version: 1 remote - "Remote": int port : "Port" = 7227 ip listenaddr : "Adress" = bool nolocalauth : "No authentication on local connections" = True ssl - "SSL": bool activated : "Activated"= False file cert : "SSL Certificate" = ssl.crt file key : "SSL Key" = ssl.key webinterface - "Webinterface": bool activated : "Activated" = True builtin;threaded;fastcgi server : "Server" = builtin bool https : "Use HTTPS" = False ip host : "IP" = int port : "Port" = 8001 str template : "Template" = default log - "Log": bool file_log : "File Log" = True folder log_folder : "Folder" = Logs int log_count : "Count" = 5 general - "General": en;de;it;pl;es;cs;fr language : "Language" = en folder download_folder : "Download Folder" = Downloads bool debug_mode : "Debug Mode" = False bool checksum : "Use Checksum" = False int min_free_space : "Min Free Space (MB)" = 200 bool folder_per_package : "Create folder for each package" = True bool skip_existing : "Skip already existing files" = False int renice : "CPU Priority" = 0 download - "Download": int chunks : "Max connections for one download" = 3 int max_downloads : "Max Parallel Downloads" = 3 int max_speed : "Max Download Speed in kb/s" = -1 bool limit_speed : "Limit Download Speed" = False bool proxy : "Use Proxy" = False str interface : "Download interface to bind (ip or Name)" = None permission - "Permissions": bool change_user : "Change user of running process" = False str user : "Username" = user str folder : "Folder Permission mode" = 0755 bool change_file : "Change file mode of downloads" = False str file : "Filemode for Downloads" = 0644 bool change_group : "Change group of running process" = False str group : "Groupname" = users bool change_dl : "Change Group and User of Downloads" = False reconnect - "Reconnect": bool activated : "Use Reconnect" = False str method : "Method" = None time startTime : "Start" = 0:00 time endTime : "End" = 0:00 downloadTime - "Download Time": time start : "Start" = 0:00 time end : "End" = 0:00 proxy - "Proxy": str address : "Address" = "localhost" int port : "Port" = 7070 http;socks4;socks5 type : "Protocol" = http str username : "Username" = None password password : "Password" = None