#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### # Copyright(c) 2008-2012 pyLoad Team # http://www.pyload.org # # This file is part of pyLoad. # pyLoad is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Subjected to the terms and conditions in LICENSE # # @author: RaNaN, mkaay ############################################################################### from threading import Thread, Event from shutil import move from Queue import Queue from traceback import print_exc from module.utils.fs import chmod, exists, remove try: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 except: import sqlite3 DB = None DB_VERSION = 6 def set_DB(db): global DB DB = db def queue(f): @staticmethod def x(*args, **kwargs): if DB: return DB.queue(f, *args, **kwargs) return x def async(f): @staticmethod def x(*args, **kwargs): if DB: return DB.async(f, *args, **kwargs) return x def inner(f): @staticmethod def x(*args, **kwargs): if DB: return f(DB, *args, **kwargs) return x class DatabaseMethods: # stubs for autocompletion core = None manager = None conn = None c = None @classmethod def register(cls): DatabaseBackend.registerSub(cls) class DatabaseJob(): def __init__(self, f, *args, **kwargs): self.done = Event() self.f = f self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.result = None self.exception = False # import inspect # self.frame = inspect.currentframe() def __repr__(self): from os.path import basename frame = self.frame.f_back output = "" for i in range(5): output += "\t%s:%s, %s\n" % (basename(frame.f_code.co_filename), frame.f_lineno, frame.f_code.co_name) frame = frame.f_back del frame del self.frame return "DataBase Job %s:%s\n%sResult: %s" % (self.f.__name__, self.args[1:], output, self.result) def processJob(self): try: self.result = self.f(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except Exception, e: print_exc() try: print "Database Error @", self.f.__name__, self.args[1:], self.kwargs, e except: pass self.exception = e finally: self.done.set() def wait(self): self.done.wait() class DatabaseBackend(Thread): subs = [] DB_FILE = "pyload.db" VERSION_FILE = "db.version" def __init__(self, core): Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.core = core self.manager = None # set later self.running = Event() self.jobs = Queue() set_DB(self) def setup(self): """ *MUST* be called before db can be used !""" self.start() self.running.wait() def init(self): """main loop, which executes commands""" version = self._checkVersion() self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.DB_FILE) chmod(self.DB_FILE, 0600) self.c = self.conn.cursor() if version is not None and version < DB_VERSION: success = self._convertDB(version) # delete database if not success: self.c.close() self.conn.close() try: self.manager.core.log.warning(_("Database was deleted due to incompatible version.")) except: print "Database was deleted due to incompatible version." remove(self.VERSION_FILE) move(self.DB_FILE, self.DB_FILE + ".backup") f = open(self.VERSION_FILE, "wb") f.write(str(DB_VERSION)) f.close() self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.DB_FILE) chmod(self.DB_FILE, 0600) self.c = self.conn.cursor() self._createTables() self.conn.commit() def run(self): try: self.init() finally: self.running.set() while True: j = self.jobs.get() if j == "quit": self.c.close() self.conn.commit() self.conn.close() self.closing.set() break j.processJob() def shutdown(self): self.running.clear() self.closing = Event() self.jobs.put("quit") self.closing.wait(1) def _checkVersion(self): """ get db version""" if not exists(self.VERSION_FILE): f = open(self.VERSION_FILE, "wb") f.write(str(DB_VERSION)) f.close() return f = open(self.VERSION_FILE, "rb") v = int(f.read().strip()) f.close() return v def _convertDB(self, v): try: return getattr(self, "_convertV%i" % v)() except: return False #--convert scripts start def _convertV6(self): return False #--convert scripts end def _createTables(self): """create tables for database""" self.c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "packages" (' '"pid" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ' '"name" TEXT NOT NULL, ' '"folder" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"site" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"comment" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"password" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"added" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,' # set by trigger '"status" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,' '"tags" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL,' '"shared" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,' '"packageorder" INTEGER DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL,' #incremented by trigger '"root" INTEGER DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, ' '"owner" INTEGER NOT NULL, ' 'FOREIGN KEY(owner) REFERENCES users(uid), ' 'CHECK (root != pid)' ')' ) self.c.execute( 'CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS "insert_package" AFTER INSERT ON "packages"' 'BEGIN ' 'UPDATE packages SET added = strftime("%s", "now"), ' 'packageorder = (SELECT max(p.packageorder) + 1 FROM packages p WHERE p.root=new.root) ' 'WHERE rowid = new.rowid;' 'END' ) self.c.execute( 'CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS "delete_package" AFTER DELETE ON "packages"' 'BEGIN ' 'DELETE FROM files WHERE package = old.pid;' 'UPDATE packages SET packageorder=packageorder-1 WHERE packageorder > old.packageorder AND root=old.pid;' 'END' ) self.c.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "package_index" ON packages(root, owner)') self.c.