#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: mkaay @author: RaNaN @version: v0.3.1 @list-version: v4 """ LIST_VERSION = 4 from operator import attrgetter from operator import concat from os.path import join import re from threading import RLock from time import sleep import cPickle from download_thread import Status import module.Plugin from module.PullEvents import InsertEvent from module.PullEvents import RemoveEvent from module.PullEvents import UpdateEvent class NoSuchElementException(Exception): pass class File_List(object): def __init__(self, core): self.core = core self.lock = RLock() self.download_folder = self.core.config['general']['download_folder'] self.collector = self.pyLoadCollector(self) self.packager = self.pyLoadPackager(self) self.data = { "version": LIST_VERSION, "queue": [], "packages": [], "collector": [] } self.load() def load(self): self.lock.acquire() try: pkl_file = open(join(self.core.path, 'module', 'links.pkl'), 'rb') obj = cPickle.load(pkl_file) except: obj = False if obj != False and obj['version'] == LIST_VERSION: packages = [] queue = [] collector = [] for n, pd in enumerate(obj["packages"]): p = PyLoadPackage() pd.get(p, self) packages.append(p) for pd in obj["queue"]: p = PyLoadPackage() pd.get(p, self) queue.append(p) for fd in obj["collector"]: f = PyLoadFile("", self) fd.get(f) collector.append(f) obj["packages"] = packages obj["queue"] = queue obj["collector"] = collector self.data = obj self.lock.release() if len(self.data["collector"]) > 0: self.core.logger.info(_("Found %s links in linkcollector") % len(self.data["collector"])) if len(self.data["packages"]) > 0: self.core.logger.info(_("Found %s unqueued packages") % len(self.data["packages"])) if len(self.data["queue"]) > 0: self.core.logger.info(_("Added %s packages to queue") % len(self.data["queue"])) def save(self): self.lock.acquire() pdata = { "version": LIST_VERSION, "queue": [], "packages": [], "collector": [] } pdata["packages"] = [PyLoadPackageData().set(x) for x in self.data["packages"]] pdata["queue"] = [PyLoadPackageData().set(x) for x in self.data["queue"]] pdata["collector"] = [PyLoadFileData().set(x) for x in self.data["collector"]] output = open(join(self.core.path, 'module', 'links.pkl'), 'wb') cPickle.dump(pdata, output, -1) self.lock.release() def queueEmpty(self): return (self.data["queue"] == []) def getDownloadList(self, occ): """ for thread_list only, returns all elements that are suitable for downloadthread """ files = [] files += [[x for x in p.files if x.status.type == None and x.plugin.props['type'] == "container" and not x.active] for p in self.data["queue"] + self.data["packages"]] files += [[x for x in p.files if (x.status.type == None or x.status.type == "reconnected") and not x.active and not x.modul.__name__ in occ] for p in self.data["queue"]] return reduce(concat, files, []) def getAllFiles(self): return map(attrgetter("files"), self.data["queue"] + self.data["packages"]) def countDownloads(self): """ simply return len of all files in all packages(which have no type) in queue and collector""" return len(reduce(concat, [[x for x in p.files if x.status.type == None] for p in self.data["queue"] + self.data["packages"]], [])) def getFileInfo(self, id): try: n, pyfile = self.collector._getFileFromID(id) except NoSuchElementException: key, n, pyfile, pypack, pid = self.packager._getFileFromID(id) info = {} info["id"] = pyfile.id info["url"] = pyfile.url info["folder"] = pyfile.folder info["filename"] = pyfile.status.filename info["status_type"] = pyfile.status.type info["status_url"] = pyfile.status.url info["status_filename"] = pyfile.status.filename info["status_error"] = pyfile.status.error info["size"] = pyfile.status.size() info["active"] = pyfile.active info["plugin"] = pyfile.plugin.props['name'] try: info["package"] = pypack.data["id"] except: pass return info def continueAborted(self): [[self.packager.resetFileStatus(x.id) for x in p.files if x.status.type == "aborted"] for p in self.data["queue"]] class pyLoadCollector(): def __init__(collector, file_list): collector.file_list = file_list def _getFileFromID(collector, id): """ returns PyLoadFile instance and position in collector with given id """ for n, pyfile in enumerate(collector.file_list.data["collector"]): if pyfile.id == id: return (n, pyfile) raise NoSuchElementException() def _getFreeID(collector): """ returns a free id """ ids = [] for pypack in (collector.file_list.data["packages"] + collector.file_list.data["queue"]): for pyf in pypack.files: ids.append(pyf.id) ids += map(attrgetter("id"), collector.file_list.data["collector"]) id = 1 while id in ids: id += 1 return id def getFile(collector, id): """ returns PyLoadFile instance from given id """ return collector._getFileFromID(id)[1] def popFile(collector, id): """ returns PyLoadFile instance given id and remove it from the collector """ collector.file_list.lock.acquire() try: n, pyfile = collector._getFileFromID(id) del collector.file_list.data["collector"][n] collector.