'links.pkl', 'wb') cPickle.dump(pdata, output, -1) self.lock.release() def queueEmpty(self): return (self.data["queue"] == []) def getDownloadList(self, occ): """ for thread_list only, returns all elements that are suitable for downloadthread """ files = [] files += [[x for x in p.files if x.status.type == None and x.plugin.props['type'] == "container" and not x.active] for p in self.data["queue"] + self.data["packages"]] files += [[x for x in p.files if (x.status.type == None or x.status.type == "reconnected") and not x.active and not x.modul.__name__ in occ] for p in self.data["queue"]] return reduce(concat, files, []) def getAllFiles(self): files = [] for pypack in self.data["queue"] + self.data["packages"]: files += pypack.files return files def countDownloads(self): """ simply return len of all files in all packages(which have no type) in queue and collector""" return len(reduce(concat, [[x for x in p.files if x.status.type == None] for p in self.data["queue"] + self.data["packages"]], [])) def getFileInfo(self, id): try: n, pyfile = self.collector._getFileFromID(id) except NoSuchElementException: key, n, pyfile, pypack, pid = self.packager._getFileFromID(id) info = {} info["id"] = pyfile.id info["url"] = pyfile.url info["folder"] = pyfile.folder info["filename"] = pyfile.status.filename info["status_type"] = pyfile.status.type info["status_url"] = pyfile.status.url info["status_filename"] = pyfile.status.filename info["status_error"] = pyfile.status.error info["size"] = pyfile.status.size() info["active"] = pyfile.active info["plugin"] = pyfile.plugin.props['name'] try: info["package"] = pypack.data["id"] except: pass return info def continueAborted(self): [[self.packager.resetFileStatus(x.id) for x in p.files if x.status.type == "aborted"] for p in self.data["queue"]] class pyLoadCollector(): def __init__(collector, file_list): collector.file_list = file_list def _getFileFromID(collector, id): """ returns PyLoadFile instance and position in collector with given id """ for n, pyfile in enumerate(collector.file_list.data["collector"]): if pyfile.id == id: return (n, pyfile) raise NoSuchElementException() def _getFreeID(collector): """ returns a free id """ ids = [] for pypack in (collector.file_list.data["packages"] + collector.file_list.data["queue"]): for pyf in pypack.files: ids.append(pyf.id) ids += map(attrgetter("id"), collector.file_list.data["collector"]) id = 1 while id in ids: id += 1 return id def getFile(collector, id): """ returns PyLoadFile instance from given id """ return collector._getFileFromID(id)[1] def popFile(collector, id): """ returns PyLoadFile instance given id and remove it from the collector """ collector.file_list.lock.acquire() try: n, pyfile = collector._getFileFromID(id) del collector.file_list.data["collector"][n] collector.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("file", id, "collector")) except Exception, e: raise Exception, e else: return pyfile finally: collector.file_list.lock.release() def addLink(collector, url): """ appends a new PyLoadFile instance to the end of the collector """ pyfile = PyLoadFile(url, collector.file_list) pyfile.id = collector._getFreeID() pyfile.folder = collector.file_list.download_folder collector.file_list.lock.acquire() collector.file_list.data["collector"].append(pyfile) collector.file_list.lock.release() collector.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(InsertEvent("file", pyfile.id, -2, "collector")) return pyfile.id def removeFile(collector, id): """ removes PyLoadFile instance with the given id from collector """ collector.popFile(id) collector.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("file", id, "collector")) def replaceFile(collector, newpyfile): """ replaces PyLoadFile instance with the given PyLoadFile instance at the given id """ collector.file_list.lock.acquire() try: n, pyfile = collector._getFileFromID(newpyfile.id) collector.file_list.data["collector"][n] = newpyfile collector.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", newpyfile.id, "collector")) finally: collector.file_list.lock.release() class pyLoadPackager(): def __init__(packager, file_list): packager.file_list = file_list def _getFreeID(packager): """ returns a free id """ ids = [ pypack.data["id"] for pypack in packager.file_list.data["packages"] + packager.file_list.data["queue"]] id = 1 while id in ids: id += 1 return id def _getPackageFromID(packager, id): """ returns PyLoadPackage instance and position with given id """ for n, pypack in enumerate(packager.file_list.data["packages"]): if pypack.data["id"] == id: return ("packages", n, pypack) for n, pypack in enumerate(packager.file_list.data["queue"]): if pypack.data["id"] == id: return ("queue", n, pypack) raise NoSuchElementException() def _getFileFromID(packager, id): """ returns PyLoadFile instance and position with given id """ for n, pypack in enumerate(packager.file_list.data["packages"]): for pyfile in pypack.files: if pyfile.id == id: return ("packages", n, pyfile, pypack, pypack.data["id"]) for n, pypack in enumerate(packager.file_list.data["queue"]): for pyfile in pypack.files: if pyfile.id == id: return ("queue", n, pyfile, pypack, pypack.data["id"]) raise NoSuchElementException() def addNewPackage(packager, package_name=None): pypack = PyLoadPackage() pypack.data["id"] = packager._getFreeID() if package_name is not None: pypack.data["package_name"] = package_name packager.file_list.data["packages"].append(pypack) packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(InsertEvent("pack", pypack.data["id"], -2, "packages")) return pypack.data["id"] def removePackage(packager, id): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) for pyfile in pypack.files: pyfile.plugin.req.abort = True sleep(0.1) del packager.file_list.data[key][n] packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("pack", id, key)) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def removeFile(packager, id): """ removes PyLoadFile instance with the given id from package """ packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pyfile, pypack, pid = packager._getFileFromID(id) pyfile.plugin.req.abort = True sleep(0.1) packager.removeFileFromPackage(id, pid) if not pypack.files: packager.removePackage(pid) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def pushPackage2Queue(packager, id): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) if key == "packages": del packager.file_list.data["packages"][n] packager.file_list.data["queue"].append(pypack) packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("pack", id, "packages")) packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(InsertEvent("pack", id, -2, "queue")) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def pullOutPackage(packager, id): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) if key == "queue": del packager.file_list.data["queue"][n] packager.file_list.data["packages"].append(pypack) packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("pack", id, "queue")) packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(InsertEvent("pack", id, -2, "packages")) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def setPackageData(packager, id, package_name=None, folder=None): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) if package_name is not None: pypack.data["package_name"] = package_name if folder is not None: pypack.data["folder"] = folder packager.file_list.data[key][n] = pypack packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("pack", id, key)) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def getPackageData(packager, id): key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) return pypack.data def getPackageFiles(packager, id): key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) ids = map(attrgetter("id"), pypack.files) return ids def addFileToPackage(packager, id, pyfile): key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) pyfile.package = pypack pypack.files.append(pyfile) packager.file_list.data[key][n] = pypack packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(InsertEvent("file", pyfile.id, -2, key)) def resetFileStatus(packager, fileid): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pyfile, pypack, pid = packager._getFileFromID(fileid) pyfile.init() pyfile.status.type = None packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", fileid, key)) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def abortFile(packager, fileid): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pyfile, pypack, pid = packager._getFileFromID(fileid) pyfile.plugin.req.abort = True packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", fileid, key)) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def removeFileFromPackage(packager, id, pid): key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(pid) for k, pyfile in enumerate(pypack.files): if id == pyfile.id: del pypack.files[k] packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("file", pyfile.id, key)) if not pypack.files: packager.removePackage(pid) return True raise NoSuchElementException() class PyLoadPackage(): def __init__(self): self.files = [] self.data = { "id": None, "package_name": "new_package", "folder": "" } class PyLoadFile(): def __init__(self, url, file_list): self.id = None self.url = url self.folder = "" self.file_list = file_list self.core = file_list.core self.package = None self.filename = "n/a" self.init() def init(self): self.active = False pluginName = self._get_my_plugin() if pluginName: for dir in ["hoster", "decrypter", "container"]: try: self.modul = __import__("%s.%s" % (dir, pluginName), globals(), locals(), [pluginName], -1) except ImportError: pass pluginClass = getattr(self.modul, pluginName) else: self.modul = module.Plugin pluginClass = module.Plugin.Plugin self.plugin = pluginClass(self) self.status = Status(self) self.status.filename = self.url def _get_my_plugin(self): for plugin, plugin_pattern in self.core.plugins_avaible.items(): if re.match(plugin_pattern, self.url) != None: return plugin def init_download(self): if self.core.config['proxy']['activated']: self.plugin.req.add_proxy(self.core.config['proxy']['protocol'], self.core.config['proxy']['adress']) class PyLoadFileData(): def __init__(self): self.id = None self.url = None self.folder = None self.pack_id = None self.filename = None self.status_type = None self.status_url = None def set(self, pyfile): self.id = pyfile.id self.url = pyfile.url self.folder = pyfile.folder self.parsePackage(pyfile.package) self.filename = pyfile.filename self.status_type = pyfile.status.type self.status_url = pyfile.status.url self.status_filename = pyfile.status.filename self.status_error = pyfile.status.error return self def get(self, pyfile): pyfile.id = self.id pyfile.url = self.url pyfile.folder = self.folder pyfile.filename = self.filename pyfile.status.type = self.status_type pyfile.status.url = self.status_url pyfile.status.filename = self.status_filename pyfile.status.error = self.status_error def parsePackage(self, pack): if pack: self.pack_id = pack.data["id"] class PyLoadPackageData(): def __init__(self): self.data = None self.files = [] def set(self, pypack): self.data = pypack.data self.files = [PyLoadFileData().set(x) for x in pypack.files] return self def get(self, pypack, fl): pypack.data = self.data for fdata in self.files: pyfile = PyLoadFile(fdata.url, fl) fdata.get(pyfile) pyfile.package = pypack pypack.files.append(pyfile)