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "package_owner" ON packages(owner)') self.c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "files" (' '"fid" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ' '"name" TEXT NOT NULL, ' '"size" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ' '"status" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ' '"media" INTEGER DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,' '"added" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,' '"fileorder" INTEGER DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, ' '"url" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"plugin" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"hash" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"dlstatus" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ' '"error" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"package" INTEGER NOT NULL, ' '"owner" INTEGER NOT NULL, ' 'FOREIGN KEY(owner) REFERENCES users(uid), ' 'FOREIGN KEY(package) REFERENCES packages(id)' ')' ) self.c.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "file_index" ON files(package, owner)') self.c.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "file_owner" ON files(owner)') self.c.execute( 'CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS "insert_file" AFTER INSERT ON "files"' 'BEGIN ' 'UPDATE files SET added = strftime("%s", "now"), ' 'fileorder = (SELECT max(f.fileorder) + 1 FROM files f WHERE f.package=new.package) ' 'WHERE rowid = new.rowid;' 'END' ) self.c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "collector" (' '"owner" INTEGER NOT NULL, ' '"data" TEXT NOT NULL, ' 'FOREIGN KEY(owner) REFERENCES users(uid), ' 'PRIMARY KEY(owner) ON CONFLICT REPLACE' ') ' ) self.c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "storage" (' '"identifier" TEXT NOT NULL, ' '"key" TEXT NOT NULL, ' '"value" TEXT DEFAULT "", ' 'PRIMARY KEY (identifier, key) ON CONFLICT REPLACE' ')' ) self.c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "users" (' '"uid" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ' '"name" TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, ' '"email" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"password" TEXT NOT NULL, ' '"role" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ' '"permission" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ' '"folder" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"traffic" INTEGER DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, ' '"dllimit" INTEGER DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, ' '"dlquota" TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, ' '"hddquota" INTEGER DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, ' '"template" TEXT DEFAULT "default" NOT NULL, ' '"user" INTEGER DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, ' # set by trigger to self 'FOREIGN KEY(user) REFERENCES users(uid)' ')' ) self.c.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "username_index" ON users(name)') self.c.execute( 'CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS "insert_user" AFTER INSERT ON "users"' 'BEGIN ' 'UPDATE users SET user = new.uid, folder=new.name ' 'WHERE rowid = new.rowid;' 'END' ) self.c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "settings" (' '"plugin" TEXT NOT NULL, ' '"user" INTEGER DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, ' '"config" TEXT NOT NULL, ' 'FOREIGN KEY(user) REFERENCES users(uid), ' 'PRIMARY KEY (plugin, user) ON CONFLICT REPLACE' ')' ) self.c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "accounts" (' '"plugin" TEXT NOT NULL, ' '"loginname" TEXT NOT NULL, ' '"owner" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, ' '"activated" INTEGER DEFAULT 1, ' '"password" TEXT DEFAULT "", ' '"shared" INTEGER DEFAULT 0, ' '"options" TEXT DEFAULT "", ' 'FOREIGN KEY(owner) REFERENCES users(uid), ' 'PRIMARY KEY (plugin, loginname, owner) ON CONFLICT REPLACE' ')' ) self.c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "stats" (' '"user" INTEGER NOT NULL, ' '"plugin" TEXT NOT NULL, ' '"time" INTEGER NOT NULL, ' '"premium" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ' '"amount" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ' 'FOREIGN KEY(user) REFERENCES users(uid), ' 'PRIMARY KEY(user, plugin, time)' ')' ) self.c.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "stats_time" ON stats(time)') #try to lower ids self.c.execute('SELECT max(fid) FROM files') fid = self.c.fetchone()[0] fid = int(fid) if fid else 0 self.c.execute('UPDATE SQLITE_SEQUENCE SET seq=? WHERE name=?', (fid, "files")) self.c.execute('SELECT max(pid) FROM packages') pid = self.c.fetchone()[0] pid = int(pid) if pid else 0 self.c.execute('UPDATE SQLITE_SEQUENCE SET seq=? WHERE name=?', (pid, "packages")) self.c.execute('VACUUM') def createCursor(self): return self.conn.cursor() @async def commit(self): self.conn.commit() @queue def syncSave(self): self.conn.commit() @async def rollback(self): self.conn.rollback() def async(self, f, *args, **kwargs): args = (self, ) + args job = DatabaseJob(f, *args, **kwargs) self.jobs.put(job) def queue(self, f, *args, **kwargs): args = (self, ) + args job = DatabaseJob(f, *args, **kwargs) self.jobs.put(job) # only wait when db is running if self.running.isSet(): job.wait() return job.result @classmethod def registerSub(cls, klass): cls.subs.append(klass) @classmethod def unregisterSub(cls, klass): cls.subs.remove(klass) def __getattr__(self, attr): for sub in DatabaseBackend.subs: if hasattr(sub, attr): return getattr(sub, attr) raise AttributeError(attr) if __name__ == "__main__": db = DatabaseBackend() db.setup() class Test(): @queue def insert(db): c = db.createCursor() for i in range(1000): c.execute("INSERT INTO storage (identifier, key, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", ("foo", i, "bar")) @async def insert2(db): c = db.createCursor() for i in range(1000 * 1000): c.execute("INSERT INTO storage (identifier, key, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", ("foo", i, "bar")) @queue def select(db): c = db.createCursor() for i in range(10): res = c.execute("SELECT value FROM storage WHERE identifier=? AND key=?", ("foo", i)) print res.fetchone() @queue def error(db): c = db.createCursor() print "a" c.execute("SELECT myerror FROM storage WHERE identifier=? AND key=?", ("foo", i)) print "e" db.registerSub(Test) from time import time start = time() for i in range(100): db.insert() end = time() print end - start start = time() db.insert2() end = time() print end - start db.error()