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("file", id, "collector")) except Exception, e: raise Exception, e else: return pyfile finally: collector.file_list.lock.release() def addLink(collector, url): """ appends a new PyLoadFile instance to the end of the collector """ pyfile = PyLoadFile(url, collector.file_list) pyfile.id = collector._getFreeID() pyfile.folder = collector.file_list.download_folder collector.file_list.lock.acquire() collector.file_list.data["collector"].append(pyfile) collector.file_list.lock.release() collector.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(InsertEvent("file", pyfile.id, -2, "collector")) return pyfile.id def removeFile(collector, id): """ removes PyLoadFile instance with the given id from collector """ collector.popFile(id) collector.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("file", id, "collector")) def replaceFile(collector, newpyfile): """ replaces PyLoadFile instance with the given PyLoadFile instance at the given id """ collector.file_list.lock.acquire() try: n, pyfile = collector._getFileFromID(newpyfile.id) collector.file_list.data["collector"][n] = newpyfile collector.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", newpyfile.id, "collector")) finally: collector.file_list.lock.release() class pyLoadPackager(): def __init__(packager, file_list): packager.file_list = file_list def _getFreeID(packager): """ returns a free id """ ids = [pypack.data["id"] for pypack in packager.file_list.data["packages"] + packager.file_list.data["queue"]] id = 1 while id in ids: id += 1 return id def _getPackageFromID(packager, id): """ returns PyLoadPackage instance and position with given id """ for n, pypack in enumerate(packager.file_list.data["packages"]): if pypack.data["id"] == id: return ("packages", n, pypack) for n, pypack in enumerate(packager.file_list.data["queue"]): if pypack.data["id"] == id: return ("queue", n, pypack) raise NoSuchElementException() def _getFileFromID(packager, id): """ returns PyLoadFile instance and position with given id """ for n, pypack in enumerate(packager.file_list.data["packages"]): for pyfile in pypack.files: if pyfile.id == id: return ("packages", n, pyfile, pypack, pypack.data["id"]) for n, pypack in enumerate(packager.file_list.data["queue"]): for pyfile in pypack.files: if pyfile.id == id: return ("queue", n, pyfile, pypack, pypack.data["id"]) raise NoSuchElementException() def addNewPackage(packager, package_name=None): pypack = PyLoadPackage() pypack.data["id"] = packager._getFreeID() if package_name is not None: pypack.data["package_name"] = package_name packager.file_list.data["packages"].append(pypack) packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(InsertEvent("pack", pypack.data["id"], -2, "packages")) return pypack.data["id"] def removePackage(packager, id): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) for pyfile in pypack.files: pyfile.plugin.req.abort = True sleep(0.1) del packager.file_list.data[key][n] packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("pack", id, key)) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def removeFile(packager, id): """ removes PyLoadFile instance with the given id from package """ packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pyfile, pypack, pid = packager._getFileFromID(id) pyfile.plugin.req.abort = True sleep(0.1) packager.removeFileFromPackage(id, pid) if not pypack.files: packager.removePackage(pid) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def pushPackage2Queue(packager, id): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) if key == "packages": del packager.file_list.data["packages"][n] packager.file_list.data["queue"].append(pypack) packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("pack", id, "packages")) packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(InsertEvent("pack", id, -2, "queue")) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def pullOutPackage(packager, id): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) if key == "queue": del packager.file_list.data["queue"][n] packager.file_list.data["packages"].append(pypack) packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("pack", id, "queue")) packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(InsertEvent("pack", id, -2, "packages")) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def setPackageData(packager, id, package_name=None, folder=None): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) if package_name is not None: pypack.data["package_name"] = package_name if folder is not None: pypack.data["folder"] = folder packager.file_list.data[key][n] = pypack packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("pack", id, key)) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def getPackageData(packager, id): key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) return pypack.data def getPackageFiles(packager, id): key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) ids = map(attrgetter("id"), pypack.files) return ids def addFileToPackage(packager, id, pyfile): key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(id) pyfile.package = pypack pypack.files.append(pyfile) packager.file_list.data[key][n] = pypack packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(InsertEvent("file", pyfile.id, -2, key)) def resetFileStatus(packager, fileid): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pyfile, pypack, pid = packager._getFileFromID(fileid) pyfile.init() pyfile.status.type = None packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", fileid, key)) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def abortFile(packager, fileid): packager.file_list.lock.acquire() try: key, n, pyfile, pypack, pid = packager._getFileFromID(fileid) pyfile.plugin.req.abort = True packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", fileid, key)) finally: packager.file_list.lock.release() def removeFileFromPackage(packager, id, pid): key, n, pypack = packager._getPackageFromID(pid) for k, pyfile in enumerate(pypack.files): if id == pyfile.id: del pypack.files[k] packager.file_list.core.pullManager.addEvent(RemoveEvent("file", pyfile.id, key)) if not pypack.files: packager.removePackage(pid) return True raise NoSuchElementException() class PyLoadPackage(): def __init__(self): self.files = [] self.data = { "id": None, "package_name": "new_package", "folder": "" } class PyLoadFile(): def __init__(self, url, file_list): self.id = None self.url = url self.folder = "" self.file_list = file_list self.core = file_list.core self.package = None self.filename = "n/a" self.init() def init(self): self.active = False pluginName = self._get_my_plugin() if pluginName: for dir in ["hoster", "decrypter", "container"]: try: self.modul = __import__("%s.%s" % (dir, pluginName), globals(), locals(), [pluginName], -1) except ImportError: pass pluginClass = getattr(self.modul, pluginName) else: self.modul = module.Plugin pluginClass = module.Plugin.Plugin self.plugin = pluginClass(self) self.status = Status(self) self.status.filename = self.url def _get_my_plugin(self): for plugin, plugin_pattern in self.core.plugins_avaible.items(): if re.match(plugin_pattern, self.url) != None: return plugin def init_download(self): if self.core.config['proxy']['activated']: self.plugin.req.add_proxy(self.core.config['proxy']['protocol'], self.core.config['proxy']['adress']) class PyLoadFileData(): def __init__(self): self.id = None self.url = None self.folder = None self.pack_id = None self.filename = None self.status_type = None self.status_url = None def set(self, pyfile): self.id = pyfile.id self.url = pyfile.url self.folder = pyfile.folder self.parsePackage(pyfile.package) self.filename = pyfile.filename self.status_type = pyfile.status.type self.status_url = pyfile.status.url self.status_filename = pyfile.status.filename self.status_error = pyfile.status.error return self def get(self, pyfile): pyfile.id = self.id pyfile.url = self.url pyfile.folder = self.folder pyfile.filename = self.filename pyfile.status.type = self.status_type pyfile.status.url = self.status_url pyfile.status.filename = self.status_filename pyfile.status.error = self.status_error def parsePackage(self, pack): if pack: self.pack_id = pack.data["id"] class PyLoadPackageData(): def __init__(self): self.data = None self.files = [] def set(self, pypack): self.data = pypack.data self.files = [PyLoadFileData().set(x) for x in pypack.files] return self def get(self, pypack, fl): pypack.data = self.data for fdata in self.files: pyfile = PyLoadFile(fdata.url, fl) fdata.get(pyfile) pyfile.package = pypack pypack.files.append(pyfile)